USDT/USD PremiumKraken + FTX USDT premium indicator.
Inspired by John J Brown, forked from IAmSatoshi (Migrated to V5 and few changes + more markets coming).
John J Brown: "
USDt premium/discount exist because of conversion fees.
It is a good market indicator:
If USDt>USD, then market is growing and in need of liquidity;
If USDt<USD, then market is shrinking and has excess liquidity."
Dash System with RSI/MFI/Stoch MTFHere I am providing you Improved single system to get all components to take better and smarter trading decisions and improve your trading with
a) Dashboard - to gauge market sentiment across all TF.
b) VWAP – to get idea about trend and fair value of market.
c) BB – to get idea about volatility and contraction/expansion in price.
1.Gauge Sentiment across timeframe for various indicators in single dashboard.
RSI - to get the idea about relative price strength across all TFs.
MFI- gives idea whether trend is supported by volume or not across all TFs.
STOCH – IT is a range bound momentum oscillator. It is designed to display the location of the close compared to the high/low range over a user defined number of periods. You can use STOCH for Identifying overbought and oversold levels and also for identifying bull and bear set ups or signals across all TFs.
with this dashboard , you will get complete sentiment of market on your screen whether you use lower to upper TF or upper to lower TF approach. you can see market behavior and sentiment with these all in one dashboard across all TFs.
2.Dashboard better be used with MA or vwap to get trend direction and just for that this system has
a) VWAP- a technical analysis tool used to measure the average price weighted by volume . It's similar to a moving average in that when price is above VWAP , prices are rising and when price is below VWAP , prices are falling. VWAP is primarily used by technical analysts to identify market trend.
b) Bollinger Band - This is an oscillator meaning that it operates between or within a set range of numbers or parameters. the standard parameters for Bollinger Bands are a 20 day period with standard deviations 2 steps away from price above and below the SMA line. Essentially Bollinger Bands are a way to measure and visualize volatility . As volatility increases, the wider the bands become. Likewise, as volatility decreases, the gap between bands narrows.
Volatility can generally be seen as a cycle. Typically periods of time with low volatility and steady or sideways prices (known as contraction) are followed by period of expansion. Expansion is a period of time characterized by high volatility and moving prices. Periods of expansion are then generally followed by periods of contraction. It is a cycle in which traders can be better prepared to navigate by using Bollinger Bands because of the indicators ability to monitor ever changing volatility .
Read more about it on Bollinger Bands (BB).
And as a bonus added ability for BB to use SMA or EMA line as basis as per your comfort.
2. Added feature to change location of dashboard on chart, now you can place it on top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right corner of chart as per your comfort.
3. ability to hide/show for all TFs.
Now you can on/off 5min, 15 min, 30 min, 60 min, 4 hour, daily ,weekly and monthly TF column if you do not use it. you can keep and work with TFs as per your comfort and liking.
4. Added feature to hide/show indicators, MFI , Stoch , VWAP and BB Bands
Now you can on/off indicator s MFI , Stoch , VWAP and BB bands if you don't need them on dashboard as per your need.
Hope IT helps to take better trading decisions and improve your trading experience.
Binance CHOP Dashboard by KziHere is a Dashboard to find the opportunuty of bigs moves with 20 pairs.
The Dashboard is too big for the phone view. I thinks we can use it only on computer view.
How it's work ?
I look for the CHOP on Weekly and Daily time frame
The CHOP give the "tension" of the pair.
So i look for the biggest "tension" to take the "big mooves"
I look for the align tension between weekly and daily
The CHOP can be 0 to 100 , the result is:
(Weeky CHOP x Daily CHOP) = 0 to 10 000
To make the result easy to read, i divide so that the "note" is between 0 and 10.
If you have more than 3 /10 = RED => HOT Opporunity for big mooves
If you have less than 1/10 = BLUE => COLD opporunity
Thanks for your comment,
The code is well.
But i think there is an opportunity to do it better with some for loop.
Is some of you do it, please let's me know.
DashBoard Alt Season by KziHere is a Dashboard to have an overview of the Alt Season oportunity.
Multiple time frame (Month / Week / Daily /4H)
How to use it?
You have 4 columns
TOTAL Crypto / Btc dominance / Btc Price / Alt ?
The alt? column is the resulte of the price and dominance of btc + 1 point with the total crypto
BTC Dominance UP ? Yes = Négatif for ALTS
/// Btc Price UP ?= > Yes = Positif for ALTS
NO = super négatif for ALTS
No = Positif for ALTS
/// Btc Price UP ?= > Yes = super Positif for ALTS
NO = Neutral
The total market just smooth the total.
If Alt columm is Green= It's OK
If Alt columm is orange = carrefull
If Alt Columm is red = leave the alt
You have to considered that you look on the time frame where you want to trade.
The overtime frame help to understand the bigger view.
Hop you like it and give comment to help the évolutions.
SOPR Candles OscillatorThe Spent Output Profit Ratio (SOPR) is computed by dividing the realized value (in USD) divided by the value at creation (USD) of a spent output. Or simply: price sold / price paid. This metric was created by Renato Shirakashi.
The indicator provides insight into macro market sentiment, profitability and losses taken over a particular time-frame. It reflects the degree of realized profit for all coins moved on-chain.
SOPR is measured by taking the ratio between the fiat value at the time of UTXO creation, and the fiat value when the UTXO is spent.
In this indicator, I have essentially created an index that measures SOPR value on any given day. This is visually displayed as an oscillator.
SOPR values greater than 0 implies that the coins moved that day are, on average, selling at a profit (price sold is greater than the price paid).
SOPR value less than 0 implies that the coins moved that day are, on average, selling at a loss (price sold is less than the price paid).
You have the ability to see the SOPR of BTC , ETH and LTC. You can also smooth the SOPR using an EMA or SMA of your choice. I have added colored bars to the chart to make it easier to visualize SOPR and it's relation to price action.
Thank you to both TradingView and Glassnode for adding all the on-chain data.
Supply, Demand and Equilibrium Zones, Interactive by DGTSupply, Demand and Equilibrium Zones, Interactive
The law of supply and demand is a theory that explains the interaction between the sellers of an asset and the buyers for that asset. The theory defines the relationship between the price of a given asset and the willingness of traders to either buy or sell it. Generally, as price increases, traders are willing to supply more and demand less and vice versa when the price falls.
Simply said, the higher the price, the lower the quantity demanded, and from the seller's perspective, the higher the price, the higher the quantity supplied
Equilibrium zones are the price levels where both selling and buying trading activity is high, both sellers and buyres are interested at that price levels. More correctly, there is a great deal of activity on both the buy and sell side and the market stays at that price level for a great deal of time. Supply and demand are balanced or in equilibrium
Supply and Demand Shifts may occur when institutional investors step in, a change in both price and quantity demanded from one point to another
This experimental study attempts to presend Supply, Demand and Equilibrium Zones by measuring traded volume at all price levels on the market over a specified time period. Then the result is plotted as horizontal zones on the finacial isntrumnet's chart that highlights supply, demand and equilibrium zones at specific price levels
It is important for supply, demand and equilibrium zones to understand that time is always a dimension on charts. The quantity demanded or supplied, found along the horizontal axis, is always measured in traded volume of the asset over a given time interval. Longer or shorter time intervals can influence the levels of supply, demand and equilibrium zones
The study is made interactive, which requires the users to select two points on the chart, by simply clicking on the chart. In case the user would like to view different range then just dragging the vertical lines will be enough
By increasing/decreasing values for supply and demand zones or equilibrium zones, you will either get the zones enlarged or detect supply and demand shifts or other equilibrium zones
It is adviced to use this study in conjuction with a Volume Profile study, such as Volume-Profile-and-Volume-Indicator , Volume-Profile-Custom-Range , Anchored-Volume-Profile , and Price-Action-Support-Resistance , where volume profiles presents trading activities at specific price levels and Supply and Demand Zones can be treated as Value Area (they are not exact same but similar) for Volume Profiles
Disclaimer: Trading success is all about following your trading strategy and the indicators should fit within your trading strategy, and not to be traded upon solely
The script is for informational and educational purposes only. Use of the script does not constitutes professional and/or financial advice. You alone the sole responsibility of evaluating the script output and risks associated with the use of the script. In exchange for using the script, you agree not to hold dgtrd TradingView user liable for any possible claim for damages arising from any decision you make based on use of the script
Botvenko ScriptI just test&learn pine script...
Damn, what should I write here? So... Its just a differense between the logarithms of two prices of different periods (You can set the period you want)... And it looks really nice... Ahem...
I hope, you enjoy this piece of... Have a nice day, my dear.
Open InterestSimple indicator that shows the open interest of whatever crypto contract you're looking at in candlestick form.
If it doesn't show anything then Tradingview doesn't have the open interest data for that contract.
At the time of publishing there's data for Binance, Bitmex and Kraken.
You can change the colors in the settings.
Crypto Market Caps (BTC/ETH)The indicator shows Bitcoin marketcap divived by Ethereum marketcap. On September 2019, Bitcoin's MarketCap hits ATH against ETH, by being 10 times bigger. Today, the ratio is about 2x only. When this ratio drops below 1, the FLIPPENING will happen.
ATH [Moto]Hello traders,
This script attempts to inform trading decisions/sentiment via drawdown (percent) from all time high. Any fan of fibonacci should find this useful.
All time high is essentially checked and the script adapts to new/broken all time highs. The plot shapes and signals are based on the candle closes below these common percents from all time high. Use the signals at your own discretion.
Lines and styling are placed at the further extremes of the common % candles. For example, for "Tops", when candles cross under 5% from all time high, and line is made at the candles high, and conversely when a candle crosses above 50% from it's previous all time high a line is placed at its low.
Bar coloring, the % being crossed, and extreme background color are included, as are alerts for each signal.
Intraday Super SectorsMotivated by Cody to finish what I'd started ...
This indicator plots the two 'Super Sectors' (Cyclical and Defensive) intraday change, viz-a-viz SPX price
* for convenience, it uses the ETF's, rather than the actual sectors. This might make it 0.0001% inaccurate.
For reference:
Defensive Sectors:
XLE Energy (not always considered a true defensive sector, but I've thrown it in here for balance)
XLP Consumer Staples
XLU Utilities
XLV Health Care
Cyclical Sectors:
XLB Materials
XLC Communication Services
XLF Financials
XLI Industrials
XLK Information Technology
XLRE Real Estate
XLY Consumer Discretionary
Why the (soft) red/green cloud?
Well, the theory says is that if the Cyclical Sector is down, while the Defensive Sector is up, this isn't exactly bullish (so a soft red cloud), or if Defensive Stocks are down, while Cyclical Stocks are up, this is perhaps bullish.
Of course, if SPX is down 10%, with Defensive Stocks down 20%, and Cyclical Stocks down 5%, you might get a green cloud, but it ain't exactly a bullish sign
[Mubeen] True Bar VolumeTrue Bar Volume, or TB Volume, is an indicator that measures the volume against the price action that has occurred.
Volume can sometimes be miss leading as it does not necessary show whether it had an impact on the price of the underlying, as one individual (represented as one volume) who has put $100 into the underlying can impact the underlying the same as hundred individuals (represented as hundred volume) putting $1 into the underlying: but the volume will widely differ and can cause confusion for outsiders. With the True Bar indicator, it aims to show abnormal behaviour in the price change against the amount of volume that was stated. It visualises the effect of the volume on the underlying by colour coding the different levels of True Bar results, divided into Red, Yellow, Green, Purple.
Red indicates that the price has changed way out of portion compared with the volume that was seen. It is compared against the highest TB Volume values through selected periods and once the volume as broken out of the high, it is considered an anomaly.
Yellow indicates that the TB Volume values are representing the mean values so it is considered as normal trading activity. Spikes in yellow values can also be seen as rise in high interest in the underlying.
Green indicates that the TB Volume values are under performing in market activity.
Purple indicates that is it a null result as investors might be looking for a better entry into a market, or seen as interest is low in the market.
TB Volume should not be used on it's own as it only gives a reporting measurement of the volume performance, which may be meaningless without the supplementation of other indicators.
BABI - Binance Altcoin Basis Indicator
This indicator works by taking the basis between various altcoin perpetual futures contracts and spot market indexes on Binance, and then smooths out the data with a basic moving average.
The result is a useful oscillator that shows potential "buy" and "sell" areas.
Simply put, a spot premium is usually bullish and a derivatives premium is usually bearish.
Other versions of this indicator only worked for BTC and ETH, so I have extended its functionality to include popular altcoin trading pairs.
USDT Trading pairs included in this version:
Default setting is BTC. To choose a different oscillator, go to settings and pick your desired crypto.
Thanks for looking. I think you could create a pretty basic trading strategy based on this indicator by simply placing buy and sell orders once the oscillator rises or falls below certain thresholds.
**Credit to @chestbrook on Twitter and Pinnacle_Investor on TradingView
Binance Basis Oscillator ()
RSI and Golden Cross ScreenerIts an example of basic cyclic screener. Looks for conditions on RSI and for Golden crosses for N bars back on top40 crypto on Binance. Feel free to contact me via tg @davidkohen if you got any questions!
It's an improvement of an old QuantNomad's idea :)
Open Interest with Bollinger Bands and some moving averages!!! This indicator only shows Binance Perpetuals Open Interest !!!
!!!!! When Binance Spot pair charts is selected, It still shows the perpetual contract Open Interest, if the pair on the chart is tradeble on perpetual contracts. I assume you know what Open Interest is. !!!!!
ZLEMA, Tillson, VAR MAs codes are coming from @KivancOzbilgic => SuperTrended Moving Averages
US Treasury All Yield Curve IORB WeightedI've updated my US Treasury All Yield Curve indicator to use the new FRED:IORB (interest on reserve balances), instead of the FRED:FEDFUNDS which is only updated monthly.
The new IORB doesn't provide very long lookback for data, so I'm publishing this as a new version and not an update, making it possible for users to choose which version best suits their needs.
Tracks up to 20 securities
Compares 19 securities to the main security's open price of the time interval
or to their own open of the time interval
This means that the performance is reset at the open of each interval (Day, Week, or Month)
General Settings
Interval - set the interval to use for the security's open (Day, Week, or Month)
Compare off own or main - Compare current price off own security's open, or main security's open
Table Settings
Table Position - place the table in one of the 3 corners
Show Table - show or hide the table
Table Output - show numbers in the table as Percentage or Basis-Points
Compact Table - table layout has 2 rows of securities, while disabling compact layout has a single row
Plots Settings
Show or hide the plots of each security's performance relative to it's own open or the main security's open
Securities settings
Enable - Show/Hide plot and table entry
Plot Color
Alias - Name the security something else in the table (leave this blank to show Symbol in the table)
Risk On Risk OffA helpful indicator for those who follow a systematic long-term investment approach.
What it shows:
It shows the 60 Day Cumulative Return of $BND Vanguard Total Bond Market ETF against the 60 Day Cumulative Return of $BIL SPDR Bloomberg Barclays 1-3 Month T-Bill ETF.
This Indicator will provide you a sense of where the economic environment is at, if the indicator shows that the 60 Day Cumulative return of $BND is ABOVE $BIL, it means that it's a good idea to go Risk ON in the stock market; On the other hand, if the inverse is true, it means that is a good idea to go Risk OFF in the stock market.
Example Uses:
Warren Buffet often advice Investors to just buy a S&P500 index tracking ETF like $SPY consistently and you will likely to be making money in the long-term.
With this indicator you will be able to make the Buffet Strategy even simpler: when the indicator shows Risk ON, buy the $SPY; when the indicator shows Risk OFF, consider hedges like $IEF iShares 7-10 Year Treasury Bond ETF. AMEX:SPY
Runners & Laggers (scanner)Firstly, seems to me this may only work with crypto but I know nothing about the other sectors so i could be wrong. I was trying to think up a good way to find moving coins(other than by volume bc theres holes in the results when using it this way). Thought this was an interesting concept so decided to publish it as I've seen no others like it (though i did not extensively search for it. We need to start with a little Tradingview(TV) common knowledge. When there is no update of trades/volume in a candle TV does not print the candle. So when looking at (let's say) a 1 second chart, if the coin being observed by the user has no update from a trade in the time of that 1 sec candle it is skipped over. This means that a coin with a ton of volume might fill an entire 60 seconds with 60 candles and conversely with a low volume coin there could be as little as 0 1-second candles. BUT even for normally low volume coins, when a pump is beginning with the coin it could literally go from 0 1-second candles within a minute to 60 1-second candles within the next minute. ***NOTE: This DOES NOT show ANY information if the coin is going up or down but rather that a LOT more trading volume is occurring than normal.*** What this script does is scans (via feature) up to 40 coins at a time and counts how many candles are printed within a user set timespan calculated in minute. 1 candle print per incremented timeframe that the chart is on. ie. if the chart is a 1 min chart it counts how many 1 min candles are printed. So, (as is in the captured image for the script) if you wanted to count how many 5 second candles are printed for each coin in 1 min then you would have to put the charts timeframe on 5sec and the setting titled 'Window of TIME(in minutes) to count bars' as 1.0 (which bc it's in minutes 1.0m = 60sec and bc 60s / 5s = 12 there would be 12 possible values that each coin can be at depending on how many bars are counted within that 1min/60sec. *** I will update to show an image of what I'm talking about here. Now, the exchange I'm scanning here is Kucoin's Margin Coins. There are 170 something coins total but I removed a few i didn't care for to make it a round 40 coins per set (there being 4 sets of 40 coins total=160 coins being scanned). To scan all 4 sets the indicator must be added 4 times to the chart and a different 'set' selected for each iteration of the script on the chart. Free users can only scan 3 at the most. All others can scan all 4 sets. In the script you can change the exchange and coins as necessary. If there done so and there are not 40 coins total just put '' '' in the extra coins spots that are not filled and the script will skip over these blankly filled spots. The suffix (traded pair) for the tickerID on all Kucoin's Margin Coin's is USDT so that's what i have inputted in the main function on line 46 (will need to be changed if that differs from the coins you want to scan. Next in the line of settings is 'Window of TIME(in minutes) to count bars' which has already been discussed. Following that is the setting "Table Shows" which the results are all in a table and the table will present the coins that have either "Passed" or "Failed" depending on which you choose. The next setting determines what passes or fails. If there are 12 possible rows for the coins to be in (as described above) then this setting is the "Pass/Fail Cutoff" level. So if you want to show all the coins that are in rows 11 and 12 (as in the image at top) then 11 should be selected here. At this point you will see all the coins that have a lot of volume in them. Finding coin names in the table that are usually not with a ton of volume will present your present movers. NOTE: coins like BTC and ETH will almost always be in these levels so it does not indicate anything different from the norm of these coins. Last setting is the ability to show the table on the main window or not. Hope you enjoy and find use in it. BTW this screener format is the same as the others I have published. If you like, check those out too. If you find difficulty using then refer to those as well as they have additional info in them on how to use the scanner and its format. Lastly, in the script is the ability to print the plots and labels but I commented them out bc its really just a jumbled mess. In the commented out sections there is a Random Color Function (provided by @hewhomustnotbenamed which was developed on the basis of Function-HSL-color by @RicardoSantos. All right, peace brothers....and sisters.
**** Also, I see how the "levels" could be confusing so I will put them into a % format soon (probably not today) so that the "Pass/Fail Cutoff" can be in % format so that if "passed" is chosen and 50% is chosen (in the new setting that will be changed) then it'll show you all the coins that have more than 50% of the bars printed within the time window chosen. Goodluck in all your trading adventures. ChasinAlts out.
VIX Reversal Scalper by Trend Friend - Stocks OnlyVIX REVERSAL SCALPER BY TREND FRIEND - STOCKS ONLY
This indicator is built for scalping, but can be used for swing trades by adjusting the signal settings to a higher number.
This indicator is meant for stocks with a lot of price action and volatility, so for best results, use it on charts that move similar to the S&P 500 or other similar charts.
This indicator uses real time data from the stock market overall, so it should only be used on stocks and will only give a few signals during after hours. It does work ok for crypto, but will not give signals when the US stock market is closed.
When the VIX Volatility Index trend changes direction, it will give a bull or bear signal on the chart depending on which way the VIX is now trending. Follow these when price is near support/resistance or fibonacci levels.
For more signals with earlier entries, go into settings and reduce the number. 10-100 is best for scalping. For less signals with later entries, change the number to a higher value. Use 100-500 for swing trades. Can go higher for long swing trades.
This indicator should only be used on the US stock markets as signals are given based on the VIX volatility index which measures volatility of the US Stock Markets.
This indicator works on all time frames.
Repainting does happen but it is seldom. If I get enough requests to remove repainting I will, but since it is built for early entries, preventing it from repainting will make the signals show up later than normal.
Due to various factors, this indicator might not give exit signals every time it should, so be sure to watch the price action for entries/exits and don't rely solely on this indicator.
If you are using this on an inverse ETF and the signals are showing backwards, please comment with what chart it is and I will configure the indicator to give the correct signals. I have included over 50 inverse ETFs into the code to show the correct signals on inverse charts, but I'm sure there are some that I have missed so feel free to let me know and I will update the script with the requested tickers.
Try using numerous indicators of ours on your chart so you can instantly see the bullish or bearish trend of multiple indicators in real time without having to analyze the data. Some of our favorites are our Auto Fibonacci, Directional Movement Index, Volume Profile, Auto Support And Resistance and Money Flow Index in combination with this Vix Reversal Scalper. They all have real time Bullish and Bearish labels as well so you can immediately understand each indicator's trend.
This is a momentum oscillator that paints red or green depending on whether Momentum is above or below the zero line. It includes a label on the right hand side that will reflect the bullish or bearish direction of the current momentum by changing colors to red or green and text telling you Bullish or Bearish.
***HOW TO USE***
When Momentum is above zero, it is bullish. When Momentum is below zero it is bearish.
A label on the right side will update in real time to tell you if momentum is Bullish or Bearish for faster recognition of the trend.
When momentum is above the zero line(Bullish) but trending downward, a second label will show up in purple to notify you of a change in momentum direction.
When momentum is below the zero line(Bearish) but trending upward, a second label will show up in purple to notify you of a change in momentum direction.
This indicator was built to help you quickly identify the Bullish or Bearish nature of the current Momentum using colors as well as a live color changing label so you can glance at the label and understand it's direction without analyzing the indicator data.
This indicator can be used as a signal on all markets, including stocks, crypto, futures and forex.
This momentum indicator can be used on all timeframes.
Try using numerous indicators of ours on your chart so you can instantly see the bullish or bearish trend of multiple indicators in real time without having to analyze the data. Some of our favorites are our Auto Fibonacci, Directional Movement Index, Volume Profile, Auto Support And Resistance and Money Flow Index in combination with this Momentum Oscillator. They all have real time Bullish and Bearish labels as well so you can immediately understand each indicator's trend.
Bitcoin Spot PremiumPlots the difference between the Bitcoin Spot price and the average of 7 Futures prices.
The idea being that Spot leads the market, and when Spot is priced significantly higher than Futures, price should increase. And vice-versa.
Possible uses:
Sharp changes could indicate a reversal is coming
A consistently large premium can be used as additional validation of trend continuation
Divergences may help identify trend exhaustion
If you find a strategy that works well with this indicator, I'd love to know. Enjoy!