Odd_Moving Averages

Telah dikemas kini
Multi Moving Average Analysis

A highly customizable indicator to help discover moving averages being used in the market.

  • 📈 Chart up to 15 Moving Averages in the same indicator
  • ⏳ Changeable time frame resolution
  • Ⅲ Available types - Simple, Weighted, Volume-weighted
  • ≡ Custom and pre configured length sets
  • 🪄 Automatic hiding of moving averages a set % away from last price
  • 🌈 14 selectable color sets for plot lines
  • 🗻 Selectable themed legend of values
  •   -Removes hidden values
  •   -Selectable density of data
  • ⇄ Selectable chart data locations

syot kilat

syot kilat

syot kilat

syot kilat
Nota Keluaran
Changed the way the data is pulled so data can be calculated Realtime on historical bars, and no longer using built in pine script functions for many calculations now. Execution time on the script will likely increase for access to this data.

  • Realtime Historical Data
  • Added Exponential Moving Averages
  • Settings Menu Updates
Exponential Moving Average (EMA)exponentialmovingaveragesMoving Averagesmoving_averagesmulti-timeframe-analysisoddrealtimeSimple Moving Average (SMA)streamthemesvolumeweightedmovingaverageweightedmovingaverage

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