What if these historical proofs are right ?

2002 to 2007 - approx 124% returns

2008 to Feb 2020 - approx 437% returns

Mar 2020 to current - approx 36% returns and counting....

Whenever such data are provided, there will always be a group of traders who come out and argue that they can make much more profits than that. But when pressed to show results, they start to give excuses. Yes, making incredible returns within a short period of time may be part skills part luck but the consistency is likely not there.

On the contrary, you can see from the chart that the bullish moves are much longer than the bearish ones. That means, if you bet on going long and have the patience to hold for long terms, you would benefit, almost a guarantee.

Ok, so I hear you that you had missed this first 2 bull runs. Could you ride on the third wave ? The answer is a resounding yes. But just because it is trending up, it does not mean you decide to bet on your whole fortune on it.

The Covid-19 virus has done some serious damage to many who are working on their retirement plans. If you are made redundant or take a big pay cut, this loss of income at this crucial time is not a small matter. Not only do you have to dip into your savings (if you have) to fund your daily expenses, you also have less funds to set aside for your retirement.

And money requires time to compound.

If you are in your 20s-30s and are still complacent, living on pay checks to pay checks , can't be bothered with investment, thinking this virus will soon be over, think again. With easily 40-50 years ahead of you, putting a small sum of money into this index fund even on a yearly basis than monthly basis would yield you a fantastic returns in due course.

Those who are in their 50s can't rewind the clock and put in the money to invest even if they want to. So, they have to start afresh from now and have a shorter time frame (say 20-30 years) to play catch up. And that is provided they stay healthy , free from any diseases as the latter would wipe out a huge chunk of their savings.

Life is about taking risks, calculated risks. By doing nothing, that is the biggest risks that one can take in life. That is stagnation , much like a pool of muddy waters. Beware of the situation you are in and get out before you sink further .It is never too late to invest .

Chart PatternsTrend Analysis
