So this is the binary at past the blue arc now it has broken. Right now, you're in a 55/45 blue situation. Meaning it can still flip, because while blue should be favored, it can still switch (yesterday for example, even after the 85 retest held).
The only way to get it right is 3 (but sometimes 4, 5 even 6 forecasts per day. But the demand is not there for me to do continue doing it.
For the record, I am still being shadow banned by TradingView. And what for? FOR UPDATING TOO MUCH PER POST to manipulate visibility.
Think about about that for a second. If I try really hard to give FREE QUALITY FORECASTS CONTINUOUSLY in which I have to pay monthly fees to do, then I get banned. I contacted Tg, there's way to fix the group situation. But what for? I already stopped charging for it. The only thing worth trying is YouTube if I can build 4.5 million views per month.
Yeah, are even that many gold traders globally?