Fibonacci PP Party LT

Telah dikemas kini
Multi-timeframe fibonacci pivot point analysis with 38.2%, 61.8% and 100% retracement levels.
Select and agglomerate different fib timeframes on your single timeframe chart fren .
The following scopes made available and stackable to your heart's desire (toggle on or off timeframes within settings):
  • 1 Month
  • 3 Week
  • 2 Week
  • 1 Week
  • 5 Day
  • 4 Day
  • 3 Day
  • 2 Day
  • 1 Day

Go ahead, hit up that 1m & keep major support and resistance levels in plain view.
Rid your self of narrow scope , ya dope.

Warning: slow performance due to enormous heaps of timeframes hitting the dome.
Let me know where the errors are.

Make Money
Ya dummy
Nota Keluaran
Dynamic range limits
More settings
fibonaccipivotpointspivotPivot PointsSupport and Resistance

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Arahan penulis

hmu in the secret biz chat and ill add u

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