Bitcoin Cost Per TransactionHello,
An indicator for Bitcoin, to have the cost per transaction, on a 10 days average.
Bitcoin Number of Transactions per dayHello everyone,
Again an indicator for Bitcoin : the Number of Transactions / day.
Total number of unique bitcoin transactions per day
Precision : 10 DAYS AVERAGE
Bitcoin DifficultyHello everyone,
An other indicator for bitcoin : the difficulty
What is difficulty?
Difficulty is a measure of how difficult it is to find a hash below a given target.
The Bitcoin network has a global block difficulty. Valid blocks must have a hash below this target.
Mining pools also have a pool-specific share difficulty setting a lower limit for shares.
Bitcoin Hash RateHello everyone,
An interesting indicator for Bitcoin : the hash rate.
What is the Hash Rate ?
The estimated number of tera hashes per second (trillions of hashes per second) the Bitcoin network is performing.
Live Mini Terminal 7 : Major Cryptocurrencies Change DataThis script displays relative data changes occurring in the adjustable period and/or adaptive automatic period in U.S Dollar based Major Cryptocurrencies.
This script was inspired by the data terminals used by commercial traders.
Period selection can be set in the menu.
This script uses the adaptive period algorithm used by Autonomous LSTM and Relativity scripts.
Or you can set the period manually from the menu.
For more information about adaptive period:
This script works only for 1 day (1D) and 1 week (1W) time frames.
Since usage of Blockchain Data, the most efficient time frame is 1 week (1W) .
Value changes on a percentage basis (%)
The Info Panel contains percentage-based blockchain data changes.
BTC : Bitcoin
ETH : Ethereum
XRP : Ripple
BCH : Bitcoin Cash
LTC : Litecoin
BNB : Binance Coin
XLM : Stellar
TRX : Tron
XTZ : Tezos
ADA : Cardano
Average Blockchain Size change data
API Blockchain Size change data
Miners Revenue change data
Hash Rate change data
Bitcoin Cost Per Transaction change data
Bitcoin Transaction Volume change data
Bitcoin Total Number of Transactions change data
The script can be used as an indicator by putting it under the chart as shown above.
It is necessary to enlarge to see clearly.
Since it is not often looked at,
such use is the best method for healthy interpretation.
Best regards.
Blockchain Fundamentals - MCCD - Miner Capitulation Conv/Div🔗Blockchain Fundamentals - MCCD - Miner Capitulation & Convergence Divergence
(a.k.a. Hash Ribbons)
Miner Capitulation has been talked about alot recently in the news and on twitter. I wanted to join the in fun and add my own spin on things.
This shows the 30 (yellow) and 60 (orange) day moving average of the hash rate of bitcoin. I added an option to show the convergence/divergence of the two moving averages in a visual manner similar to the MACD.
I also added the ability to select both the length and type of MA used in the calculation of the capitulation so you can experiment.
Other additions include bar coloration by trade state, and background highlighting of capitulation periods.
Editable Capitulation/Recovery plots will show clearly when the crosses happen.
The way to replicate my display is to add the indicator twice below the chart and combine in the same pane. First indicator displays the averages by default. The second one you enable convergence/divergence display option and uncheck the rest.
Last I add the indicator one more time and dragged it on chart. Do not combine the scales into one, of else it will ruin the scale (you want them separate scales). Its just showing you possibilities, use whatever works for you!
👍 We hope you enjoyed this indicator and find it useful! We post free crypto analysis, strategies and indicators regularly. This is our 73rd script on Tradingview!
💬Check my Signature for other information
Blockchain Fundamentals - Satoshies Per Dollar by Cryptorhythms🔗Blockchain Fundamentals - Satoshis Per Dollar by Cryptorhythms
SPD is a new metric I propose which can be used to determine general sentiment and help narrow down periods to DCA .
In the most basic sense this indicator is simply showing you how many satoshies are equal to one US dollar . This can be a useful metric to keep stored in the back of your mind. It can also give you a new satoshi based perspective on bitcoin pricing.
I simply added an MA selection option to give a basic sentiment reading. You could also use the red areas as a modified DCA (i.e. only do dollar cost averaging when red zone is in effect.
The indicator is not really meant for buy/sell signaling but more as a reference
👍 We hope you enjoyed this indicator and find it useful! We post free crypto analysis, strategies and indicators regularly. This is our 71st script on Tradingview!
💬Check my Signature for other information
Blockchain Artificial Neural NetworksI found a very high correlation in a research-based Artificial Neural Networks.(ANN)
Trained only on daily bars with blockchain data and Bitcoin closing price.
NOTE: It does not repaint strictly during the weekly time frame. (TF = 1W)
Use only for Bitcoin .
Blockchain data can be repainted in the daily time zone according to the description time.
Alarms are available.
And you can also paint bar colors from the menu by region.
After making reminders, let's share the details of this interesting research:
1. Average Block Size
2. Api Blockchain Size
3. Miners Revenue
4. Hash Rate
5. Bitcoin Cost Per Transaction
6. Bitcoin USD Exchange Trade Volume
7. Bitcoin Total Number of Transactions
1. One day next price close (Historical)
Learning cycles: 1096436
AutoSave cycles: 100
Grid :
Input columns: 7
Output columns: 1
Excluded columns: 0
Training example rows: 446
Validating example rows: 0
Querying example rows: 0
Excluded example rows: 0
Duplicated example rows: 0
Network :
Input nodes connected: 7
Hidden layer 1 nodes: 5
Hidden layer 2 nodes: 0
Hidden layer 3 nodes: 0
Output nodes: 1
Controls :
Learning rate: 0.1000
Momentum: 0.8000
Target error: 0.0100
Training error: 0.010571
The average training error is really low, almost worth the target.
Without using technical analysis data, we established Artificial Neural Networks with blockchain data.
🔗Blockchain Fundamentals - Marketcap Multiple by Cryptorhythms🔗Blockchain Fundamentals - Marketcap Multiple by Cryptorhythms
A brand new original indicator to judge long term bitcoin accumulation and distribution zones. Created by myself - theheirophant.
I love the way the indicator MVRV (market value to realized value) works, but there's no way to replicate it on tradingview as it uses outside data not available in the TV ecosystem. Then while looking at various marketcap alternatives, and idea was plain in front of my face!
Looking at marketcap + top cap + average cap creates a bounded area of price as seen here
So I created an oscillator that shows marketcap's relation to top cap as the upper bound, and average cap as the lower bound. It then is rescaled from 0.25 to 10.
It should be viewed on a logrithmic scale and only works on the daily timeframe. You can enable/disable bar coloration and background highlighting from options.
It can be interpreted as times to accumulate and distribute on a long term basis. It would work well for trading spot markets.
The line at 0.75 acts as a sentiment indicator (above it is bullish, below it is bearish).
👍 Enjoying this indicator or find it useful? Please give me a like and follow (dont forget twitter also)! I post crypto analysis, price action strategies and free indicators regularly.
💬 Questions? Comments? Want to get access to an entire suite of proven trading indicators? Come visit us on telegram and chat. We make timely posts about the market, news, and strategy everyday. Our community isn't open only to subscribers - everyone is welcome to join. (check my sig)
LinReg-Bitcoin's Power Oscillator.2019.01[wozdux]Bitcoin power oscillator from Harold Christopher Burger.
Since the first day of history is the most important, it is not correct to use this indicator on young exchanges with a short history.
The oscillator is calculated based on regression lines from the first day of history to the current day. The way of calculation of the oscillator. First, the regression line from the first day of history to the current bar is calculated for each bar.
Thus, for each bar, the formula of a straight regression line of the form Y=b*x + a is calculated. Where x is the number of days elapsed from the beginning of the history to the current drill. Y is the bitcoin price of the current day (bar) on the regression line. Thus, Y Is the predicted bitcoin price that would have to be. The second stage of calculation. Now we have the real price of bitcoin for the current day and the predicted price by the regression line. We calculate the ratio of the real price to the predicted one and take the logarithm of the obtained value. G=log10(Close/Y). This value is drawn in the form of a graph of the bitcoin power oscillator. The resulting oscillator oscillates in a constant range of values from -1 to +1.
This oscillator clearly captures the moments of price reversal. At the tops, the reversal occurs when the oscillator reaches the value range from 0.6 to 0.8. In the lowlands, the reversal occurs in the range of values from -0.8 to -0.4.
Indicator setting-description of buttons from top to bottom.
1) Raise the chart by X units. This is a corrective point in order to raise the chart above/below the zero line
2) Offset the start day of the story. The first day of history is the point relative to which all regression lines, all bars are calculated. This point can be slightly corrected by shifting the initial day to the left for a certain number of days.
3) button to switch between different ways to calculate the offset (A) in the formula Y=b*x + A.
4) the Orange level is the trend line of the historical power oscillator troughs. The orange level is an inclined level of price reversal from the bottom up.
5) the Green level is an important area of likely bitcoin price reversal at the tops.
6) the Red level is the horizontal level of the price reversal from the bottom up.
Осциллятор мощности биткоина от Harold Christopher Burger. "Это моя попытка воспроизвести вычисления данного генератора методами Pine Script .
Поскольку первый день истории имеет самое важное значение, то использовать данный индикатор на молодых биржах с короткой историей будет не корректно.
Осциллятор вычисляется на основе линий регрессии от первого дня истории до текущего дня. Путь вычисления осциллятора. Сначала для каждого бара вычисляется линия регрессии от первого дня истории до текущего бара.
Таким образом, для каждого бара вычисляется формула прямой линии регрессии вида Y=b*x + a. Где х -это количество дней, прошедших от начала истории до текущего бура. Y- это цена биткоина текущего дня (бара) на линии регрессии. Таким образом, Y- Это предсказанная цена биткоина, которая должна была бы быть. Второй этап вычисления. Теперь у нас есть реальная цена биткоина на текущий день и предсказанная цена линией регрессии. Вычисляем отношение реальной цены к предсказанной и берем логарифм , полученнного значения. G=log10(Close/Y). Это значение рисуем в виде графика осциллятора мощности биткоина. Полученный осциллятор колеблется в постоянном диапазоне значений от -1 до +1.
Данный осциллятор четко отлавливает моменты разворота цены. На вершинах разворот происходит тогда, когда осциллятор достигает области значения от 0.6 до 0.8. В низинах разворот происходит в области значений от -0.8 до -0.4.
Настройка индикатора - описание кнопок сверху вниз.
1 ) Поднять график на Х единиц. Это корректирующий пункт для того, чтобы приподнять график выше/ниже относительно нулевой линии
2) Смещение начального дня истории. Первый день истории -это та точка оносительно которой вычисялются все линиии регрессии, всех баров. Эту точку можно немного подкорректировать, сместив начальный день влево на какое-то количество дней.
3) Кнопка переключения между разными способами вычисления смещения (A) в формуле Y=b*x + A.
4) Оранжевый уровень - это линия тренда исторических впадин осциллятора мощности. Оранжевый уровень это наклонный уровень разворота цены снизу вверх.
5) Зеленый уровень - это важная область вероятного разворота цены биткоина на вершинах.
6) Красный уровень -это горизонтальный уровень областей разворота цены снизу вверх.
Bitcoin Network Value to Transactions [aamonkey]Cryptoassets have been quite turbulent in the past few weeks.
At times like this, it is especially important to look at the fundamental foundations of cryptoassets.
This indicator is based on the Network Value to Transactions , or NVT .
NVT = Network Value / Daily Transaction Volume
Because this indicator is pulling the Daily Transaction Volume for BTC it can only be used for BTC and the daily timeframe.
Bitcoin Difficulty RibbonThe Bitcoin Difficulty Ribbon is based on Willy Woo's implementation and it gauges the selling pressure experienced by Bitcoin miners.
The Bitcoin Network Difficulty is a measure of how complicated it is to find the next block, compared to the ease of finding the easiest possible one.
When the difficulty decreases it's a hint that the mining sector is experiencing difficulties and the longer it contracts, the more miners might get out of business.
During these contracting times, the Difficulty Ribbon narrows and becomes a significant proxy to recognize cycle bottoms.
Default settings: Daily Time Frame and SMA mode.
Credit: Willy Woo
Blockchain Fundamentals - TAAR by CryptorhythmsBlockchain Fundamentals - TAAR (Network Transaction Vol : Active Address Ratio) by Cryptorhythms
Link to Instructions Page / Idea will be linked below.
Q: Why are we separating instructions from the indicator page?
A: Well Tradingview recently instituted a change that only open source script authors can gain rep for their efforts. Any script that is protected or invite only no longer gets points, even if its still free for anyone to use.
We (respectfully) disagree and feel that it is unfair. We ask everyone to like the IDEA (linked below) for this script if you want to support our efforts to keep releasing free (but protected source) indicators.
Blockchain Fundamentals - Difficulty Ribbon by CryptorhythmsBlockchain Fundamentals - Difficulty Ribbon by Cryptorhythms
Link to Instructions Page / Idea will be linked below.
Q: Why are we separating instructions from the indicator page?
A: Well Tradingview recently instituted a change that only open source script authors can gain rep for their efforts. Any script that is protected or invite only no longer gets points, even if its still free for anyone to use.
We feel that is unfair so we ask everyone to like the IDEA (linked below) for this script if you want to support our efforts to keep releasing free (but protected source) indicators.
NVT (original) - Network Value to TransactionsI'm reposting the NVT indicator that was originally available for public use in TradingView.
NVT Signal is a Bitcoin-specific study to get a view on data flowing through the blockchain.
It has been used to predict tops in Bitcoin price.
I've set up this indicator for it to be possible to base the calculations on custom:
Transaction Periods
Overbought levels
Oversold levels
The indicator plots in any BTCUSD spot, futures, BLX index and BTCEUR.
It paints in intraday time frames, but Daily time frame is the correct one to interpret the 'official' read of it.
For that reason, I've enabled by default an option that forces the NVT to display the Daily value even though the time frame could be higher or lower.
Please consider unchecking this setting if you'd like to experiment with another type of reads (i.e. in weekly time frame).
Additionally, it allows the following settings:
Signal Line Plot . Added the possibility to plot a Signal Line based on EMA.
Signal Line Cross . Show/Hide Crosses with the Signal Line.
Alerts based on Signal Line . Predefined Tradingview Alerts on the Cross of the Signal Line.
OverBought Background . Highlight the background based on OB Condition.
OverBought Alert . Predefined Tradingview Alerts based on OB Condition.
OverSold Background . Highlight the background based on OS Condition.
OverSold Alert . Predefined Tradingview Alerts based on OS Condition.
Please check our blog article showing multiple practical ideas about trading the NVT indicator:
Credit for this idea goes to Willy Woo
and Dmitry Kalichkin
Bitcoin On-Chain OBVThe Bitcoin On-Chain OBV is a port of the classical volume oscillator that reflects the accumulation registered through the On-Chain Transactions.
It also allows to source through the aggregated combined exchange volumes.
The indicator can show the value either in BTC or USD.
Ultimate Crypto SentimentThis study plots sentiment data from Longs vs Shorts reported at Bitfinex and the Funding Interest Rate that applies at Bitmex.
The indicator includes 4 visualization modes:
Overlapped Areas: Plots Longs and Shorts overlapping each other
Opposed Areas: Displays Longs as positive values and Shorts as negative.
Cloud: Highlights the difference between Longs and Shorts
Bitmex Interest Rate: Shows the funding rate that applies at Bitmex
The Longs vs Shorts data can be displayed either in Absolute mode or in Relative Mode.
The indicator includes visibility controls to Show/Hide:
The Longs
The Shorts
The Delta
The Longs vs Shorts Ratio
🔗Blockchain Fundamentals - Bitcoin Post Halving Price Model🔗Blockchain Fundamentals - Bitcoin SFR / Halving Price Prediction Model
This price model is based upon the work of PlanB (@100trillionUSD) which can be seen here:
He states "We can also model bitcoin price directly with Stock to Flow. The formula of course has different parameters, but the result is the same, 95% R2 and a predicted bitcoin price of $55,000 with SF 50 after May 2020 halving."
He was using monthly data on a weekly timeframe. I converted to a daily timeframe, and add in future price prediction by projecting the average number of blocks mined. You can use this along with the Stock to Flow Ratio indicator here .
Post halving price prediction currently stands at ~$62k based on this model.
👍 Enjoying this indicator or find it useful? Please give me a like and follow! I post crypto analysis, price action strategies and free indicators regularly.
💬 Questions? Comments? Want to get access to an entire suite of proven trading indicators? Come visit us on telegram and chat, or just soak up some knowledge. We make timely posts about the market, news, and strategy everyday. Our community isn't open only to subscribers - everyone is welcome to join.
For Trialers & Chat:
Bitcoin Number of TransactionsThe Bitcoin Number of Transactions plots the amount of transactions registered on-chain on a daily basis.
Bitcoin Transaction FeesThe Bitcoin Transaction Fees is the fee value that miners earn on a daily basis.
The indicator can show the value either in BTC or USD.
Bitcoin Cost of Transaction (%)The Bitcoin Relative Cost of Transaction shows the miners' revenue as a percentage of the transaction volume registered in the block.
Bitcoin Cost per Transaction (USD)The Bitcoin Cost per Transaction (USD) is the result of dividing the miners' revenue (Block Reward + Transaction Fees) between the number of transactions per block.
Here is an example with made up numbers:
Block reward is 12.5 BTC + 0.5 BTC in transaction fees.
There are 2700 transactions in the block.
Current exchange rate is 5700 USD/BTC.
(12.5 BTC + 0.5 BTC) / 2700 transactions = 0.00481481 BTC per transaction
5700 USD/BTC * 0.00481481 BTC per transaction = $27.44 per transaction
Hope that helps!
Bitcoin Number of Coins'Bitcoin Number of Coins' is the total number of Bitcoins which have been mined. This is the number of coins (technically) in circulation.
Additionally, the indicator shows the number of Bitcoin pending to be mined, considering a max cap of 21 million coins.