Gold Target $6000 by 2031

Here I compare the US10Y-US02Y with Fed Funds Rate (and cutting Periods) with Rate of Change in the Money Supply (M2) relative to gold price (post yr 2000). In the last three rate cutting periods US10Y-US02Y increases, Rate of Change in the Money Supply (M2) increases and Gold increases. syot kilat
Next I consider the relationship between M2 and Gold using the Gold/M2 ratio. The last time this ratio broke to the upside in 2003 it rose >200%. M2 moved from 5.959T to 9.508T. The ratio broke up in 2023 at M2 21.151T. If history repeats and M2 increases by a similar scale as the 2003 to 2011 period (8 years), M2 could be 33.748T by 2031. The ratio at its last peak (2011) was 1.7^(-10) and applying this to be 33.748T by 2031 I arrive at a possible gold target of $5770. syot kilat
badchartsTrend Analysis
