HEXTAR akan turun jika pecah 0.72 HEXTAR will reverse down if break 0.72. #ARTTpick
JADI... sudah W&R. TP=0.175 JADI... W&R... got chance go to TP 0.175 #ARTTpick
FINTEC sudah W&R... selepas ni kita harus nampak momentum. FINTEC W&R. we should see momentum catching up. #ARTTpick
SOLUTN... tiada power naik... Kemungkinan besar tidak boleh buat HH. SOLUTN... no power up... high chance will not make HH. #ARTTpick
MACPIE bermula jatuh. LHLL. MACPIE start downtrend. LHLL. #ARTTpick
PRLEXUS macam mahu buat retrace. angkar X=1.45 PRLEXUS look like going to make a retrace. est. X=1.45 #ARTTpick
PASUKGB... sudah buat pusingan turun PASUKGB... W&R + BHOG@3 #ARTTpick
TDEX... kalau boleh W&R. TP=0.22 TDEX... if can W&R. TP=0.22 #ARTTpick
KSTAR semankin banyak volume dibina di atas KSTAR more and more volume is building up at the top. Not a good sign. #ARTTpick
AEM ada kemungkinan turun ke 0.13 AEM has chance move down to 0.13 #ARTTpick
IRIS ada kemungkinan turun ke 0.23 IRIS has chance move down to 0.23 #ARTTpick
MYRUSD memcabar W&R selepas PAT A. Kemungkinan Ringgit boleh naik ke 0.2455. MYRUSD is challanging W&R after PAT A. High chance Ringgit will raise to 0.2455. #ARTTpick
TOPGLOV... W&R#2 atau Gagal? TOPGLOV... W&R#2 or fail? #ARTTpick
IJM... Sideways tapi ada chance naik IJM... not hit down and reverse. Now sideways. If it able to W&R, high chance it will move to previous high at 2.00. #ARTTpick
SOLUTN... dua kepala SOLUTN... double top #ARTTpick
SCGM... kalau tak boleh W&R, mungkin turun lagi. SCGM... if not able to W&R, it may go down. Now we see fake strong uptrend. #ARTTpick
NOTION... tunggu W pattern NOTION... waiting for W pattern #ARTTpick
JCY... bolehkah naik ke 0.97? JCY... strong uptrend. Can it break 0.97? #ARTTpick