Potential NZD/USD buy signal

Oleh ab21
Telah dikemas kini
Here's another free signal for y'all
Entry point:0.66433

As you can see a bullish flag pattern has formed on the 4 hourly and has broken the support after the 3rd touch so we will be looking to go long.Also, the uptrend can be confirmed by the twist of the ichimoku kumo cloud which has twisted from bearish to bullish on the 4 hourly.

Taking this trade in my sleep and hoping to see profit when i wake up , wish me luck lol!

I'll keepy you updated when I wake

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Good morning y’all I have just woken up and I am up in profit of £230 profit so far and the trade has moved up 333 pips hope all of you that entered the trade are enjoying the profits this is the power of trading forex being able to make money in your sleep best feeling ever💸😊
I will keep this trade open and update you when I plan on closing but hopefully it reaches the target profit that I have set out . If it hasn’t I will close it before 9:30PM (GMT time) today or maybe earlier as I don’t hold trades over the weekend as this is the last day for trades this week.
Hope everyone that took this trade is eating good atm
Dagangan ditutup secara manual
Closed at 0.67265 if you are in this trade please start looking to close out , I wouldn’t advise You to hold this trade overnight.

In total from this trade I made about £600
In total we caught about 883 pips if you liked this trade idea please follow for more Free weekly signals And like comment would highly appreciate, thanks and see everything next week.
buyChart PatternscloudsfiguresIchimoku CloudTechnical IndicatorsLONGSIXtrendTrend Analysisuptrend
