Where the bold red, black, and blue lines are is the critical window we are at. For this route to work, the black line MUST HOLD FOR NEXT 36 HOURS so price can have a shot at a new high before a 115 pt check down. The problem is that we dropped 60 from the high, so with a tight window to work with, it doesn't seem realistic to get a new high. But without a new high, the following check down seems incomplete even at 2593. Long story short:
1) trend maps say the route to 3000 is very much alive
2) but I am not sure what the rule is for Thu-Fri check down
3) in theory, it doesn't have to be a whole 110-120 pts
4) but I could only call that AFTER THE FACT
5) going into the correction, if we do not get a new high...
6) we are supposed to hit 2570
7) even though trend maps say that is highly unlikely
8) so we're going to find out which rules matter more
9) at this time, I can only expect the same high Wed night
10) or first hours of Thursday