Planetary Channel Lines is an approach to financial astrology that involves using the positions of the planets to predict trends and patterns in the stock market. The idea behind planetary lines is that the positions of the planets in the sky at the time of a market event can significantly influence that event. The planetary lines approach involves mapping the...
Celestial coordinates are a system of measurements used in astronomy and astrology to describe the positions of celestial objects such as stars, planets, and constellations. There are several different celestial coordinates, including right ascension (RA), longitude, latitude, declination, and altitude. Each coordinate has its own astronomical or astrological...
Planetary speed refers to the rate at which a planet moves along its orbit around the Sun. The speed of a planet can vary depending on its distance from the Sun, and is generally fastest at the point in its orbit where it is closest to the Sun (perihelion) and slowest at the point where it is farthest from the Sun (aphelion). The significance of planetary speeds...
A bird's eye view model of the solar system is a simplified representation of our planetary system as seen from above. It can be thought of as a two-dimensional map of the solar system, in which the planets are shown in their approximate heliocentric longitudinal positions relative to the Sun and each other. In this model, the Sun is shown as a large, central...
In astrology, planetary aspects refer to the angles formed between two or more planets in a horoscope or birth chart. These angles are created by the positions of the planets in the sky and are thought to represent a particular energy or influence that can impact events on Earth. The most common planetary aspects are the conjunction (when two planets are in the...
In astrology, planetary aspects refer to the angles formed between two or more planets in a horoscope or birth chart. These angles are created by the positions of the planets in the sky and are thought to represent a particular energy or influence that can impact events on Earth. The most common planetary aspects are the conjunction (when two planets are in the...
In astrology, planetary aspects refer to the angles formed between two or more planets in a horoscope or birth chart. These angles are created by the positions of the planets in the sky and are thought to represent a particular energy or influence that can impact events on Earth. The most common planetary aspects are the conjunction (when two planets are in the...
Library "AstroLib", or Astro Library, is a collection of public Pinescript functions & calculations for use in astrology & astronomy indicators. Unless noted otherwise, this library was written jointly by @badsector666 and @BarefootJoey. Library "AstroLib" t_(txt) Parameters: txt (string) JDNv2(t, withFraction) Parameters: t (float) ...
The classification system for solar flares uses the letters A, B, C, M or X, according to the peak flux as measured at the Earth by the GOES spacecraft. These are daily Class X sun flares. The data was created by counting daily flares of this class based on the peak time of the flare. 2015-01-01 until 2021-08-25
The classification system for solar flares uses the letters A, B, C, M or X, according to the peak flux as measured at the Earth by the GOES spacecraft. These are daily Class M sun flares. The data was created by counting daily flares of this class based on the peak time of the flare.
The classification system for solar flares uses the letters A, B, C, M or X, according to the peak flux as measured at the Earth by the GOES spacecraft. These are daily Class C sun flares. The data was created by counting daily flares of this class based on the peak time of the flare.
The classification system for solar flares uses the letters A, B, C, M or X, according to the peak flux as measured at the Earth by the GOES spacecraft. These are daily Class A sun flares. The data was created by counting daily flares of this class based on the peak time of the flare. 2015-01-01 until 2021-08-25
The classification system for solar flares uses the letters A, B, C, M or X, according to the peak flux as measured at the Earth by the GOES spacecraft. These are daily Class B sun flares. The data was created by counting daily flares of this class based on the peak time of the flare. 2015-01-01 until 2021-08-25
Sun speed from geocentric view represents the apparent daily move (in degrees) of the Sun through the Zodiac wheel, we know well that is the Earth which is moving and this Sun dance through the tropical Zodiac is just apparent. The maximum speed 1.02 degrees per day is reached at the perihelion (closest to Sun) which occurs in January at the zodiac sign of...
Extreme Sun declinations occurs at the solstices of summer and fall which correspond to the entry of Sun into Cancer and Capricorn respectively. At this extreme points we can observe that many markets tend to produce corrections. Is very interesting to see that when Sun reach the lowest and highest declination extremes. this events correlates very close to price...