Good apocalyptic news N°20

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> Another day trader bites the dust: Youtuber & gambler Garage Day Trader "no red month" vanishes without a trace 🤣

They never stop delivering. I am delighted. Another dumb day trader "trade for income like any regular job" with "no red month" sharing his mighty success on youtube gets wiped out.
Some people warned him in his comments, he was told it was "not a matter of if but when". Yup, like every day gambler it was just a matter of time.
The coward felt so much shame he deleted absolutely all his social content - some is still visible because it got archived.
I think he had a few dozen thousand suckerscribers on youtube, and he had a twitter and idk what else too. All gone now. Poof.

I just don't get these people. Simple logic is too hard for them. There is a total of 0 day trader in the world making huge money,
quants that have holding periods of a few hours:
- Take hundreds or thousands of (partly) uncorrelated trades to scale a tiny edge into some decent returns
- Use prime brokers and have minimal costs, which makes a huge difference on those small edges (-0.1 point spread 500 times adds up)
- Also have access to cheap leverage
- Understand special orders, pay for more special treatment, research, and so on

> Nigerians protesting SARS (AFTER the government banned them?), US liberals supporting them probably by mistake 🔥

SARS the repression unit that goes after Nigerian princes got banned by the government.
Alot of Nigerians support the princes because they think they are poor and take from the rich, except the people that do this are not poor...
Anyway interesting that it gets hit. And lots of "liberals" are supporting it but I am not sure if they understand it is SARS the police and not SARS the coronavirus.
Who ever knows with those idiots. The unit was, according to some, corrupt and was scamming the scammers.

Hey breaking news "peaceful protestors" in Nigeria (I wonder what tribe) stormed into a prison to free dindus.
The clown organisation Amnesty International called the protests peaceful but out of nowhere (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA) "at least 10 people were killed".
The police might be corrupt, that I do not know (damn they probably are), but the fact is peaceful protestors threw rocks at them and Amnesty International has frowned and argued that police should have stood still and gently waited to die of stoning.
Instead they used "unnecessary violence against the protesters".

The government has imposed a curfew to stop the #mostlypeacefulprotests “This decision has become necessary because of the very disturbing incidents of vandalism and attacks on private individuals and institutions by hoodlums in the guise of #EndSARS protesters”

Braindead moron Jack Dorsey of Twitter is of course strongly supporting the protestors and I want to be informed immediately when he gets beheaded I will laugh to tears.

As we all watch the world burn, remember how people like me were received when we said lockdown and economic shutdown were idiotic.
"WE hAvE to SAve LIveS"

> France surrenders again: Chechen radical beheads a history teacher. Far left and right get to agree: Deport them all! 🏳️

Yay chechens again. A few months ago Dijon (the town where mustard comes from) was terrorized by a group of 150 Chechens that wanted to fight Algerians.
Even Mélanchon, the pro-diversity communist (literal communist, this is France) that is almost never seen without Miss Obono, his token black from Gabon, is saying he is tired of radical Chechens and wants them all deported. And any islamist that is "tagged" as radical should be immediatly deported.

The pro diversity communist also said the "anti islamophobia group" CCIF should probably be dismantled. Maybe he is being reasonable, maybe it is just the start.
We know how soviets treated minorities (the difference is even Russians were considered a minority) and how the Chinese treat minorities too.
People see them as smart and advance for some reason. DNA analysis has shown the majority of chinese are not even the same race as japanese, koreans and north chinese (and mongols etc), but in the same cluster as Cambodgians Vietnamese and other murderous communists.
Must be a coincidence if they share the same dna and the same practices because "it's all a social construct" ye man just an enormous coincidence.

No one from Europe ever had problems with the japanese & korean genetic cluster, must be a coincidence. Also "white supremacists" are only attracted to Koreans & Japanese outside of whiteland. Must be another coincidence. Advanced countries and everything high HDI & GDP, another coincidence for sure.

Those radicalised brainwashed idiots are exactly the same as Antifa. Young gullible cretins. Same story every time.
The far right is of course as you'd expect calling for deportations, nothing new, and as usual talking about culture & race is taboo...
The "moderate" clowns that get elected bury their heads in the sand like the birds, and it is as efficient as with the birds.

Sorry but when looking at a country cohesion, human index, economy, all of those factors have to be taken into account:
> Age
> Workers/mouths to feed
> Fertility rates
> Socio-economic groups
> Beliefs & culture
> Race, yes RACE!

"Tolerance" warriors should be so happy, we managed - finally - to get all (well most) "whites" to live together! Italians, French, Dutch, Germans, even North Africans.
And it just took a few decades. But they always want more. It's never enough. They push it and it will all explode.

White flag holders in Europe were criticizing the "Putin regime" for "being mean" to Chechens. Ye enjoy them now they're in your countries.
Idiots. Oh and the president of Chechens or whatever he is has "condemned" the beheading but hey "guys you provoked him thought" 😂

Ayyy globalist neo-liberals (the leftists are the ones that were pro colonisation right?) don't dare banning the muslim brotherhood in Europe.

> African nilotic countries entrepreneurs defeat China competition & dumb westerners charity with 1 simple trick! 🚙💸

People in nilotic countries (Uganda Kenya etc) and Ethiopia in the past years have come up with an ingenious way to compete with the chinese and european & north american kind soul charities that keep the African economies down.

Build shoes. With tyres. They can't be disposed of, they can't be recycled... until now.
A woman in Uganda exports them back to the dum dums in Europe and North America that destroy African economies by sending free stuff there, they are loving their tyre shoes "wow so ecologic".
All these morons care about is their little dopamine rush after convincing themselves they did something good (which works since they are too stupid to tell good and bad apart).

A man was laughed at by plebes as he was accumulating free tyres no one wanted (typical). They laughed, and they laughed, and then he got rich and they work for him now. So typical.
You don't get anywhere by being a brainless sheep.

Not sure how the businesses are doing right now with the runny nose lockdowns.

Here is a story about the woman, she received many prizes for being ecologic and for being a woman, whites are all pissing themselves in particular.
Too low IQ to figure out:
- Black = no cold winter = women stay at home less
- White = cold winter = women stay at home or they just freeze to death

A simple root cause that results in a big difference in outcome ESPECIALLY AT THE EXTREMES.
I don't know it's like just acknowledging racial DIFFERENCES - I did not say "superiority" I said DIFFERENCES - is so terrible.
"Ok doctor this person got hit by a truck please keep this person alive!" MD: "WHAT IS HIS BLOOD TYPE? HIS BIOLOGICAL GENDER FAST I NEED TO KNOW"
"I do not know what they identify as" aaaand it's gone (his life).
Who knows, maybe after 5 million people get their head chopped off we will start considering maybe starting thinking about considering paying attention to cultural & racial differences.

> Cryptocurrencies: That's it. China is deploying its crypto. This is good for Bitcoin (lol). John McAfee has 2 months left 🍽️

Good news everyone. McAfee got captured in Spain a few days ago.
Why you may wonder? Well as I said 1000 times crypto currencies are pyramid schemes that are only used by criminals including tax evaders.
And what a surprise, big crypto bull John McPonzi - known for promoting pump and dump altcoins for money - has used crypto to evade taxes.

The Shenzhen SEZ, the first SEZ in China, is now using the chinese digital currency among its population, as a large scale real experiment before complete deployment.

FYI Shenzhen has a GDP/capita PPP of $57,234 which is higher than France Germany & Japan, and obviously far higher than the lousy chinese one at a pathetic $16000.

Shenzen borders Hong Kong at the complete opposite side of the country from Beijing. Maybe one day this giant country will divide like Korea.
Mouth breathing superstitious primitives in the north, and smart advanced civilizations in the south except they don't make babies so they are bound to collapse anyway.

Pro-corporate laws, low taxes, and capitalism just works far better than social programs... Very simple...

Launching a digital currency in an advanced area yes, but can they do it with primitive medieval commies in the rest of the country?
I hope Beijing bans Bitcoin soon. Maybe they will tell everyone they are making a digital currency because they love cryptos and love them all then wait a bit for pro crypto gamblers to come out of hiding then strike them all 😝

> Dumb European bankers: "Hey! Let's drop market neutrality!". I guess Auschwitz will not stay a museum much longer 🤷

ECB Lagarde... "transition towards a greener economic model". That's it. Not much to add.

Perma bears like Peter Schiff were right... Those clowns are never going to reverse course and they will never let it crash.

I really hope Biden & Kamala win and quickly destroy the USA so we can rebuild. The faster it all collapses the faster I can stop being a permabear and we can all start bouncing back.
It's just this disgusting slow decline ffjfehjhjfsde rotting leg that they won't just CUT OFF! Tear that cancer out and foifkijing start rebuilding.
Stupid morons. Don't count on me to shed a tear when we get a new Hitler and they get sent to Auschwitz. Well I might cry a bit but not tears of sorrow 😉

I hope we get fascists rather than communists because with fascists as long as we play by the rules everything will be good.
Thanks to this wonderful thing that happened in the last 50 years called manmade CO2 emissions there will not be any mega starving like they used to be.
So no, I do not think it will be as extreme as the National-Socialists & Bolcheviks.
They're probably going to hard tax corporates and when jobs go away and the gdp goes away like Africa in the 80s, they'll rethink their strategy.
Of course "it will not be as extreme" does not mean there will not be any violence.
7 british muslims tried to run over a gendarme in France (paramilitary police officer in France & some french speaking countries, we have them everywhere I even have a gendarme "camp" close to home they're like the police basically).

Oh ye this happened in front of Israel Embassy, so maybe NOW people start waking up?
Or let me guess, since they missed the poor guy no one cares?
It takes people dying and not even just dying but getting their head cut off for the public and politicians to care?

Doesn't get more emotional than this.
If they tried to kill him and really looks like they did what's the difference with missing and hitting?
It's the same thing in both cases some lunatic(s) try killing someone.

France, Italy, the United Kingdom, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands are all getting some covid deaths, it's picking up again. Sweden is at 0 deaths a day.
Idiots with the predictive abilities of a potato.
They cannot even correctly predict things that happened in the past.

They're going to kill people then when people die they will react with stricter rules and kill even more people and then panic and come up with even dumber rules.

It's always the same story. Wars, immigration, taxes, religion, terrorists, the economy, germany reparations, refugee benefits...
Can't predict shit, make the dumbest decisions that a few people clearly understand are just so bad, ignore logic, try to look nice for votes, but looking for votes is not even an excuse because even when "votes" are not involved they still fuck up. And then once their idiotic decisions inevitably cause destruction they react, of course in the worst possible way. It's getting hilarous to watch 🍿
Incompetent morons.

Easy to criticize? I'd do better than them, idc if I don't look humble.
Easy to not mess up THAT much. What I'd be bad at is diplomacy I'd hurt people feelings.

If you could find a guy like Caesar, Napeleon, Hitler if he didn't do the Holocaust, Alexander, etc... And then keep them running the show, this would be perfect.
A set of neutral experts which job it is find that guy and here we go.
And you keep power centralised, so if the government really is just too bad you know exactly who to smoke, as opposed to a foggy and giant swamp that's impossible to clean up.
CryptocurrencyeconomyfiatFundamental AnalysispermabearriotssocioeconomicsTrend Analysis

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