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[_ParkF]RSI Divergence_overlay

RSI Divergence_overlay

Does not include RSI indicator.

Up Signal = Displayed green dot below the candle

Down Signal = Dispalyed red dot above the candle

* Don't trade just at the signal

RSI 다이버전스

RSI 지표 미포함.

상승 신호 = 초록색 점으로 캔들 아래 표시.

하락 신호 = 빨간색 점으로 캔들 위에 표시.

* 신호만 보고 매매하지 마세요
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Divergence signal symbol change = circle -> triangle
because i'm confused when i use it with my Sqz indicator.
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edit title
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edit divergence swich title
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source code clear
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source code fixed
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