I feel that the total crypto marketcap will top out at 3.2 TRILL to 3.8 TRILL, and you can see by the chart that all these events are pretty close together in time. Then if you add in the rate cuts and the American election, that I feel Crypto will be a topic in said election, and it will be a positive one in the end for crypto. all so with; hopfuly congress taking the lead on regulations. The intisapated blood bath, as the balence of power in D.C. on this topic is fairly even in regards to pro and anti crypto.
When I was calculating the chart I was taking all this into account, as well as the angle.
Then all that was needed was taking the events and the timing of the bussiness cycle into account when I was calculating the mean revertion. WA - LA there is what is going to happen, if you look close at the last couple of months you will see I have gotten it so close you can hardly see the line, go ahead and check the one I posted like 2mns ago. this is an up date so fa so right on the money.
