

Telah dikemas kini
PCBL is about to form a MACD Cross on the weekly charts. If the market favor this move and if it completes its crossover, the stock should easily be able to go all the way at least until its Swing High Levels.
Fundamentally speaking, the company has received a patent from the Indian Patent Office for its invention titled "hybrid carbon black grade comprising Graphene to improve performance of rubber compounds". This could further add as a factor to get this moving in the upward direction.
Dagangan aktif
8% Profits done so far. Also, MACD has made a crossover too.
Trade seems to be going exactly as expected.
Could hit targets sooner than expected.
Keep a close eye.

syot kilat
Dagangan ditutup: sasaran tercapai
Trade Completed. Target Achieved.
Total 24% Profits booked.
Time Taken = 3 weeks.

Congrats to those who made good profits with this Trade.
This is how perfectly Price Action can mint you money when done right.

Trade can still be held on based on your Risk Management as the momentum still looks strong and it is possible that the Stock can go further upward.

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syot kilat
Despite a weak market this week, stock has managed to still go upward and achieve close to 37% Profits from our Entry Zone. Congrats to those who are still holding on to the trade and booking higher profits.

syot kilat
Positive News: Pcbl June-Quarter Consol Net Profit 1.18 Billion Rupees. CONSOL REVENUE FROM OPERATIONS 21.44 BILLION RUPEES
Dagangan ditutup: sasaran tercapai
Total 52% Profits achieved from our Entry Zone. Congrats to those who are still holding on to this trade and booking higher profits.

syot kilat
Dagangan ditutup: sasaran tercapai
Achieved 83% from our Entry Zone. Congrats to those who still held on to this trade and booked even more higher profits.
syot kilat
bullishpatternbuyopportunityFundamental Analysisfundamental-analysismacdcrossoverMoving AveragesTechnical AnalysisTrend Analysis

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