What drives your SPX move to 10,000? The move from 1980 to 2000 was the invention and commercialization of the Internet, the theory being, you now have access to every single consumer with a touch of a button? so what fundamental reason drives SPX to 10,000! In my mind, it will be the space engine. With the ability for businesses to travel/ship from one side of the world to the other side in a matter of hours, a bit like commuting from London to Paris and back in a single day! Imagine your manufacturing plant, warehouse, and support are all based on a single site, and you can ship from NY to Sydney and have the parcel/service available to you the next day! That will change businesses forever and drive new ways of doing business boasting the economy and global trade!

But this won't happen for at least 10-15 years, Space X, Blue Origin, and Virgin Galactic are only just getting started, a bit like the formation of tech companies around the early 1980s.

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