WhaleCrew Crypto Open InterestUse Crypto Open Interest Data available on TradingView to your advantage.
Auto-Detect Symbol (based on chart)
Preset Symbols (BTC, ETH, BNB, XRP, LUNA, ADA, SOL, AVAX and DOT)
Exchanges ( Binance and BitMex )
Inverse and USDT Pairs
Override Data Option to use any OI Data on TradingView
Customizable Candles
UpVol/TVol NYSE Lowry Upside DaysTakes Tradingviews Upside Volume for NYSE and divides it by Total Volume on NYSE.
Tradingview's data source generally has different volume figures than say the Wall Street Journal. Therefore, this indicator is an estimate.
10% upside volume shows extreme panic and is consistent with market sell offs.
90% upside days, following a decline, are often occur within a week or so of significant market bottoms.
Recommend using columns as the plot type.
Based on research of LowryResearch Corp.
US Treasury All Yield CurveRather than using one pair of treasuries, this indicator weighs them all in an overlapping fashion, to produce a composite yield curve that indicates the level of stress in the bond market.
High Low Index SPY Top 40Modification from original code for "High Low Index" by © LonesomeTheBlue
- Made modification specifically for Top 40 AMEX:SPY holdings
- Added Market sentiment histogram (Total count green vs red), and SMA line for it
- Added arrows for peaks and dips on High Low Index and Market Sentiment MA
Idea behind this indicator is that SPY should follow the overall sentiment of its top holdings. I believe this bring great value to SPY traders.
Trading Assistant DiNGUETrading Assistant DiNGUE This indicator is like a trading assistant for your charts.
It helps set your biases and emotions aside and lets you focus on managing trades in an easy visual way.
Get various types of signals to enter your trades (either Long or Short). Then use take profits, stops, or the opposite signal to exit trades.
The signals are created from various indicators and sensibility options you can customize any way you want. Works on every timeframe.
You can customize every setting or used the preset ones. Preset settings adjust automatically based on the timeframe you are using on the chart.
The 12 Indicators are Volume - RSI - Stochastic - MacD - Moving Averages (MA) - Rate of Change (ROC) - ADX DMI Directional Movement Index - On Balance Volume (OBV) - Bollinger Bands - VWAP - ATR - Parabolic SAR.
Every indicator can be turned On or Off.
You can adjust the way it creates signals by selecting either 'rise-fall', 'crosses' or by combining both.
You can select the sensitivity of the signal from Normal - Safe - Safer.
You can adjust lengths or use the preset ones.
There are also additional options for each indicator, you can filter weak levels for ADX, filter for tight bands, have ROC above 0…
You can also plot several of those indicators on the screen. 2x Moving Averages, 2x VWAP, 2x ATR, 2x SAR for even easier visualization of the trend.
You can also plot fractals to facilitate once again on trend visualization. Higher high, lower low, higher low, lower high.
Trade with the Trend and Safe Trades:
If you want to have a higher chance of success, you can trade with the trend. First, select the trend timeframe you would like to use. Let's say the “Weekly” trend. Meaning it will generate a signal on the weekly timeframe and based on the result (Long or Short) it will only take trades in that direction. So the trend is LONG on the Weekly and you get a “Long” signal, it will take it. “Short” signals on the other hand will be treated as “stops” and won’t want to go against the trend by going ‘short’.
Safe Trend works in the same manner, but instead of using the signal on a bigger timeframe, it uses an indicator as to the deciding factor. Let's say you select the 200SMA as the “Safe signal”. The indicator will only go “Long” when above the 200SMA and “Short” under the 200SMA. Otherwise, it will put a stop instead of going against the trend.
Stop Loss:
There are 4 different types of stop-loss that you can use at the same time.
- Indicator Stop
- Fib stop
- Fix % stop
- Trailing stop
You can plot the stops directly on the chart AND OR add them to the panel for an easy visualization once again.
With the ‘indicator stop’, you can select one of the two: MA ATR SAR VWAP as a stop.
Fib stop, it uses fib numbers to calculate a stopping point.
Fix %, you can select your max loss in percent. Could be 2%, 5%
A trailing stop is like a fixed stop but that will trail as the price moves in the right direction.
Take Profit:
There are 4 different types of take profit that you can use simultaneously.
- Fix % Take Profit
- ATR multiple Take Profit
- Fib multiple Take Profit
- Bollinger Band Take Profit
Fix % just let you set a fix take profit target in percent.
ATR multiple lets you select a target based on a multiple of the average true range.
Fib multiple lets you select a target based on a fib multiple
Bolling Band lets you take profit based on the Bollinger band settings you select.
Visual Panel:
The visual panel lets you see exactly how is the last trade progressing. It will give you the entry price, profit, stop, and target. You can turn it on or off, as is for the stop and target.
You can also decide to plot 1 position or more, you can even show all the possible signals, add backgrounds with colors. You can also plot the bigger Trend and Safe Signals explained above.
If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments, feel free to do so!
Smart ColorThis script color bars to filter the noise.
If the bar color is green, the price is either ranging or going up so we considere that the momentum is for longs
If the bar color is red, the price is either ranging or going down so we considere that the momentum is for shorts
I use this indicator in 3 ways.
In confirmation with other indicators to get early in a trade. Let's say I see a short divergence and i want to enter only when the momentum is going down. So i will wait that bar color pass to red to enter in a position.
I can also use this indicator alone, but if i do so, since i am more a counter trend trader, i will first wait a lower low with a nice % of variation for the past series of the same color, so when it will change color, there is a higher chance that the price retrace more % and my profit target have more chance to be hit.
And the last way I use this indicator is to exit a position at a "better price". In profit : Let's say i am long and i am fine with the profit i have.Then I decide to put my profit target 0.5% above the actual price. But if the bar color change to red, i will close my trade even if my target is not hit. In loss : Let's say i have a trade with negative PNL and the bar color just changed in my direction. So at the place of taking a loss right now, i will wait the potential little upward, and whenever the barcolor will change again against me, I will close it here. It is just a little optimisation. But the sum of all little optimisation is decent
How to parameter this script?
To parameter it you need to understand how it works. If you have too many variation of colors. It means there is too much noise.
There is an input that you can change to filter the level of noise you want to filter. The defval = 5, step = 1 ,minval = 1, maxval =100.
So from defval, up it up to a level in which noise is filtered ; a level in which candle succession of the same color does a nice % variation.
Up Volume vs Down VolumeCalculating NYSE Up Volume (UPVOL.NY) vs NYSE Down Volume (DNVOL.NY). The triangles appear when the ratio exceeds 90% in either direction.
Also has the option to switch to NQ, US, DJ, AM, or AX tickers.
Credit to @MagicEins for the original script:
Volume Profile and Volume Indicator by DGTVolume Profile (also known as Price by Volume) is an charting study that displays trading activity over a specified time period at specific price levels. It is plotted as a horizontal histogram on the finacial isntrumnet's chart that highlights the trader's interest at specific price levels.
The histogram is used by traders to predict areas of support and resistance. Price levels where the traded volume is high could be assumed as support and resistance levels.
Price may experience difficulty moving above or below areas with large bars. Usually there is a great deal of activity on both the buy and sell side and the market stays at that price level for a great deal of time
It is advised to use volume profile in conjunction with other forms of technical analysis to maximize the odds of success
Light version of Volume Profile is added to Price Action - Support & Resistance by DGT
[Excalibur] Pivoted Automatic Breakout Trend LinesPREAMBLE:
As I will elaborate further, lines and linearity are everywhere in the our thoughts, words, objects, and nature. For example, in our youth, drawing lines on paper, ascribing them in the dirt, and using them to perfect hand writing is common occurrences in life everyone has experienced. Our minds are uniquely adaptable to envision linearities in many natural or abstract objects, including facial geometry. That's how we easily recognize each other in person. For decades, along our path on roadways to and from our destinations, road lines have long safely guided us. Common phrases are "get in line", "walk the line", "line of duty", and "finish line" in English. Gazing upon the earth's line of horizon on calm wide open ocean standing upon the shoreline, it is easily visible and it has curvature. Sorry to break it to you flat earthers.
Multitudes of agreed upon lines define nationally recognized boundaries on maps for very specific reasons. Some lines are just simply not meant to be crossed and are purposefully intended to be respected. Even at the time of this original release, lines are being "crossed" on unimaginable and tragic scales, forming a trend of devastation of lives and livelihoods. On occasion in human history, border lines have to be redefined, especially when a godvernment no longer represents the WILL of a vast geographic majority of it's citizens. When puppet representatives and misleaders only have a self serving interest to put their citizens most treasured values, grievances, and souls in the grave, succession is a matter of last resort and it's often statistically speaking 101% necessary.
As an American, from my opinionated perspective assessing the situation, I welcome the ancestral people of Donetsk and Luhansk to the world stage, being independent to choose their own destinies and fates, because all that Ukraine wishes to do with them year, after year, after year is render them as subjugates or use them for target practice. And that isn't right! The way 2021+ is heading, by the year 2100 I suspect every continental map is going to have new lines on them.
Many recorded instances throughout history detailing the use of lines, has endured centuries of time. The ancient origins and study of "Euclidean geometry" would have been performed scribbling in the ground, preferably in sand. The Greek mathematician Euclid of Alexandria, the founder of geometry, most probably spent a great deal of his life doing this in order to pass his bold ideas onto future generations.
Before Euclid's time, Spartans in the battle of Thermopylae drew their lines in the sand with their swords adhering to the infamous words "Molon Labe" (come and take ). These disciples of agoge, born and destined for rigorous entrainment were bound by duty, no retreat, no surrender. Hundreds of Spartan sigma males held the line for as long as they could for the security of their free peoples. In almost every case of Spartan history the imperative notion of holding the battle lines was absolutely necessary at all costs, regardless of the carnage delivered from their enemy adversaries, including the unrelenting hordes of invasion commanded by the tyrant Xerxes. ALL gave some on those days.
Over two millennia later, Colonel William Travis at the Alamo carved a line in the ground for able men to decide which side of history they would reside on. History has an awfully bad habit of repeating itself, as it is always told in forewarnment. Lines have always been pertinent, decisive, and always shall be. A world without lines, would make our grasp of understanding and existence nearly impossible to carry on civilization.
The versatility of lines are every where imaginable in this 21st century. A short list of their applications are in art, design, engineering, architecture, demarcation, and they are always, always ever pervasive in computer graphics. Without a doubt, lines are now pinnacle to having the ability to make our charting possible in order to recognize trends. Here in this script's application I intended them to automatically reveal geometry, trends, and breakout zones.
When I originally encountered my discovery of TradingView's existence, the very first thing I was doing, was to naturally draw lines across the price action pivot points in search of identifiable opportunities. Three years later, I have now finalized my vision of automatically drawing an ample amount of them by harnessing the "Power of Pine" in version 5. As you will soon see, utilization of this script will reveal hidden geometry that is otherwise typically unforeseen.
Programmatically drawing lines on top of numeric chaos has been an arduous task, taking me over a year to stabilize this code to my liking. The possibilities of automatically drawing lines on market price action could in theory actually result into hundreds per chart pane. This script does have a limitation of 60 line segments/rays maximum. I have gone to great lengths to accomplish this feat, just to arrive at 60 per overlay indicator. Beyond that, I am experiencing limitations of Pine. Because of the amount of work required to finalize this indicator, this is one of my "Excalibur" indicators. I literally had to pull this code from the deepest recesses of my mind. I would classify this kind of indicator as a weapon of mass financial creation, so I'm offering it's availability to all members.
Segments/rays may be computationally drawn as far back as 5000 bars into the chart's history, but no more than that are to be expected. Only one line will occur from pivot point to pivot point. All duplicate line occurrences computed are not redrawn over another, as I ensured by filtration this would not happen. Numerous adjustments are present to handle a majority of expectations and the numerous visual acuities of members. I envision many thousands of members utilizing this script's versatility as a visual aid to help guide them along their path of trading assessments and decisiveness.
Having the ability to recognize geometry in price movements is ultra handy in relation to directional trending and channeling arrangements especially. Trends are guaranteed at some unknown point in time to breakout, and form new trends or cycles. I employed a fire and ice color duo to differentiate between the upper trend lines from the lower trend lines. It seemed to be most visible without interfering too often with other indicators. These can be changed to any color combo you desire in Settings. Additional line preferences are provided to support your tailored experience while having other indicators present in the overlay pane. It may even be configured to only display two lines at a minimum. By doing so, you can really focus and fine tune Settings for just these two segments/rays with very specific refined tweaks.
One caveat of detecting pivots, is that they aren't recognized until after they have formed. Always remember that pivot points aren't instantaneously discoverable until their full form is computationally apparent in the form of a chevron. Technically describing the pivot detection is beyond normal comprehension and to difficult to explain in this description. I will also say, viewing this on a 4K display resolution reveals the best view. If you wish to use more than one instance of this indicator in the overlay for more than 60 lines at a time, go right ahead. However it may become messy.
P.S. This script and it's description was partially inspired by Twisted Sister's song "We're Not Gonna Take It"
My scripts and indicators are specifically intended for informational and educational use only. This script uses historical data points to perform calculations to derive real-time calculations. They do not infer, indicate, or guarantee future results or performance.
By utilizing this script/indicator or any portion of it, you agree to accept 100% responsibly and liability for your investment or financial decisions, and I will not be held liable for your subjective analytic interpretations incurring sustained monetary losses. The opinions and information visual or otherwise provided by this script/indicator is not investment advice, nor does it constitute recommendation.
Nifty_Price_Movement_BuildUPDashboard to see Price Momentum Build-Up at Nifty.
It cumulates all prices and their respective weightage.
During initial of a candle, we are not aware of volume is High or Not, we only get it in later buildup. But Price buildup will display it at the same instant that what is going with the price of all stocks.
The logic used here is that
1) If a stock close > open at a particular instant it will add that stock multiplied with its weightage in Nifty to the list of stocks that are positive.
2) If a stock close < open at a particular instant it will add that stock multiplied with its weightage in Nifty to the list of stocks that are negative.
3) Above two will give you data that how many of them are positive and are negative at a particular instant and how they are going to affect Nifty.
In one of the many possible ways, it is superior than that of Volume buildup is that, to determine volume is higher than previous volume, we have to wait for first few seconds/minutes/hours (depending on timeframe you are in) to see volume buildup. The Volume buildup function based indicator is kind of lagging, though volume itself being instant.
Double RSI/LSMA Double RSI uses a Slow RSI combined with a Fast RSI to generate Buy and Sell signals. Least Squares Moving Average is only here for filtering signals. It is very good on certain stocks or ETFs on longer timeframes for swing trading. If you get a Buy signal look at the LSMA trend and if the candle is above the LSMA. It works great for me on lower timeframes scalping futures and on higher timeframes swinging options. It is better than paying for Buy and Sell signals. Its my first script/indicator so play with it and see what you think. Let me know if you guys find anything that makes it better. Hopefully this helps some traders out there.
Anti correlation matrix 20x20Contain correlation matrix with filtering focused on not correlated pairs with blue color and with correlated negativly correlated with green color
Tail Indicator - 84Like a old faithful calculator the Tail Indicator - 84 will calculate the tail strength of the forces that drag the price against its momentum.
ps:.. the pun is totally intended. :)
20 SMA based Bull/Bear sentiment indicatorThis script is only doing one thing, plots the 20 SMA and based on whether the asset's price is above or below of the SMA it changes the color of the SMA and the background's color.
Helping it to visualize whether from the 20 SMA's point of view we are in a Bull or a Bear trend.
I created this because I myself use this SMA with Bitcoin on the weekly time frame to identify the macro trend on the weekly.
IMO this is a good crypto market sentiment indicator.
S&P500 Heat MapS&P sectors heat map. Follows the timeframe of the active chart.
The following SPDR select sector funds are included
XLB - Materials
XLC - Communication
XLE - Energy
XLF - Financials
XLI - Industrials
XLK - Information technology
XLP - Consumer staples
XLRE - Real estate
XLU - Utilities
XLV - Healthcare
XLY - Consumer discretionary
SPY and current chart ticker will also be included by default, but can be disabled in the settings.
There's a switch in setting "Data from previous bar" - if selected, the change percent will be from the previous candle. For example, if the chart timeframe is daily with this option selected, data will be from previous day. Similar situation with all timeframes. Also, when this option is active, the text "Previous Bar" will be printed in red color on the top right corner to avoid any confusion.
Ethereum Perpetual Swaps BasisThis is a simplified version of my Aggregated Perpetual Swaps Basis script.
Click the image to see more details on that indicator.
This version works only for ethereum (the older script works for BTC and ETH) and a bunch of code has been trimmed down.
The purpose of this is to make the indicator a lot faster .
When I published the old one I noticed that it always took a long time to load which is incredibly frustrating to me.
I guess I propped too much stuff in one indicator.
So that's why I'm basically cutting it up into two, more code efficient pieces, but it does the same thing.
People who have access to the old indicator will also get access to this one.
Here's a list of contracts that I used to make the perps and spot indices.
These will be updated if needed (in case an exchange loses relevancy for example).
Binance USDT margin
Binance coin margin
Bybit USDT margin
Bybit coin margin
FTX perp
Coinbase USD
Bitfinex USD
Binance USDT
Bitcoin Perpetual Swaps BasisThis is a simplified version of my Aggregated Perpetual Swaps Basis script.
Click the image to see more details on that indicator.
This version works only for bitcoin (the older script works for BTC and ETH) and a bunch of code has been trimmed down.
The purpose of this is to make the indicator a lot faster .
When I published the old one I noticed that it always took a long time to load which is incredibly frustrating to me.
I guess I propped too much stuff in one indicator.
So that's why I'm basically cutting it up into two, more code efficient pieces, but it does the same thing.
People who have access to the old indicator will also get access to this one.
Here's a list of contracts that I used to make the perps and spot indices.
These will be updated if needed (in case an exchange loses relevancy for example).
Binance USDT margin
Binance coin margin
Bybit USDT margin
Bybit coin margin
FTX perp
Coinbase USD
Bitfinex USD
Binance USDT
AltSessionHello World
It’s no secret that trading sessions play a massive role in market movement and liquidity. We can clearly see in the image about how important identifying international trading hours are for a trader.
The Asian session starts around 1am GMT and often has a bearish bias through this session lasting for a few hours, after which Frankfurt and London traders start to come online and can often reverse the Asian sentiment.
The London session is the best session to trade traditionally starting around 7am GMT before the American traders come online and reverse market once again.
We have designed this indicator to help identify different trading hours easily with a background shade on the chart and also high/lows of the training session, as these levels can often be revisited.
We hope you find this indicator useful and please feel free to drop a comment if you have any updates you wish to be made or any future indicator script ideas, thank you.
[FTX Funding Colored Candles] [third eye]This Indicator plots FTX: BTCPERP predicted funding rates and colours the candlesticks based on it.
Since Tradingview always plots new indicators at the back you might have to click:
Name of the Indicator ( ) -> More -> Visual Order -> Bring to Front
(unfortunately, there is no way for me to do this in pinescript)
There is also the possibility to change colors in the Settings:
It is grouped by where Basis is (FTX:BTCPERP - FTX Spot index)
Changing that might be good for getting a more close up view of LTF price action.
Also to get rid of the Values in the Status line click on Settings and scroll to the bottom to disable "Value in Status Line"
The Rush
This script shows when buyers are in a rush to buy and when sellers are in a rush to sell
Prophet Mohamed Peace be upon Him once said something similar to this "It is not advisable to trade if you do not know the
In his book "The Day Trader's Bible - Or My Secret In Day trading Of Stocks", Richard D. Kickoff wrote in page 55
"This shows that there was only 100 shares for sale at 180 1/8, none at all at 180f^, and only 500 at 3/8. The jump from 1 to 8 to 3/8
Emphasizes both the absence of pressure and persistency on the part of the buyers. They are not content to wait patiently until they can
Secure the stock at 180^/4; they "reach" for it."
This script was inspired by these two great men.
Prophet Mohamed Peace be upon Him showed the importance of the volume and Richard D. Kickoff explained what Prophet
Mohamed Peace be upon Him meant.
So I created this script that gauge the movement of the stock and the sentiments of the traders.
• FEATURES: The script calculates The Percentage Difference of the price and The Percentage Difference of the volume between
two success bullish candles (or two success bearish candles) and then it creates a ratio between these two Percentage
Differences and in the end the ratio is compared to the previous one to see if there is an increase or a decrease.
• HOW TO USE: if you see 2 or more successive red bars that mean bears are in hurry to sell and you can expect a bearish trend soon
if the Market Maker allows it or later if the Market Maker wants to do some distribution.
if you see 2 or more successive green bars that mean bulls are in hurry to buy and you can expect a bullish trend soon if the Market
Maker allows it or later if the Market Maker wants to do some accumulation.
1- Use only Heikin Ashi chart
2- Good only if volume data is correct , meaning good for a centralized Market. (You can use it for forex or
crypto but at your own risk because those markets are not centralized)
• THANKS: I pay homage to Prophet Mohamed Peace be upon Him and Richard D. Kickoff who inspired the creation of this
[RS]Dollar Composite IndexExperimental:
a composite of the dollar index with equal weights.
this is a repost of:
The Namib FlowThis is an alert/notification system consisting of the building on the following existing indicators:
Hull Suite by InSilico
Follow Line Indicator by Dreadblitz
QQE MOD by Mihkel00
It is not my strategy - it is based on a video I watched.
It will give and alert/notification once the following conditions are aligned:
Bullish Alert
Hull Suite Line Fully Green
Follow Line Indicator Blue
First Bullish Candle after the three indicators hit the conditions as described above.
Bearish Alert
Hull Suite Line Fully Red
Follow Line Indicator Red
First Bearish Candle after the three indicators hit the conditions as described above.
This alert system only works on the first three candles (bullish or bearish after the Hull Suite band color change) otherwise there would be too many candles.
The buy is at the close of the candle.
The SL is at the follow line indicator.
The TP is at a RRR of 1:2.
Comments appreciated.
WhaleCrew Binance Open InterestShows Open Interest of ANY Binance pair (BTCUSD, ETHUSD, ADAUSD, ...).
Inverse and USDT pairs
Preset-Pairs (BTC, ETH, XRP, ADA, SOL, DOT, ...)
Custom Candle Colors (candles can be turned off)