
PRESSR: Dubai Municipality initiates comprehensive pest control strategies following adverse weather conditions in Dubai

Al Karrani:

  • Constant efforts will be made to control the spreading of mosquitoes across Dubai, further enhancing the public health system and ensuring a safe environment.
  • Sterilization campaigns have been focused on 102 water collection sites and over 75,000 water drainage outlets.
  • A total of 511 liters of liquid pesticides and 391 kilograms of eco-friendly solid pesticides have been utilized for pest control purposes.

Dubai, UAE: Dubai Municipality (DM) has intensified its efforts to control pests that endanger public health through comprehensive strategies and programs. These initiatives include spreading of approved chemical, physical, and biological control methods, with a specific focus on curbing the spread of mosquitoes and addressing underlying factors that contribute to their growth.

Adel Al Karrani, Director of the Public Health Services Department in Dubai Municipality, stated that the Municipality’s teams have been tirelessly working around the clock to control the spread of mosquitoes across all residential, commercial, and industrial areas, water bodies, parks, markets, drainage areas, and numerous other locations in Dubai. The objective is to fortify the public health system, ensure proactive community protection and maintain a sanitary environment free from disease-transmitting pests.

Al Karrani said: “Dubai Municipality has successfully carried out extensive disinfection and sterilization operations after the rainstorm during the end of April. Focused on 102 water collection sites and over 75,000 drainage outlets, these campaigns seek to control the breeding of mosquito larvae. Bacterial capsules are being used for larval control, alongside spray and smoke pesticides for adult mosquitoes. Furthermore, mosquito traps have been strategically placed, along with the application of 511 liters of liquid pesticides and 391 kilograms of solid pesticides.”

The Director of the Public Health Services Department emphasized the use of eco-friendly pesticides, which are applied in accordance to carefully designed action plans and control strategies, ensuring comprehensive coverage to control mosquito spreading effectively.

In addition to these methods, the Dubai Municipality has distributed guidelines to Municipality- approved and licensed contracting companies, outlining the necessary procedures for implementing the pest control measures to be carried out. Besides regular field inspection at construction sites, the Municipality has also intensified its efforts to control the spread of insects and mosquitoes by implementing strategic plans in partnership with relevant government entities.

The Municipality also took to social media platforms to spread information about preventive measures, advising people to monitor water leakage from faucets, air conditioners, and refrigerators closely while emphasizing the need to eliminate stagnant water in swimming pools, water-filled plant containers, barrels, among others.

The Municipality constantly monitors real-time demands and capabilities, leveraging dedicated personnel, expertise, and specialized skills. This is to effectively limit the spread of insects and enhance control strategies, further ensuring the health and safety of all individuals.


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Orient Planet Group (OPG)



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