Cumulative Volume DeltaCumulative Delta Volume is one of the key analysis in figuring out the Volume Price Action dependencies
Its very Intuitive in nature,
The below image shows how it is computed!
Relative Volume Combined With a Cumulative FunctionHi everyone
The today's script was suggested by a follower.
1 minute of Knowledge
Many traders look at volume as a pre-signal that a move may happen.
In trading, some say that "the volume precedes the movement".
This simply means that often volume will increase before a significant move in the stock.
Imagine if a unique trader is buying a crypto/stock. The volume is unlikely to move.
But, if all the mass goes to mass spot buy an asset, then we could see a volume spike announcing a potential upwards move.
What's the story with that indicator?
It's an interesting way of presenting the volume data.
Will show the total volume for the selected period.
You can choose between relative and cumulative presentation.
The users can display the consecutive rising volume above the 0 line and the failing volume below that line.
Mix knowledge with usefulness
A price making a higher/high (HH) or lower/low (LL) has a real and strong meaning- a HH or LL on a volume has a significant meaning also.
Increasing volume for a stock/crypto, could signify that buyers were willing to purchase a bigger number of shares at a higher price (comparatively to the day before)
Obviously, non-stop crazy buying/shorting won't work at some point - and that "some point" may hurt a bit.
Such volume indicator combined with others like momentum or strength indicators is a nice trading strategy.
The volume announces that a move may happen and the other indicators will confirm the prophecy :)
Cumulative Price Change %Tracking cumulative percentage change in price for each candle over a period.
Indicator IntegratorHere is a light piece of code, The Indicator Integrator. It sums up a function (like an integral for you calculus folks). Unlike the 'cum' function that does a million bars of look back you can change the look back period, like limits of integration.
Built in is a difference of the close from an SMA. And there is an ROC. By changing what is summed up in the loop you can sum up the differences from the SMA or sum up the ROC. Pick your SMA length/ROC length. Then pick your look back period of how much to add up (bars to add up). There is a built in SMA smoother of three bars on the final summation.
Comments welcomed
[RS]Cumulative Average Price Gridgrid based on the cumulative average price.
on a sidenote: looks like im baned from chat for a week.