BTCUSD- Long & Short back to Long?

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BTCUSD seeing some volatile movement, and some have checked out on it, but the overall range is still to the upside- provided the harmonics play out. We have seen bullish harmonic after bullish harmonic continue to setup only to fail on the 9500 resistance. Harmonics can change quickly, but this one may have some real legs right now. The ??? marks are areas where support may or may not be found. The pattern can play out 3 different ways. It can complete strong bullish- it can complete normally bullish- or it can complete and fail on the upswing. For now shorts have a target area for potential profits if price action fails.

If the Crab formation plays out we are looking at extremely HIGHER HIGHS. If the crab harmonic fails bad things will develop (as expected).. but we will not know until we see the pricing action. Demand for BTCUSD continues to grow- and so does dissension against it. BTC has seem some tough times and now is the proving grounds. Any questions msg me below. Please reference previous TA charts before doing so. There will be a July 4th update as well.

Not investing advise- arrows are not specific to time.
CASHAPP moorsc0de
Dagangan aktif
Looks like a good time to short... BTCUSD pre holiday update coming soon.
This chart is holding up well so far....
Moorsc0de aka Crypt0nomics aka Zaphkiel

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