5 Feb 2018 pukul 12.04



If the pattern continues on log scale, I am expecting the XVG/USD price to stabilize around 0.25-0.30 end of June 2018 and jump to around 9.00-11.00 within July 2018.
Better hope the news can continue the hype, if it wasn't for the insiders buying in advance of the pre-announcement, XVG would be back down early December levels now.
@barclayjames, thats not true verge bottom was 322 on 18 march and the news of crownfund came on 23 march and verge was already at 400 sats on that day. so ye i know you wanna trash but at least do it with facts.
@vitaminas, yes well timed, insiders knew some time in advance of the news - that's what makes them insiders.
@barclayjames, yap and it was also the same insiders that took price from 2 sats april 2017 to 740 sats 2018, its all about insiders even tho you have no idea what you talking about beside your will to hate on something because you are on invested on it :).
@vitaminas, I don't hate verge I just bought some, you're being emotional.
@barclayjames, am i the one being emotional or you talking about something that you have no idea of? you are a TA guy and you talking about insiders in a coin that is naturally growing. got his all time high in december like the majority of the coins did and his correction like others did but still you come and talk about "insiders" for someone with your reputation and not being able to look at verge chart and see what happen beside that word makes you look like a complete potato.
@vitaminas, We are on totally differently wavelengths, sometimes it's just easier to admit this. You win I lose, goodbye (but of course it doesn't change the nature of reality)
@barclayjames, This is not about being on different wavelenghts this is you accusing verge of having insiders when you have absolute 0 facts or proofs regarding it, its just pure speculation and conspiracy from you while completely disregarding the fundamentals of this coin and chart when verge was clearly growing up tru the entire year of 2017 and again as a trader you should have realised that ever time verge made a spike up and corrected from it never went back to previous low and that is called adoption / natural grow but i guess the entire ups and downs in 2017 were also "insiders" . I guess you should use that same word for each and every coin that you TA about that had a spike and correct from it.
@vitaminas, exactly. f the news. if u are waiting or think news has anything to do with the price - then you will always be the guy getting bags dumped on them. i was optimistically thinking for 1.59ish this summer - 9-10 would be AMAZING