Nautilus 2: Nautilus Harder

i read about natilus from this idea and turned my chiggen nugget into a six-piece chiggen nuggets meal:

to be tbh with you, i had the same idea above natilus too but kept it to myself, but now that i see ppls talking about it i wanna shares my cool profit ideas with my home dog(s)

lets think about the future

wen before pandemics hits, i walk by BALLET TOTALS FITNES, and i saw some dudes who were real buffs, and then i saw that they were crying in each others arms with manly tears saying "bro bruh its ok bruh dw bruh its fine bruh" and then ta otha guy he say "bruh but bruh i boutted 1000 monis worth of clen, trens, and debols and some HUMIN GROWS HOREMOAT" and i thoughted to myself, hey, i really want to go to mac donalrs and get a mac flurry and whopper lol

so when i was drink whoopi and eated that mac flurry i had an even better thought, why dont ppls get BOWFLEX because that name is really cool? so i though, ya ya lets long on that company that make it, and at first i put in the wrong company and got rekt, but then i putted it on natilust at a low prices. shazam bitch! sorry i got excited didnt mean to curse here.


WAT IF BROS WERE GETTING SENTIMENTAL BECAUSE GHYM CLOSE? what if nattyless goes down? what it goes up? where it go?

then i think, why just long or short? why not LORT?

so that plans.

nattyless reporters EARNSING soon, ppls boughted it up a lots to almost 6 nuggets, but is it really worths 6 nuggets? how much nuggets are you willin to lose?

LOOK at pro trader only app, robin's hoofy, nattyless sell LONG and SHORT for MONI. let me teach you aboutted thems they are called OPTIONS and that mean that you can has buy the right to selled or boughted a sometin at a certain price if it hitted the STROKE PRICE. BUT time worky agains you so betta be smart cuz u dont own no snonkes yet no dividends neither!

now that u kno about that you can make a nuggets of your own, cuz you know that that pandemics wont lasts 4 eva and eva <3 and eventually ppls will realize dat dere bowflex is a piece of craps and sell it on amazons. ppls sellings they're bowflexes for aboves marked price rn, but when nattyless printy bowflex left and right, those ppls get rekt, and when gym open again, nattyless get rekt

looky looky at price of nattyless before panda happen, was nattyless goes do something innovates? nah it dodtn, it just got good opportunity to print and sell more bowflexes while gym is close, so what could happen coinholio yu idiot tell us what can happen. ok calm down you're bneing hostile, slow your role, casserole!

HAPPEN 1: nattyless report v good earnings, price ROCKET UPS UPS
HAPPEN 2: economy takes a shit (ya this will happens) nattyless get selled down
HAPPEN 3: gym opens and ppl toss their bowflex into an active volcanoes

above happens aint not mutaly exculive thay can all happen but wen is question and wat odor dey happen?


nah, brouth, you LORT

was is LORT? baby dont hurt me, dont hurt me, no more. you need to MAKE A LONGS and a SHORT by taking a calls and a puts OPTIONS!!!! you'res bets that nattyleesss wont stay in the ranges of 2.5 to 7.5 dolla. and this SMART HIGH IQ PRO TRADER MOVE RIGHT HERE because why nattyless stay at 5 dollars it wasnt that 5 dollars before this and wen gymy close it go down and if earnings print it go up!

so take ur 6 nuggets and turn dems into 66 nuggets! LORT now!

Beyond Technical AnalysisLONGlortNLSshort
