Up to channel TOP then down to bottom

Telah dikemas kini
Follow the channel that is already established, as Price alone points to the end of the move.

syot kilat
Did you know that LOWS forecast the highs, and HIGHS forecast the LOWS? Go through the history of any chart, and reverse engineer it by drawing similar lines back through price from the highest high to the lows, and look how they all will line up, and how many "hits" you will have along those particular lines.

There IS a methodology for this, with rules. You can spend 30 years figuring this out, ask Jesse Livermore how he did it.

On the Channel Price has been traveling, where do you suppose Price will Top or Bottom next? What is you could ASK the Price itself; what would Price say?

syot kilat
Say there Mr. Price Action, would you mind showing us where you are going next?

syot kilat
Trend Analysis
