Updated script for jlb05013's original Fed Net Liquidity Indicator. TradingView was bringing in the FRED data in different units than they used to. This code fixes it. This indicator aims to present a "Net Liquidity" indicator comprised of the Fed Balance sheet , less the TGA account and Overnight Reverse REPO agreements. Net Liquidity = Fed Balance Sheet - (...
A simple script showing US reverse repurchase agreements and Federal Treasury balance values from FRED. This script should give a neat overview of how little faith there is in the markets from how much cash is parked in ORRPs. I made this a while ago as a private script so here it is as a public script. The indicator is locked to the 1 Day resolution.
This indicator aims to present a "Net Liquidity" indicator comprised of the Fed Balance sheet , less the TGA account and Overnight Reverse REPO agreements. Net Liquidity = Fed Balance Sheet - ( TGA + Reverse REPO) This is an overlay that can be added to stock or other charts (like SPY ) to see how the market may appear correlated to Net Liquidity - injection of...