i) again with chart above:
k) I added ADP, full moon, and NFP markers
l) that's pretty much it
m) a follower asked me how I missed the 2025 spike...
n) in the blue route from NOTES 17 i thought 2010 would hold...
o) the only way to catch that move is to watch 1-MIN BARS ALL OF THE TIME
p) why?
q) bc it only shows up on that scale as likely
r) and only likely once we hit 2000
s) my work, although possible to use for that, is not meant for that style of trading
t) our plan remains the same:
u) long THURS OR FRIDAY 4/6 OR 4/7
w) exit 4/12 or 4/17. again, depending on risk tolerance
x) as of right now, my scanners expect no more surprises until entry
y) if there are, we will cross that bridge if and when
z) and that's all she wrote