Hadapan NASDAQ 100 E-MINI

A pattern to PUT during weak market

I try to research and develop some pattern when the market is weak:

In this case I try 3 patterns below:

var int cnt_out_up = 0

Pattern #1: Big drop

wma_11 = ta.wma(close, 11)
wma11 = request.security(symbol=syminfo.tickerid, timeframe="13", expression=wma_11, lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on)
wma_48 = ta.wma(close, 48)
wma48 = request.security(symbol=syminfo.tickerid, timeframe="13", expression=wma_48, lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on)
rsi = ta.rsi(close, 9)
bigdrop = rsi + 8 < rsi[1] and close > wma48
if bigdrop
cnt_out_up := cnt_out_up + 1

Pattern #2

var int cnt_put = 0
gain1 = math.abs(close-close[1])
gain2 = math.abs(close[1]-close[2])
pattern_put = close[1]>close[2] and close[2]>close[3] and high<=high[1] and close <= close[1] and (gain1-gain2)/gain2 <= -0.5 or ((high-low)-(high-close)) / (high-low) < 0.25 and wma11<wma48
if pattern_put
cnt_put := cnt_put + 1
if pattern_put and cnt_put == 1
cnt_out_up := cnt_out_up + 1

Pattern #3

oc = math.abs(open[1]-close[1])
hl = math.abs(high[1]-low[1])
ochl = (oc-hl)/hl
ll = (low[1]-low[2])/low[2]
is_br = open[2] < close[2] and open[1] < close[1] and close < open and close[2] < close[1] and close[1] > close and ochl < 0.1 and (low[3] < low[2] and low[2] < low[1])

If pattern #1, #2 and #3 occur then I set a PUT trigger.

Try this one and enjoy!
