ACTIVISION is a video game software company with a promising future due to its Call of Duty franchise and games alike. ATVI may be a fruitful investment for the long term with the prices already surpassing highs prior to the start of the COVID-19 Bear market, its one of the first companies to have fully recovered all of its losses from 2/20/20 to 3/20/20 (COVID-19 Low). As of 4/16/20, ATVI has broken the high of $64.44 (2/20) trading above $69 in after-hours. From its low of $52.05 on 3/20/20 to now it has recovered 100% of its losses with a beautiful pivot and is now up 30.64% in a month. Not to mention the release of newer game consoles such as the long anticipated PS5 from Sony (SNE), and Xbox Series X by Microsoft (MSFT), it is easy to see that ATVI will be a greatly benefited stock given these circumstances and will certainly test the $80+ highs recorded in the Fall season of 2019. If you're looking for virus proof stocks to add to your portfolio, Activision (ATVI) is high on the list.
Beyond Technical AnalysisbigmoveBullish Patternslong-termpriceactionanalysisprofitTrend Analysis

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