IJM pecah rintangan. Mungkin ia akan memuju ke sasaran. Tapi ia pun boleh buat retrace terdahulu. IJM breakout. Maybe it is heading to tp. But it may also make a retrace before hand. #ARTTpick #KebayaTrader
EKOVEST Pat C + retest. paten cantik. Harap boleh sampai tp. EKOVEST Pat C + retest. Beautiful pattern. Hopefully it can reach tp. #ARTTpick #KebayaTrader
RGB kejatuhan semasin lemah. Mungkin kita akan nampak pusingan naik tak lama lagi. RGB drop is getting weaker. Maybe we will see reversal up soon. #ARTTpick #KebayaTrader
PARKSON Jatuh melintas gap. Kalau besok ada support, mungkin masih ada harapan. Kalau tidak, habis wayang lor. PARKSON drop through gap. If tomorrow support emerge, maybe still have hope. Else game over. #ARTTpick #KebayaTrader
GBGAQRS berkumpul untuk labur jangka masa panjang. Vol Profile banyak di bawah. GBGAQRS a lot of vol at bottom vol profile. Could be a good accumulate point. #ARTTpick #KebayaTrader
QES ada paten star step. min tp 0.75. sasaran jangka panjang 0.83 0.93. QES got star step. min tp 0.75. LT target 0.83 0.93. #ARTTpick #KebayaTrader
TROP di bawah saluran naik. Kalau nampak pusingan naik isyarat, mungkin tu ep. TROP at lower channel up. If see reversal up, it could be ep. #ARTTpick #KebayaTrader
CHINHIN Kalau ada BHOG nanti, kemungkinan besar pusing turun. Sekarang tren naik masih sihat. CHINHIN if see BHOG later, it may start to drop. Now uptrend still healthy. #ARTTpick #KebayaTrader
SCIENTX sudah pecah sideways. Mungkin ia boleh naik ke 4.70 5.80. W&R. SCIENTX breakout from sideways. Maybe it can go up to 4.70 5.80. W&R. #ARTTpick #KebayaTrader
QL di bawah saluran. kalau ada isyarat pusingan naik, mungkin boleh berkumpul. QL at bottom channel. if got reversal up signal, maybe is a good ep. #ARTTpick #KebayaTrader
AHEALTH dalam tren naik janka panjang. stok ni track record bagus. AHEALTH in long term uptrend. this stock has good track record. #ARTTpick #KebayaTrader
ENERGY masih belum boleh W&R naik. Sekarang saya bias turun ke bawah sideways. ENERGY still not W&R up. I am bias drop to bottom sideways. #ARTTpick #KebayaTrader
CONSUMER tak sentuh tp naik. mungkin akan buat satu retrace. CONSUMER not hit up. maybe will make a retrace. #ARTTpick #KebayaTrader
TECHNOLOGY pecah saluran naik. Mungkin ia akan menuju ke kawah sideways. TECHNOLOGY broken channel up. Maybe it will drop to sideways bottom. #ARTTpick #KebayaTrader
FBMKLCI tak sentuh tp naik dan pusing turun. kemungkinan besar akan jatuh. FBMKLCI not hit up + reverse down. high chance followed by significant retrace. #ARTTpick #KebayaTrader
MAYBANK dekat saya punya tp. ikut perkembangan sekarang mungkin it boleh sentuh tp. MAYBANK near my tp. if nothing extra ordinary happen, it should hit my tp. #ARTTpick #KebayaTrader
HIAPTEK sedang buat x2. harga sudah dekat x2. HIAPTEK making x2. price is close to x2 now. #ARTTpick #KebayaTrader
CAPITALA sentuh tp naik. kalau ada retrace, mungkin ia adalah satu ep CAPITALA hit target up. if have retrace, maybe it is an ep #ARTTpick #kebayaTrader