WTI @ Crispy Potato

The forecast for week 2 of May 2022 is a higher probability of Bulls.

This assessment in no way considered financial advice.

The week produced a Bull candle with a solid finish to the week because there is a teeny small tail at the top. During the week, there was a Bear move attempt but it was rejected. The candle did close above the previous week's high, this increases the probability of a Bull candle this week. The volume was still decent but marginally down from the previous week, although the candle body was decent, so easy gains for little trading indicate demand. The OBV has begun to trend upward. The probability is for the Bulls this Week chart.

Onto the Day Chart, the candles Mon and Tues were minimal and dormant, Wed it burst into life sparking a movement, and it broke a weak down-trending resistance line. The Bull candles continued on Thur and Fri with an increase in volume. With that resistance line now broken the Bull will have to challenge the next two horizontal points at 116 and 125. The OBV is trending upward, another piece of pieces of evidence that pretty much gives a clean sweep for a Bull week.
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