EURUSD: Update

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After closing in profit two days ago, I detected that the short term trend would top. Clearly I was on the right track. This dip is good to reenter and/or add. I got back in with a half position already, will keep adding gradually today and two more days after until my risk allocation is completed.

I outlined two potential guess/forecasts based on dynamics of multiple timeframes and key levels of support and resistance. You could now place a stop at 1.06024 for these new trades and old ones if still in.

Good luck,

Ivan Labrie.
Closed half here.

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syot kilat
Dagangan ditutup secara manual
I'm out for now, if we move solidly above the US election low solidly, I will reenter, then we can hit 1.11, but not safe now. Last: 1.08519
Total profit: 3.63%, risked 1% originally...not bad.
syot kilat

I bought back in breaking yesterday's high. Next step: 1.11+-
We can buy on Monday, ideally on dips, otherwise on close.
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