Intro - Saturday I published first draft with "regular M". Before Sunday open, I thought it should be - in the words of the crypto guys who named it originally - "big-dick M". Within 2 hours of Sunday open I knew it was just regular looking M. Monday, price spent too much time going flat at 2336 which made the M into a "bent M" or a "crooked M". The first reaction to Powell speech today broke trend, but before I could finish mapping bulls fought all the way back up completing the pattern into a "fat M".
Details - So the money for this pattern was a 50 pt leg down, which became 40, 30, BUT NOW IS 80 POINT MONSTER LEG DOWN. Why? Because already fat bulls couldn't stop eating and have made this M so fat. Of course, gluttony is one of seven sins that gold gods frown upon. The judgment for he sin of gluttony is smack down from 2375 to 2295 in 30 hours. These fat M's don't grow a lot, so let's nail the top and SHORT IT ALL THE WAY TO 2295.
Private posts - This is the last public post for a while to complete this M. I didn't want to be tease and go private at the top of an 80 point leg down. For those that care, we restart private tomorrow after NY close whether or not this M is complete.