Finger Print Trading System Trend indicator

Use this as a great way to know when to hold them and when to fold them.

check the trend

only trade the ribbon if it is in the same direction as the trend

notice that the ATR is different for each chart.

you can play with the values if you like... try to do it so that the Trend indicator is mimicking the flow of the chart as a whole.

the closer to the bottom the ribbon is, the better the long opportunity when it turns green

the closer to the top the ribbon is, the better the short opportunity is when it turns red

Centered OscillatorsOscillatorsTrend Analysis

Skrip jemputan sahaja

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TradingView tidak mencadangkan anda membayar untuk skrip dan menggunakannya kecuali anda mempercayai penulisnya 100% dan memahami bagaimana skrip itu berfungsi. Juga, anda boleh mencari alternatif sumber terbuka yang bagus secara percuma dalam Skrip Komuniti kami.

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