Any Oscillator Underlay [TTF]We are proud to release a new indicator that has been a while in the making - the Any Oscillator Underlay (AOU) !
Note: There is a lot to discuss regarding this indicator, including its intent and some of how it operates, so please be sure to read this entire description before using this indicator to help ensure you understand both the intent and some limitations with this tool.
Our intent for building this indicator was to accomplish the following:
Combine all of the oscillators that we like to use into a single indicator
Take up a bit less screen space for the underlay indicators for strategies that utilize multiple oscillators
Provide a tool for newer traders to be able to leverage multiple oscillators in a single indicator
Includes 8 separate, fully-functional indicators combined into one
Ability to easily enable/disable and configure each included indicator independently
Clearly named plots to support user customization of color and styling, as well as manual creation of alerts
Ability to customize sub-indicator title position and color
Ability to customize sub-indicator divider lines style and color
Indicators that are included in this initial release:
2x RSIs (dubbed the Twin RSI )
Stochastic RSI
Ultimate Oscillator
Awesome Oscillator
Outback RSI (Color-coding only)
Quick note on OB/OS:
Before we get into covering each included indicator, we first need to cover a core concept for how we're defining OB and OS levels. To help illustrate this, we will use the TSI as an example.
The TSI by default has a mid-point of 0 and a range of -100 to 100. As a result, a common practice is to place lines on the -30 and +30 levels to represent OS and OB zones, respectively. Most people tend to view these levels as distance from the edges/outer bounds or as absolute levels, but we feel a more way to frame the OB/OS concept is to instead define it as distance ("offset") from the mid-line. In keeping with the -30 and +30 levels in our example, the offset in this case would be "30".
Taking this a step further, let's say we decided we wanted an offset of 25. Since the mid-point is 0, we'd then calculate the OB level as 0 + 25 (+25), and the OS level as 0 - 25 (-25).
Now that we've covered the concept of how we approach defining OB and OS levels (based on offset/distance from the mid-line), and since we did apply some transformations, rescaling, and/or repositioning to all of the indicators noted above, we are going to discuss each component indicator to detail both how it was modified from the original to fit the stacked-indicator model, as well as the various major components that the indicator contains.
This indicator contains the following major elements:
TSI and TSI Signal Line
Color-coded fill for the TSI/TSI Signal lines
Moving Average for the TSI
TSI Histogram
Mid-line and OB/OS lines
Default TSI fill color coding:
Green : TSI is above the signal line
Red : TSI is below the signal line
Note: The TSI traditionally has a range of -100 to +100 with a mid-point of 0 (range of 200). To fit into our stacking model, we first shrunk the range to 100 (-50 to +50 - cut it in half), then repositioned it to have a mid-point of 50. Since this is the "bottom" of our indicator-stack, no additional repositioning is necessary.
Twin RSI:
This indicator contains the following major elements:
Fast RSI (useful if you want to leverage 2x RSIs as it makes it easier to see the overlaps and crosses - can be disabled if desired)
Slow RSI (primary RSI)
Color-coded fill for the Fast/Slow RSI lines (if Fast RSI is enabled and configured)
Moving Average for the Slow RSI
Mid-line and OB/OS lines
Default Twin RSI fill color coding:
Dark Red : Fast RSI below Slow RSI and Slow RSI below Slow RSI MA
Light Red : Fast RSI below Slow RSI and Slow RSI above Slow RSI MA
Dark Green : Fast RSI above Slow RSI and Slow RSI below Slow RSI MA
Light Green : Fast RSI above Slow RSI and Slow RSI above Slow RSI MA
Note: The RSI naturally has a range of 0 to 100 with a mid-point of 50, so no rescaling or transformation is done on this indicator. The only manipulation done is to properly position it in the indicator-stack based on which other indicators are also enabled.
Stochastic and Stochastic RSI:
These indicators contain the following major elements:
Configurable lengths for the RSI (for the Stochastic RSI only), K, and D values
Configurable base price source
Mid-line and OB/OS lines
Note: The Stochastic and Stochastic RSI both have a normal range of 0 to 100 with a mid-point of 50, so no rescaling or transformations are done on either of these indicators. The only manipulation done is to properly position it in the indicator-stack based on which other indicators are also enabled.
Ultimate Oscillator (UO):
This indicator contains the following major elements:
Configurable lengths for the Fast, Middle, and Slow BP/TR components
Mid-line and OB/OS lines
Moving Average for the UO
Color-coded fill for the UO/UO MA lines (if UO MA is enabled and configured)
Default UO fill color coding:
Green : UO is above the moving average line
Red : UO is below the moving average line
Note: The UO naturally has a range of 0 to 100 with a mid-point of 50, so no rescaling or transformation is done on this indicator. The only manipulation done is to properly position it in the indicator-stack based on which other indicators are also enabled.
Awesome Oscillator (AO):
This indicator contains the following major elements:
Configurable lengths for the Fast and Slow moving averages used in the AO calculation
Configurable price source for the moving averages used in the AO calculation
Option to display the AO as a line or pseudo-histogram
Moving Average for the AO
Color-coded fill for the AO/AO MA lines (if AO MA is enabled and configured)
Default AO fill color coding (Note: Fill was disabled in the image above to improve clarity):
Green : AO is above the moving average line
Red : AO is below the moving average line
Note: The AO is technically has an infinite (unbound) range - -∞ to ∞ - and the effective range is bound to the underlying security price (e.g. BTC will have a wider range than SP500, and SP500 will have a wider range than EUR/USD). We employed some special techniques to rescale this indicator into our desired range of 100 (-50 to 50), and then repositioned it to have a midpoint of 50 (range of 0 to 100) to meet the constraints of our stacking model. We then do one final repositioning to place it in the correct position the indicator-stack based on which other indicators are also enabled. For more details on how we accomplished this, read our section "Binding Infinity" below.
This indicator contains the following major elements:
Configurable lengths for the Fast and Slow moving averages used in the MACD calculation
Configurable price source for the moving averages used in the MACD calculation
Configurable length and calculation method for the MACD Signal Line calculation
Note: Like the AO, the MACD also technically has an infinite (unbound) range. We employed the same principles here as we did with the AO to rescale and reposition this indicator as well. For more details on how we accomplished this, read our section "Binding Infinity" below.
Outback RSI (ORSI):
This is a stripped-down version of the Outback RSI indicator (linked above) that only includes the color-coding background (suffice it to say that it was not technically feasible to attempt to rescale the other components in a way that could consistently be clearly seen on-chart). As this component is a bit of a niche/special-purpose sub-indicator, it is disabled by default, and we suggest it remain disabled unless you have some pre-defined strategy that leverages the color-coding element of the Outback RSI that you wish to use.
Binding Infinity - How We Incorporated the AO and MACD (Warning - Math Talk Ahead!)
Note: This applies only to the AO and MACD at time of original publication. If any other indicators are added in the future that also fall into the category of "binding an infinite-range oscillator", we will make that clear in the release notes when that new addition is published.
To help set the stage for this discussion, it's important to note that the broader challenge of "equalizing inputs" is nothing new. In fact, it's a key element in many of the most popular fields of data science, such as AI and Machine Learning. They need to take a diverse set of inputs with a wide variety of ranges and seemingly-random inputs (referred to as "features"), and build a mathematical or computational model in order to work. But, when the raw inputs can vary significantly from one another, there is an inherent need to do some pre-processing to those inputs so that one doesn't overwhelm another simply due to the difference in raw values between them. This is where feature scaling comes into play.
With this in mind, we implemented 2 of the most common methods of Feature Scaling - Min-Max Normalization (which we call "Normalization" in our settings), and Z-Score Normalization (which we call "Standardization" in our settings). Let's take a look at each of those methods as they have been implemented in this script.
Min-Max Normalization (Normalization)
This is one of the most common - and most basic - methods of feature scaling. The basic formula is: y = (x - min)/(max - min) - where x is the current data sample, min is the lowest value in the dataset, and max is the highest value in the dataset. In this transformation, the max would evaluate to 1, and the min would evaluate to 0, and any value in between the min and the max would evaluate somewhere between 0 and 1.
The key benefits of this method are:
It can be used to transform datasets of any range into a new dataset with a consistent and known range (0 to 1).
It has no dependency on the "shape" of the raw input dataset (i.e. does not assume the input dataset can be approximated to a normal distribution).
But there are a couple of "gotchas" with this technique...
First, it assumes the input dataset is complete, or an accurate representation of the population via random sampling. While in most situations this is a valid assumption, in trading indicators we don't really have that luxury as we're often limited in what sample data we can access (i.e. number of historical bars available).
Second, this method is highly sensitive to outliers. Since the crux of this transformation is based on the max-min to define the initial range, a single significant outlier can result in skewing the post-transformation dataset (i.e. major price movement as a reaction to a significant news event).
You can potentially mitigate those 2 "gotchas" by using a mechanism or technique to find and discard outliers (e.g. calculate the mean and standard deviation of the input dataset and discard any raw values more than 5 standard deviations from the mean), but if your most recent datapoint is an "outlier" as defined by that algorithm, processing it using the "scrubbed" dataset would result in that new datapoint being outside the intended range of 0 to 1 (e.g. if the new datapoint is greater than the "scrubbed" max, it's post-transformation value would be greater than 1). Even though this is a bit of an edge-case scenario, it is still sure to happen in live markets processing live data, so it's not an ideal solution in our opinion (which is why we chose not to attempt to discard outliers in this manner).
Z-Score Normalization (Standardization)
This method of rescaling is a bit more complex than the Min-Max Normalization method noted above, but it is also a widely used process. The basic formula is: y = (x – μ) / σ - where x is the current data sample, μ is the mean (average) of the input dataset, and σ is the standard deviation of the input dataset. While this transformation still results in a technically-infinite possible range, the output of this transformation has a 2 very significant properties - the mean (average) of the output dataset has a mean (μ) of 0 and a standard deviation (σ) of 1.
The key benefits of this method are:
As it's based on normalizing the mean and standard deviation of the input dataset instead of a linear range conversion, it is far less susceptible to outliers significantly affecting the result (and in fact has the effect of "squishing" outliers).
It can be used to accurately transform disparate sets of data into a similar range regardless of the original dataset's raw/actual range.
But there are a couple of "gotchas" with this technique as well...
First, it still technically does not do any form of range-binding, so it is still technically unbounded (range -∞ to ∞ with a mid-point of 0).
Second, it implicitly assumes that the raw input dataset to be transformed is normally distributed, which won't always be the case in financial markets.
The first "gotcha" is a bit of an annoyance, but isn't a huge issue as we can apply principles of normal distribution to conceptually limit the range by defining a fixed number of standard deviations from the mean. While this doesn't totally solve the "infinite range" problem (a strong enough sudden move can still break out of our "conceptual range" boundaries), the amount of movement needed to achieve that kind of impact will generally be pretty rare.
The bigger challenge is how to deal with the assumption of the input dataset being normally distributed. While most financial markets (and indicators) do tend towards a normal distribution, they are almost never going to match that distribution exactly. So let's dig a bit deeper into distributions are defined and how things like trending markets can affect them.
Skew (skewness): This is a measure of asymmetry of the bell curve, or put another way, how and in what way the bell curve is disfigured when comparing the 2 halves. The easiest way to visualize this is to draw an imaginary vertical line through the apex of the bell curve, then fold the curve in half along that line. If both halves are exactly the same, the skew is 0 (no skew/perfectly symmetrical) - which is what a normal distribution has (skew = 0). Most financial markets tend to have short, medium, and long-term trends, and these trends will cause the distribution curve to skew in one direction or another. Bullish markets tend to skew to the right (positive), and bearish markets to the left (negative).
Kurtosis: This is a measure of the "tail size" of the bell curve. Another way to state this could be how "flat" or "steep" the bell-shape is. If the bell is steep with a strong drop from the apex (like a steep cliff), it has low kurtosis. If the bell has a shallow, more sweeping drop from the apex (like a tall hill), is has high kurtosis. Translating this to financial markets, kurtosis is generally a metric of volatility as the bell shape is largely defined by the strength and frequency of outliers. This is effectively a measure of volatility - volatile markets tend to have a high level of kurtosis (>3), and stable/consolidating markets tend to have a low level of kurtosis (<3). A normal distribution (our reference), has a kurtosis value of 3.
So to try and bring all that back together, here's a quick recap of the Standardization rescaling method:
The Standardization method has an assumption of a normal distribution of input data by using the mean (average) and standard deviation to handle the transformation
Most financial markets do NOT have a normal distribution (as discussed above), and will have varying degrees of skew and kurtosis
Q: Why are we still favoring the Standardization method over the Normalization method, and how are we accounting for the innate skew and/or kurtosis inherent in most financial markets?
A: Well, since we're only trying to rescale oscillators that by-definition have a midpoint of 0, kurtosis isn't a major concern beyond the affect it has on the post-transformation scaling (specifically, the number of standard deviations from the mean we need to include in our "artificially-bound" range definition).
Q: So that answers the question about kurtosis, but what about skew?
A: So - for skew, the answer is in the formula - specifically the mean (average) element. The standard mean calculation assumes a complete dataset and therefore uses a standard (i.e. simple) average, but we're limited by the data history available to us. So we adapted the transformation formula to leverage a moving average that included a weighting element to it so that it favored recent datapoints more heavily than older ones. By making the average component more adaptive, we gained the effect of reducing the skew element by having the average itself be more responsive to recent movements, which significantly reduces the effect historical outliers have on the dataset as a whole. While this is certainly not a perfect solution, we've found that it serves the purpose of rescaling the MACD and AO to a far more well-defined range while still preserving the oscillator behavior and mid-line exceptionally well.
The most difficult parts to compensate for are periods where markets have low volatility for an extended period of time - to the point where the oscillators are hovering around the 0/midline (in the case of the AO), or when the oscillator and signal lines converge and remain close to each other (in the case of the MACD). It's during these periods where even our best attempt at ensuring accurate mirrored-behavior when compared to the original can still occasionally lead or lag by a candle.
Note: If this is a make-or-break situation for you or your strategy, then we recommend you do not use any of the included indicators that leverage this kind of bounding technique (the AO and MACD at time of publication) and instead use the Trandingview built-in versions!
We know this is a lot to read and digest, so please take your time and feel free to ask questions - we will do our best to answer! And as always, constructive feedback is always welcome!
Stochastic RSI (STOCH RSI)
Multi Timeframe Stochastic RSI ScreenerThis script is also a Stochastic RSI Screener, but it allows users to choose one specific symbol and three timeframes of that symbol to monitor at once.
Stochastic RSI ScreenerStochastic RSI Screener is built as an indicator and can be applied to any chart.
It gives users the ability to choose 5 specific symbols to watch and then specify the required options to change the RSI and Stochastic settings in a way that fits their needs.
This screener shows the values of (CURRENT PRICE, RSI, K-VALUE, D-VALUE) for each one of the specified symbols. It will do the calculations based on the currently opened timeframe for all symbols.
TradePro's 2 EMA + Stoch RSI + ATR StrategySaw TradePro's "NEW BEST HIGHEST PROFITING STRATEGY WITH CRAZY RESULTS - 2 EMA+ Stochastic RSI+ ATR", and was curious on the back testing results. This strategy is an attempt to recreate it.
This strategy uses 50 / 200 EMAs, Stochastic RSI and ATR.
Long Entry Criteria:
- 50 EMA > 200 EMA
- Price closes below 50 EMA
- Stochastic RSI has gone into oversold < 20
- Stochastic RSI crosses up while making higher low from previous cross up
Short Entry Criteria:
- 50 EMA < 200 EMA
- Price closes above 50 EMA
- Stochastic RSI has gone into overbought > 80
- Stochastic RSI crosses down while making lower high from previous cross down
Stop-loss is set to ATR stop-loss
Take Profit is 2x the risk
All parameters are configurable.
AII - Average indicator of indicatorsThis Pine Script for TradingView is a technical analysis tool that visualizes the average of several popular indicators in the trading world. The indicators included are the RSI (Relative Strength Index), RVI (Relative Vigor Index), Stochastic RSI, Williams %R, relative MACD (ranging from 0 to 100), and Bollinger Bands price distance from 0 to 100. The script uses the "input" function to customize the length of the indicators and the "plot" function to display the results on the chart. In addition, options are included to turn off certain indicators and change the line colors if the user desires. All indicators can also be activated independently, allowing the user to see only the indicators they want. It is also mentioned that the script will be improved in the future to offer a better user experience. The calculated values are calculated with the default EMA of 14. Overall, this script is an excellent option for those looking for a combined view of several important indicators for making trading decisions.
RSI Overbought/Oversold + Divergence IndicatorDESCRIPTION:
This script combines the Relative Strength Index ( RSI ), Moving Average and Divergence indicator to make a better decision when to enter or exit a trade.
- The Moving Average line (MA) has been made hidden by default but enhanced with an RSIMA cloud.
- When the RSI is above the selected MA it turns into green and when the RSI is below the select MA it turns into red.
- When the RSI is moving into the Overbought or Oversold area, some highlighted areas will appear.
- When some divergences or hidden divergences are detected an extra indication will be highlighted.
- When the divergence appear in the Overbought or Oversold area the more weight it give to make a decision.
- The same color pallet has been used as the default candlestick colors so it looks familiar.
The prerequisite is that we have some knowledge about the Elliot Wave Theory, the Fibonacci Retracement and the Fibonacci Extension tools.
Wave 1
(1) When we receive some buy signals we wait until we receive some extra indications.
(2) On the RSI Overbought/Oversold + Divergence Indicator we can see a Bullish Divergence and our RSI is changing from red to green ( RSI is higher then the MA).
(3) If we are getting here into the trade then we need to use a stop loss. We put our stop loss 1 a 2 pips just below the lowest wick. We also invest maximum 50% of the total amount we want to invest.
Wave 2
(4) Now we wait until we see a clear reversal and here we starting to use the Fibonacci Retracement tool. We draw a line from the lowest point of wave(1) till the highest point of wave (1). When we are retraced till the 0.618 fib also called the golden ratio we check again the RSI Overbought/Oversold + Divergence Indicator. When we see a reversal we do our second buy. We set again a stop loss just below the lowest wick (this is the yellow line on the chart). We also move the stop loss we have set in step (3) to this level.
Wave 3
(5) To identify how far the uptrend can go we need to use the Fibonacci Extension tool. We draw a line from the lowest point of wave(1) till the highest point of wave (1) and draw it back to the lowest point of wave (2). Wave (3) is most of the time the longest wave and can go till it has reached the 1.618 or 2.618 fib. On the 1.618 we can take some profit. If we don't want to sell we move our stop loss to the 1 fib line (yellow line on the chart).
(6) We wait until we see a clear reversal on the Overbought/Oversold + Divergence Indicator and sell 33% to 50% of our investment.
Wave 4
(7) Now we wait again until we see a clear reversal and here we starting to use the Fibonacci Retracement tool. We draw a line from the lowest point of wave(2) till the highest point of wave (3). When we are retraced till the 0.618 fib also called the golden ratio we check again the RSI Overbought/Oversold + Divergence Indicator. When we see a reversal we buy again. We set again a stop loss just below the lowest wick (this is the yellow line on the chart).
(8) If we bought at the first reversal ours stop los was triggered (9) and we got out of the trade.
(9) If we did not bought at step (7) because our candle did not hit the 0.618 fib or we got stopped out of the trade we buy again at the reversal.
Wave 5
(10) To identify how far the uptrend can go we need to use the Fibonacci Extension tool. We draw a line from the lowest point of wave(2) till the highest point of wave (3) and draw it back to the lowest point of wave (4). Most of the time wave 5 goes up till it has reached the 1 fib. And that is the point where we got out of the trade with all of our investment. In this trade we got out of the trade a bit earlier. We received the sell signals and got a reversal on the Overbought/Oversold + Divergence Indicator.
We are hoping you learned something so you can make better decisions when to get into or out of a trade.
If you have any question just drop it into the comments below.
• You can show/hide the RSI .
• You can show/hide the MA.
• You can show/hide the lRSIMA cloud.
• You can show/hide the Stoch RSI cloud.
• You can show/hide and adjust the Overbought and Oversold zones.
• You can show/hide and adjust the Overbought Extended and Oversold Extended zones.
• You can show/hide the Overbought and Oversold highlighted zones.
• Etc...
• Favorite the script and add it to your chart.
• This advice is NOT financial advice.
• We do not provide personal investment advice and we are not a qualified licensed investment advisor.
• All information found here, including any ideas, opinions, views, predictions, forecasts, commentaries, suggestions, or stock picks, expressed or implied herein, are for informational, entertainment or educational purposes only and should not be construed as personal investment advice.
• We will not and cannot be held liable for any actions you take as a result of anything you read here.
• We only provide this information to help you make a better decision.
• While the information provided is believed to be accurate, it may include errors or inaccuracies.
Good Luck and have fun,
The CryptoSignalScanner Team
Bull Trend Filtered StochRSI (BTFS)Ride Bull Trends Via Stochastic with Special Rules for Heavy Bullish Bias
TLDR: Long Only Trend Indicator Where you are always entered Long if the stochastic is over the lower band line and the price is above the Donchian Chanel high. Exit when Stochastic RSI is below the lower band.
Filter = Trend/Bullish indicator is Donchian of ema(high) this is set as the highest ema(high, 6) in the last 30 candles. this can be adjusted to fit the market as desired.
**indicator prints green background when the filter condition is satisfied***
Entry Exit = enter when the Stoch RSI is above the given lower trend band. This value is set at 35 but can be adjusted according to risk tolerance and market conditions.
this indicator allows a trader to be present during bullish/parabolic trends by only triggering if the close is > than the highest 6 candle average high over the last 30 candles. This filter requires the market to be in a generally bullish posture. If the market is in this condition the stochastic RSI indicator value offers a good gauge of price action and only goes significantly down if price trends below the average range of the rsi period. This filters out noise and keeps a trader from over trading on inconsequential corrections while responding fairly quickly to changes in general trend direction. the response is fast enough to produce an unprofitable amount of false signals if the bull market filter is not implemented. However when used in combination the signals return desirable results in bull trending markets.
Hope this Helps. Happy Trades.
-Snarky Puppy
Rich Robin Index, The Crypto Fear & Greed Index with RSI Trend The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is a technical indicator based on price movements that is used to determine whether a particular asset is overbought or oversold. It measures the ratio of rising to falling prices over a certain period of time.
The Fear & Greed Index, on the other hand, is a composite index that tracks the sentiment of the crypto market. It is based on seven indicators, each of which measures a different aspect of market behavior. These indicators are: Safe Haven Demand, Stock Price Breadth, Market Momentum, Stock Price Strength, Put and Call Options, Junk Bond Demand, and Market Volatility.
The combination of the RSI and the Fear & Greed Index can provide valuable insights for crypto traders. The RSI can help identify overbought and oversold conditions, while the Fear & Greed Index can give an overall sense of the sentiment in the market. Together, they can provide a more complete picture of the market conditions. For example, if the RSI is indicating that an asset is overbought, but the Fear & Greed Index is showing that the market is still in a state of fear, it may be a good time to sell. On the other hand, if the RSI is indicating that an asset is oversold, but the Fear & Greed Index is showing that the market is in a state of greed, it may be a good time to buy.
Overall, the combination of the RSI and the Fear & Greed Index can provide useful information for traders to make more informed decisions, by giving a sense of the market conditions, and providing a way to identify overbought and oversold conditions.
Stoch RSI 15 min - multi time frame tableABOUT THIS INDICATOR
This indicator calculates the Stochastic RSI for the time frames 15 min, 30 min, 1h, 4h, and 12h. However, the 15 min time frame should always be the default time frame for your chart.
* NOTE! It's extremely important that the chosen time frame for your chart is 15 min. Otherwise the Stochastic RSI for the longer time frames won’t be correctly calculated.
* Stochastic RSI will be calculated and displayed in a table for the time frames: 15 min, 30 min, 1h, 4h, 12h.
* All time frames are based on closed bars except the "15minR" that are realtime updated values calculated on a 15 min time frame.
The Stochastic RSI (StochRSI) is a momentum indicator that ranges between 0 and 100. A Stochastic RSI value above 80 is considered overbought and below 20 is considered oversold.
By using different time frames you can get a better idea of what direction the trade could take in a "longer" perspective.
1.) Length RSI = 14 (default period)
2.) Smoothing parameter of Stochastic RSI (Length Moving Average = 3) . Moving average of stochastic RSI
* By default the displayed Stochastic RSI values are smoothed values of the actual Stochastic RSI. The smoothnes is formed by a calculated moving average of with the length of 3 by default.
If you want Stochastic RSI with a sharper signal (higher risk for "false alarms" being more sensitive) change the Length Moving Average to = 1 (no smoothness at all)
You can see the selected "Length RSI" and "Length Moving Average" on top of the Stochastic RSI table.
Next version of this script will be updated with more a more flexible solution for different time frames.
* NOTE, Tradingview comes with a inbuilt Stochastic RSI. See the the chart below. The blue line in the Stochastic-RSI chart represents (K value = 3) the same value as the script calculate/display in the table.
It is an exclusive product of ApiDevs, this indicator selectively integrates a series of highly advanced algorithms that aim to provide the trader with an effective and profitable trading system, based on a series of conditions that project the price direction with a reasonable probability.
This indicator bears the name of “RSI Bands”, this is because we have based this trading system on the “Relative Strength Index ( RSI )”, the strength of this indicator is centennial and we at APIDEVs have decided to focus our efforts on the development of powerful tools based on the favorite indicators of the afternoon.
1. Exponential Moving Average (EMAs): The RSI Bands has, by default, a band composed of two moving averages of 10 and 55 exponential periods, which can be modified in the indicator menu.
• Possibility of changing the value of the EMAs.
• Function was enabled to change the color and transparency of the bands.
• Visual alerts SHORT (L) and LONG (L) were added when there is the crossing of the EMAS.
• Hull Moving Average ( HMA ) of 100 periods was also incorporated, also modifiable for those who wish to strengthen their visual analysis. (Disabled by default)
• We also add an Exponential Moving Average ( EMA ) of 200 periods to mark the trend. (Disabled by default).
2. ATR ( Average True Range ): This indicator has two main functions in the RSI Bands, the first is to mark the trend of the asset and the second is to establish a margin of safety in price volatility , that is, a maximum estimate of the setbacks without this representing a change in the direction of the price.
3. RSI ( Relative Strength Index ): It was visually incorporated into the RSI Bands, the graph is obtained on the right side and its purpose is to visually indicate where the price is with respect to the RSI PRO+ indicator, offering the following improvements :
• ALERT SYSTEM: THE RSI PRO+ has the ADX incorporated into its algorithm, which allows establishing a filter that will provide reliable inputs, represented by the LONG (L) and SHORT (S) signals.
• FILTER AGAINST TREND: The signals described above will be activated according to the crossing of the RSI above the 50 point, provided that the ADX agrees with the market direction.
• Possibility of deactivating this graphical representation.
4. ADX ( Average Directional Index ): The ADX in this indicator is intended to estimate the strength of the movement, it is present in each part of the code, either to indicate the strength of the market or to serve as a filter against trend. In the same way, we apply certain exclusive improvements for this indicator:
• It was established as default values of the ADX that the Level Range was 10 and the Level Trend 25. This significantly changes the behavior of this indicator, almost completely eliminating the zone of disinterest that was usually considered.
• A function was activated to paint the sails the color of the ADX .
5. ADX Ocillator: Yes, we developed a Wave oscillator type ADX and incorporated it into this strategy. From this indicator, which we recommend using in conjunction with the RSI Bands, we extracted the LONG (L) and SHORT (S) signals. The ADX Oscillator is the improved version of the traditional ADX as it offers the following improvements:
• Its interpretation is much simpler.
• Allows you to set entry and exit signals during the trend change and during the price path.
• It has an integrated alert system.
This panel is an exclusive creation of APIDEVs, and its purpose is to parameterize five conditionals based on the indicators that make up our RSI strategy, giving the trader an immediate vision of the status of the asset analyzed considering this strategy. That is, we decided to transfer our experience of using this indicator on a panel that will project the price trajectory visually. It has the following characteristics:
• It can be placed anywhere on the screen through the main menu of the indicator, it can even be deactivated.
• It can be resized, we designed this to adapt to all types of screens, including those of mobile phones.
• It has an upper panel called "Project" which will calculate the percentage probability that the price has to take a direction based on all the indicators incorporated into the strategy. Their values range from (+ 100%) to (-100%).
1. EMAs: This panel has 2 variables:
• LONG: If the fast EMA is above the slow EMA .
• SHORT: If the fast EMA is below the slow EMA .
2. RSI: This panel has 3 variables:
• LONG: The RSI should be bullish (green) and above the 50 point.
• SHORT: The RSI should be bearish (red) and be below the 50 point.
• RANK: (Range)this condition is activated when there is no concordance with the RSI condition and its crossing.
3. ATR: This panel has 2 variables:
• LONG: When the price is above the ATR.
• SHORT: When the price is below the ATR.
4. ADX: This panel has 3 variables:
• LONG: The ADX is green. That is, the DI + is above the DI-.
• SHORT: The ADX is red. That is, the DI- is above the DI +.
• RANK: ADX is below point 10.
It also has a numerical value that indicates the value of the ADX and two texts indicating the strength of the trend:
• Trend ( bullish or bearish ).
• Strong trend ( bullish or bearish ).
5. OSC: This panel has 3 variables:
• LONG: The oscillator slopes upward and the built-in ADX is green.
• SHORT: The oscillator slopes downward and the built-in ADX is red.
• RANK: The oscillator slopes downward and the built-in ADX is green and the opposite. In short, there is no coherence in the movement of the oscillator and the projection of the ADX .
Stochastic RSI with crossover-indication and alertsOn the normal Stochastic RSI it may be hard to see the exact crosses between the two lines. This version makes that a little easier.
Shows green line when K-line crosses up the D-line, but below the 50-level (this treshold level can be adjusted in the settings).
Shows red line when K-line crosses down the D-line, but above the 50-level (treshold level can be adjusted).
Option to show lines on the subsequent one or two bars. For instance you can use a rule that a crossover is still valid for trade-entry when it happened 2 bars ago.
Macro Score - DFMA-BasedA "macro score", as defined here, is created by giving various weights to different signals and adding them together to get one smooth score. Positive or negative values are assigned to each of the signals depending on if the statement is true or false (e.g. DPO > 0: +1, DPO < 0: -1). This manner of strategy allows for a subset of the available signals to be present at one time as opposed to every technical signal having to be active in order for a long/short signal to trigger.
The DFMA - Democratic Fibonacci Moving Average - is a separate indicator that we have released that takes 10 different Fibonacci MAs (lengths of 3 to 233, at Fibonacci intervals) and averages them to form the DFMA line. This helps by creating a consensus on the trend based on moving averages alone. Crossovers of the DFMA with the various Fib MA lengths as well as a cross of the price source and these lines can provide adequate long and short signals.
This strategy has the signals and weights pre-determined in the code. Heaviest weights have been given to crosses of the DFMA line/Fib MA (233) as well as the crosses of the Fib MA (3)/DFMA. Additionally, there are thresholds for DPO ( Detrended Price Oscillator , above or below 0), CMO ( Chande Momentum Oscillator , above or below 0), Jurik Volatility Bands (above or below 0), and Stoch RSI (above or below 50). These foursignals hold a lighter weight than the MA cross signals.
The macro score itself is printed in an underlay as a white line that goes between -10 and 10 for this strategy. In addition to the macro score line, a blue momentum line (sourced by the macro score itself) has been included. A crossover/crossunder of the macro score and the macro momentum line is included into the long/short signal syntax in addition to a threshold for the macro score (-5/5).
Take profit, stop loss, and trailing percentages are also included, found at the bottom of the Input tab under “TT and TTP” as well as “Stop Loss”. Make sure to understand the TP/SL ratio that you desire before use, as the desired hit rate/profitability percentage will be affected accordingly. This strategy does NOT guarantee future returns. Apply caution in trading regardless of discretionary or algorithmic. Understand the concepts of risk/reward and the intricacies of each strategy choice before utilizing them in your personal trading.
Profitview Settings:
If you wish to utilize Profitview’s automation system, find the included “Profitview Settings” under the Input tab of the strategy settings menu. If not, skip this section entirely as it can be left blank. Options will be “OPEN LONG TITLE”, “OPEN SHORT TITLE”, “CLOSE LONG TITLE”, and “CLOSE SHORT TITLE”. If you wished to trade SOL, for example, you would put “SOL LONG”, “SOL SHORT”, “SOL CLOSE LONG”, and “SOL CLOSE SHORT” in these areas. Within your Profitview extension, ensure that your Alerts all match these titles. To set an alert for use with Profitview, go to the “Alerts” tab in TradingView, then create an alert. Make sure that your desired asset and timeframe are currently displayed on your screen when creating the alert. Under the “Condition” option of the alert, select the strategy, then select the expiration time. If using TradingView Premium, this can be open-ended. Otherwise, select your desired expiration time and date. This can be updated whenever desired to ensure the strategy does not expire. Under “Alert actions”, nothing necessarily needs to be selected unless so desired. Leave the “Alert name” option empty. For the “Message”, delete the generated message and replace it with {{strategy.order.alert_message}} and nothing else.
Default Properties, for AVAX 20M:
DPO - 40, uncentered
CMO - 25, open
K/D - 3/3
RSI Stoch Length - 3
Stoch Length - 4
Stoch Source - open
JVB Length - 25
JVB Smoothing - 2
DFMA source - close
Macro Length - 13
TP % - 1.5%
TTP % - 0.005%
SL % - 2%
MarsMine_OverThis indicator marks the area where the overbought/oversold section of the Stochastic RSI and the overbought/oversold section of the RSI overlap with arrows.
If an upward arrow appears on the indicator, it can be recognized that both StoRSI and RSI have entered the oversold zone.
When a down arrow appears, both the StoRSI and RSI can be considered to have entered the overbought zone.
This is a good signal to identify the direction of the future trend.
이 지표는 Stochastic RSI의 과매수/과매도 구간과 RSI의 과매수/과매도 구간이 겹치는 구간을 화살표로 표기 해주는 지표 입니다.
해당 지표에서 상승 화살표가 출현할 경우에는 StoRSI와 RSI 모두 과매도 구간에 진입했다고 인식할 수 있으며,
하락 화살표가 출현할 경우에는 StoRSI와 RSI 모두 과매수 구간에 진입했다고 인식할 수 있습니다.
이는 추후 추세의 방향성을 파악할 수 있는 좋은 시그널 입니다.
RSI Candle ColorI manually made a 100 point gradient for this one. Its just smooth sensitive rsi but it colors your candles based on the level of the rsi. I hope you find this useful even as a utility for the gradient.
Vector ScalerVector Scaler is like Stochastic but it uses a different method to scale the input. The method is very similar to vector normalization but instead of keeping the "vector" we just sum the three points and average them. The blue line is the signal line and the orange line is the smoothed signal line. I have added the "J" line from the KDJ indicator to help spot divergences. Differential mode uses the delta of the input for the calculations. Here are some pictures to help illustrate how this works relative to other popular indicators.
Vector Scaler vs Stochastic
Vector Scaler vs Smooth Stochastic RSI
average set to 100
average set to 200
Macro Score - TSI-BasedA "macro score", as defined here, is created by giving various weights to different signals and adding them together to get one smooth score. Positive or negative values are assigned to each of the signals depending on if the statement is true or false (e.g. DPO > 0: +1, DPO < 0: -1). This manner of strategy allows for a subset of the available signals to be present at one time as opposed to every technical signal having to be active in order for a long/short signal to trigger.
This strategy has the signals and weights pre-determined in the code. Heaviest weights have been given to various TSI (True Strength Index) signals, including a crossover/crossunder of TSI signal and TSI value, a threshold for the TSI Signal (above or below 0), and a crossover/crossunder of the CMO (Chande Momentum Oscillator) and the TSI signal line. Additionally, there are thresholds for DPO (Detrended Price Oscillator, above or below 0), Jurik Volatility Bands (above or below 0), and Stoch RSI (above or below 50). These three signals hold a lighter weight than the three TSI signals.
The macro score itself is printed in an underlay as a white line that goes between -10 and 10 for this strategy. In addition to the macro score line, a red momentum line (sourced by the macro score itself) has been included. A crossover/crossunder of the macro score and the macro momentum line is included into the long/short signal syntax in addition to a threshold for the macro score (-6/6).
Take profit, stop loss, and trailing percentages are also included, found at the bottom of the Input tab under “TT and TTP” as well as “Stop Loss”. Make sure to understand the TP/SL ratio that you desire before use, as the desired hit rate/profitability percentage will be affected accordingly. This strategy does NOT guarantee future returns. Apply caution in trading regardless of discretionary or algorithmic. Understand the concepts of risk/reward and the intricacies of each strategy choice before utilizing them in your personal trading.
Profitview Settings:
If you wish to utilize Profitview’s automation system, find the included “Profitview Settings” under the Input tab of the strategy settings menu. If not, skip this section entirely as it can be left blank. Options will be “OPEN LONG TITLE”, “OPEN SHORT TITLE”, “CLOSE LONG TITLE”, and “CLOSE SHORT TITLE”. If you wished to trade SOL, for example, you would put “SOL LONG”, “SOL SHORT”, “SOL CLOSE LONG”, and “SOL CLOSE SHORT” in these areas. Within your Profitview extension, ensure that your Alerts all match these titles. To set an alert for use with Profitview, go to the “Alerts” tab in TradingView, then create an alert. Make sure that your desired asset and timeframe are currently displayed on your screen when creating the alert. Under the “Condition” option of the alert, select the strategy, then select the expiration time. If using TradingView Premium, this can be open-ended. Otherwise, select your desired expiration time and date. This can be updated whenever desired to ensure the strategy does not expire. Under “Alert actions”, nothing necessarily needs to be selected unless so desired. Leave the “Alert name” option empty. For the “Message”, delete the generated message and replace it with {{strategy.order.alert_message}} and nothing else.
Stochastic RSI by MI7TOP LINE = SELL
RED LINE = unbelievable SELL OR BUY
Green LINE = gos SELL OR BUY
Stochastic Buy Sell with EMA TrendStochastic Buy Sell with EMA Trend is combination of two indicators only.
The Stochastic Oscillator ( STOCH ) is a range bound momentum oscillator. The Stochastic indicator is designed to display the location of the close compared to the high/low range over a user defined number of periods. Typically, the Stochastic Oscillator is used for three things; Identifying overbought and oversold levels, spotting divergences and also identifying bull and bear set ups or signals.
The Exponential Moving Average (EMA) is a specific type of moving average that points towards the importance of the most recent data and information from the market.
1) Stochastic - It is giving signal whenever cross happen in oversold or overbought zone.
2) EMA 200 - EMA 200 is used to identify market trend.
Long :
If stochastic giving buy signal and price is over 200 EMA.
Short :
If stochastic giving sell signal and price is below 200 EMA.
RSI + Stothis one can be used for over-bought and oversold
1d time frame is the best time frame for using this indicator
RSI measures the speed and magnitude of a security's recent price changes to evaluate overvalued or undervalued conditions in the price of that security.
The RSI can do more than point to overbought and oversold securities. It can also indicate securities that may be primed for a trend reversal or corrective pullback in price. It can signal when to buy and sell. T
traditionally, an RSI reading of 70 or above indicates an overbought situation. A reading of 30 or below indicates an oversold condition.
Stochastic Smooth Relative Strength Index (SSRSI)This is Stochastic RSI but it uses smoothed RSI instead. You use it the same as any other Stochastic RSI :)
The features in this scripts are: RSI Length, Extra Smoothing, Extra Smooth RSI Filter, Stochastic Length, and K and D.
I hope you find this release useful!
The Stochastic RSI indicator ( Stoch RSI ) is essentially an indicator of an indicator. It is used in technical analysis to provide a stochastic calculation to the RSI indicator. This means that it is a measure of RSI relative to its own high/low range over a user defined period of time. The Stochastic RSI is an oscillator that calculates a value between 0 and 1 which is then plotted as a line. This indicator is primarily used for identifying overbought and oversold conditions.
Global & local RSI / quantifytoolsAs the terms global and local imply, global RSI describes broad relative strength, whereas local RSI describes local relative strength within the broad moves. A macro and micro view of relative strength so to speak. Global and local RSI are simply regular RSI and stochastic RSI. Local RSI extremes ( stochastic RSI oversold/overbought) often mark a pivot in RSI which naturally reflects to price. Local RSI extremes are visualized inside the global RSI bands (upper band for overbought, lower band for oversold) in a "heat map" style.
By default:
Stochastic RSI >= 75 = yellow
Stochastic RSI >= 87 = orange
Stochastic RSI >= 100 = pink
Users also have the ability smooth the RSI with their preferred smoothing method ( SMA , EMA , HMA , RMA, WMA ) and length. This leads to different behavior in RSI, rendering the typical RSI extremes (> 70 or < 30) suboptimal or even useless. By enabling adaptive bands, the extremes are readjusted based on typical RSI pivot points (median pivots ), which gives much more relevant reference points for oversold/overbought conditions in both global and local RSI. This feature can be used without smoothing, but it rarely provides a meaningful difference, unless the RSI calculation length is messed with.
Global RSI can be plotted as candles, bars or a line. Candles and bars can be useful for detecting rejections (wicks) in relative strength, the same you would with OHLC data. Sometimes there are "hidden rejections" that are visible in relative strength but not on OHLC data, which naturally gives an advantage. All colors can be adjusted in the input menu. You also have a real-time view of the current RSI states in top right corner. Available alerts are the following: global RSI overbought, global RSI oversold, local RSI overbought and local RSI oversold.
3Commas Bot DCA Backtester & Signals FREEThis is a DCA Strategy backtester + signals, built to emulate the 3Commas DCA bots. It uses your choice of 4 different buy signals, 2 of which can be adjusted in the settings. Everything is customizable so you can backtest specific settings with different buy signals and find the best performing strategy for your risk tolerance and capital. It can be used to backtest strategies on stocks as well, but just make sure your base order is larger than the share price for the entire backtesting range or it will not calculate properly.
You can use this template to code your own buy signals and then backtest them as a DCA strategy if you know some basic pine script.
The indicator shows all of your backtesting orders on the chart. The red line is your take profit level, the blue line is your average price level, the white line is your first order and the green lines are your average down orders. If you enable a stop loss in the settings your stop loss will be shown as an orange line once all of your average down orders have been hit, it will not be set until price has dipped below your covered trading range.
These levels update when things change during backtesting so you can visualize your strategy and how it would perform as well as see if your percentage deviation is large enough to cover dips. When backtesting trades are taken, the chart will show where they were taken(in backtesting) along with info on those trades such as the number each order is, the size of that order and the percentage deviation that order is from the initial buy.
Tradingview cannot sync this backtester to 3Commas and with the way alerts are setup for strategies on Tradingview, the best option for you to give signals to your bot would be to use this backtester to figure out what trigger you want to use and then setup that indicator separately to send alerts to your bot. All of the indicators used for signals in this backtester are available for free and can be configured to match this backtester and send alerts to 3Commas for you. Just make sure you set your alerts to once per bar close and don’t use less than a 15 second timeframe because then you could trigger the Tradingview threshold for alerts and get your alerts shut off.
You can also use this backtester with your own buy triggers if you know a little pine script. Just make copy of the script and code in your own buy signals and see how it backtests.
The right hand side of the screen will show an info panel that shows a lot of different information so you can quickly see your bot settings and how it performed right on the screen.
In the top right corner you will see in purple your bot settings. These include your stoploss % if turned on, take profit %, average down order %, average down order % multiplier, volume multiplier, max number of orders allowed and size of your base order.
The top section of the first column “Current Trade” shows these stats: the open trade’s average price, the open trade’s take profit price, the open trade’s PNL, how far price is from your open tarde’s take profit level in percentage, your open position size and number of open orders.
The bottom section of the first column “Overall Performance” shows these stats: total number of trades taken during backtesting range, the largest amount of trades that were open at one time during backtesting, the max drawdown, the average number of bars per trade, gross profit, net profit, percent profit from your initial capital, current portfolio value and your initial capital.
Stoploss On/Off
This will turn your stoploss on or off. By default it is set to off and will not affect anything unless turned on.
Stoploss Percentage
This is the percentage below your final average down order price that will be set as a stoploss to keep your account from going too far in the red on big dips.
Take Profit Percentage - This is the percentage of profit you want the trade to hit before taking profit on your entire DCA trade. This level updates everytime you average down.
Average Down Percentage - This is the percentage that price has to drop from your initial order to initiate your first safety order. If the Average Down Percent Multiplier is set to 1 then this percentage will be the same for every average down order.
Average Down Percentage Multiplier - This multiplies your Average Down Percentage so each safety order needs a larger percentage deviation than the previous one. This keeps your buys closer together at the beginning and further apart when you hit more orders so you can extend your trading range but still be aggressive when price is going sideways.
Volume Multiplier Per New Order - This multiplies the size of each trade based on your base order. If you set it to a 2x multiplier then each average down order will be 2 times the size of the last one. So for example, a $100 base order with a 2x multiplier would have these values for the first 3 average down orders: 200, 400, 800.
Size Of Base Order - This is the size of your first position entry and will be used as a starting point for the volume multiplier. If your base order is $100 then it will buy $100 worth of whatever crypto you are backtesting this on. If you are looking at stock charts, you need to make sure your base order is higher than the share price across the entire backtesting range or it will not perform correctly.
Max Number Of Orders - This is the maximum number of orders the bot can take, including your base order. Adjust this to suit the amount of capital you are willing to allocate to your bot based on how much money it will require to run according to your bot settings.
If you don’t have a lot of capital to work with, then use longer timeframes with a reasonable take profit percentage so that you don’t need a lot of average down orders. You can also try keeping the volume multiplier close to 1.
You can use the 3Commas dca bot settings page to see how much capital you will need for your strategy if you match it to the settings you have on this indicator. You can also check to see how much of a percentage deviation your bot is covering to make sure you have a reasonable range to trade in and orders to cover big dips. You can also check your coverage by seeing how far down the chart the green lines cover, which are your average down orders.
Make sure the initial capital in the properties tab of the settings has enough to cover all of your orders otherwise you will get unrealistic backtesting results. Also, make sure you leave the order size in the properties tab on contracts so it calculates your trades correctly. The only settings you need to touch in the properties tab is the initial capital. Unless you are trading somewhere that has lower commission fees, then you can change that to match, but leave all the other settings as is for it to function properly.
Increasing the volume multiplier will make your average price and take profit target follow the price action a lot closer as price falls, but it can also lead to having very large orders very quickly once you get into the 1.5-3x multiple range. Try using a high volume multiplier with less safety orders and you will get better results, however you need to have money on the sidelines to add on major dips to keep your bot turning a profit. Be very careful with this as greed and impatience will hurt your overall performance. This bot is meant to make money with lots of small wins so don’t get greedy and make sure you have enough money to cover large dips. If you are being aggressive with your bot, then I recommend only using 25% or less of your portfolio to trade aggressively and then use the smart trade feature on 3commas to add chunks of funds to your trades when price dips below your last safety order. Or if you want it to run without any supervision, then use lower volume multipliers and have lots of safety orders that can cover entire bear markets and still keep buying lower.
It’s a good idea to have some capital on the sidelines that you can add in when price dips quickly. This will help lower your average price and allow your bot to get out in profit quicker. 3Commas bot has a smart trade feature that will allow you to track your average price when adding extra funds and it will automatically update your other orders which is very convenient. Look at the longer timeframes when price dips and only add chunks at major areas where price is very likely to bounce. Or you can be aggressive when trading and add to your position when price dips and is at a likely bounce zone to maximize profits.
Only trade coins that have a good amount of liquidity as the larger your orders get, the harder it will be to sell if there isn’t much liquidity. Also, beware of how large your first order is as it will usually be a market order and can move the market if there is not much liquidity.
Since this bot takes a lot of trades and performs best when taking small profits consistently, you will need to factor in exchange fees. The bot is set to .5% commission(you can change this) on the buy and sell orders as most exchanges charge that amount. Some exchanges offer no fee trading on certain coins so be sure to look around for those so you can keep the commissions and maximize profits.
I strongly encourage you to try out a lot of different setting combinations across multiple different coins and do it across a few months to see how it would have performed under various market conditions. This will help you get a better idea of how much of a percentage deviation you’ll need to be able to cover to keep your bot running and making constant profits. You can also use the deep backtesting feature of the strategy panel to see how it would have done, but just beware that the info panel of the indicator will not reflect deep backtesting results, only the normal backtesting range.
This backtester can be used on any market including crypto, stocks, forex & futures. You just need to make sure your base order is larger than the share price when using this on things besides crypto.
This backtester can be used on all timeframes.
TIGER ALERT RSI DIVThats our first RSI DIV indicator for free use.
What is an RSI divergence?
What Is the Relative Strength Index (RSI)?
The relative strength index (RSI) is a momentum indicator used in technical analysis.
RSI measures the speed and magnitude of a security's recent price changes to evaluate overvalued or undervalued conditions in the price of that security.
The RSI can do more than point to overbought and oversold securities. It can also indicate securities that may be primed for a trend reversal or corrective pullback in price. It can signal when to buy and sell. T
raditionally, an RSI reading of 70 or above indicates an overbought situation. A reading of 30 or below indicates an oversold condition.