Financial Astrology Indexes ML Daily Trend

Daily trend indicator based on financial astrology cycles detected with advanced machine learning techniques for some of the most important market indexes: DJI, UK100, SPX, IBC, IXIC, NI225, BANKNIFTY, NIFTY and GLD fund (not index) for Gold predictions. The daily price trend is forecasted through planets cycles (angular aspects, speed phases, declination zone), fast cycles are based on Moon, Mercury, Venus and Sun and Mid term cycles are based on Mars, Vesta and Ceres . The combination of all this cycles produce a daily price trend prediction that is encoded into a PineScript array using binary format "0 or 1" that represent sell and buy signals respectively. The indicator provides signals since 2021-01-01 to 2022-12-31, the past months signals purpose is to support backtesting of the indicator combined with other technical indicator entries like MAs, RSI or Stochastic . For future predictions besides 2022 a machine learning models re-train phase will be required.

When the signal moving average is increasing from 0 to 1 indicates an increase of buy force, when is decreasing from 1 to 0 indicates an increase in sell force, finally, when is sideways around the 0.4-0.6 area predicts a period of buy/sell forces equilibrium, traders indecision which result in a price congestion within a narrow price range.

We also have published same indicator for Crypto-Currencies research portfolio:
Financial Astrology Crypto ML Daily Trend

DISCLAIMER: This indicator is experimental and don’t provide financial or investment advice, the main purpose is to demonstrate the predictive power of financial astrology. Any allocation of funds following the documented machine learning model prediction is a high-risk endeavour and it’s the users responsibility to practice healthy risk management according to your situation.

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