Look at the history of crypto winters. If you think we are mooning anytime soon then you might need to check your head. Stock market will be entering a year long bear cycle dragging crypto along with it. There will be a short relief rally like there was long ago people will get excited when it starts going up and will FOMO in just to be caught in a bear trap. Nothing looks good on the macro economic scale. Record inflation, record energy prices, rising crime, COVID waiting in the wings, rising interest rates, real estate bubble about to burst. We still have some down side. I am not selling a lot at this point because the downside I feel is fairly small compared to upside but it will take awhile to start moving up. I feel like we are going to go down more and just sideways move for about a year or so before we start moving up. Most likely 2 years. Sucks but it is what it is.
