💦Gunbot Watermarking Tool by Cryptorhythms

💦GunbotGroup Watermarking Tool by Cryptorhythms

👋Heirophant and the Cryptorhythms Team here with a script that is sorely needed....

💭I got to thinking about how so many scammers on telegram and other media reuse other peoples charts and analysis (sometimes selling them). I find the whole scheme repugnant. Consequently I wanted to help legitimate groups keep their intellectual property ownership and brand integrity.

👮This is for Chartists and Signals Groups both Public and Private. It helps to prevent copiers from stealing/reposting charts & signals. It watermarks the chart with an ascii art drawing.

There will be many groups to get one of these! Please dont ask for access as this is for their admins only.

But dont despair - there will be a public library watermarking script with a ton of funny trading memes in it for you to mess around with (estimated release in a week or so - just adding more watermarks).

💬 If your group is interested in a custom watermark, contact me and let me know! (They are free!)

🖖Happy Trading!
asciiartCentered OscillatorscopyrightcryptorthyhmsgraphicslogotoolkittoolsTrend AnalysisVolatilitywatermark

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