Possible Idea for Short and Long ETH/USDT

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This is another test of an idea using order blocks. Bearish and Bullish Order Blocks are marked. Think Ethereum must correct more before going up too much more or it will be an epic failure. I would never buy Ethereum at this price so why would most other people? For this uptrend to be resumed iit needs to finish the correction. Here is kind of how I see it playing out. I was looking at the locations of the order blocks and this is what I cane up with. Those two lines are very old and seems to be important here. Since the top trend line has been a point of rejection multiple times, it seems to me that its a good place to short to the bullish OB. Those line were there from way earlier when I was finding where another breakdown was going to occur. You should be able to see the origins. So shorting to the Bullish OB makes sense. Then longing there to the next high and use TP using the VP. There is the potential that it could go straight down through the block and continue further,

It could also just got to the order block from where it is now, if so missed trade not a big deal. Again, this is just an idea/experiment part of a series of tests I am working on for a new strategy and possible indicator.

I am using many other thing besides this to design this trade idea. I use a MM Matrix, Live Order Book data, Liquidation Levels, Volume Analysis, Foot print charts and a different charting software. I have done my best to get the data here and make it work on time based charts but I work more with range charts I am not trading this just seeing how it plays out. I have a fair amount of confidence it will be close to how it goes. One or both trades should work out. I would have larger stop losses myself but these make sense if my idea is remotely correct.

-NFA, Not live trade I am doing, experimental trade but think concept is sound. Lets see. If you haven't noticed I am in search of something different. I hate following so I always look for different things or opportunities. Some work, many don't. I still trade my regular trades but am just posting these for feedback and heck maybe someone sees something they like and it makes them good profits. I certainly hope it helps someone.
Pesanan dibatalkan
Absorption showing bullish . Order Book is looking bullish. Killed Trade. Probably could invert the trade for a good gain. Both sides.. Liquidation levels now support that idea as well.
kicking myself, I let someone else talk me out of this trade. They still may be right but it certainly seems to react to those lines. Well not exactly traditional trendlines the are channel makers for a previous trend. I usually keep old ones so I can extend them later. They just are usually broken lines or made so opaque they aren't viewable. I might actually enter this trade if price continues to breakdown because the bearish OB below should send it to the next block. For now I would still be considering a long position on top of that trend line. Will open short if it makes a lower low and holds on a lower time frame. 1hr probably maybe 15 min.
Beyond Technical AnalysisETHUSDTliquidityLONGmarketmakermethodOBorderblockanalysisshortTrend Analysis

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