BTC Avarage Volume Indicator 2

Telah dikemas kini
This indicator shows that volume and candle color of "BTC" pairs on one of the top 4 "BTC" exchanges.
You can easily see the volumes and candle color for "BTC" trading.

* Currently, this indicator can be used by selected people in order to complete private beta test.
* Once testing is completed, this indicator can be purchased.
* If you'd like to use this, please "DM" me and I will provide PayPal information.

About Inputs
* Ticker ID can be changed.
* Ticker Label Color can be changed.
* Scale Value Of Sum Of Other Volume can be changed. See the following Important Notice.
* Ticker Label Color can be changed depending on theme color.
* Show/Hide warning(Show=0, Hide=100) can be changed. See the following Important Notice.
* Interval (Timeframe) can be changed depending on timeframe of current chart.

* barmerge is set as barmerge.gaps_off and barmerge.lookahead_off for every calculation.

Important Notice
* Volume of some exchange is over 100x times compared to other volumes. In this case, value of column chars is manipulated since other column chars come to be invisible and warning will be displayed on the right side of last chart.
* Manipulated column charts is calculated as sum of other volumes by scale which can be changed from "Scale Value Of Sum Of Other Volume" on Inputs

Nota Keluaran
  • remove bullish/bearish color
  • add color as main color of each exchange
Nota Keluaran
・Add Japanese to warning for too much volume
binancebitfinexbitflyerbitmexBTCVolume IndicatorVolume

Skrip jemputan sahaja

Akses ke skrip ini adalah terhad kepada pengguna yang diberikan akses oleh penulis dan kebiasaannya memerlukan pembayaran. Anda boleh menambahkannya kepada senarai kegemaran anda, tetapi anda hanya dapat menggunakannya setelah meminta izin dan mendapatkannya dari penulis. Sila hubungi UnknownUnicorn3199992 untuk lebih maklumat atau rujuk arahan penulis seperti di bawah.

TradingView tidak mencadangkan anda membayar untuk skrip dan menggunakannya kecuali anda mempercayai penulisnya 100% dan memahami bagaimana skrip itu berfungsi. Juga, anda boleh mencari alternatif sumber terbuka yang bagus secara percuma dalam Skrip Komuniti kami.

Arahan penulis

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