Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.

Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.

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APD4981665Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. 2.8% 15-MAY-2050
6.67%607 K63.61%2.80%2050-05-15950 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDAir Products & Chemicals, Inc.
US9158AZ9AIR PR.&CHEM 20/40
6.11%073.16%2.70%2040-05-15750 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDAir Products & Chemicals, Inc.
APD.GMAir Products and Chemicals, Inc. 7.8% 15-JUN-2026
5.37%48 K103.39%7.80%2026-06-159.18 M USD1,000.00 USD1,000.00 USDAir Products & Chemicals, Inc.
APD5749373Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. 4.85% 08-FEB-2034
4.92%1.07 M99.56%4.85%2034-02-081.15 B USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDAir Products & Chemicals, Inc.
US9158BF2AIR PR.&CHEM 23/33
4.87%099.60%4.80%2033-03-03600 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDAir Products & Chemicals, Inc.
APD.GLAir Products and Chemicals, Inc. 7.34% 15-JUN-2026
4.85%60 K103.91%7.34%2026-06-156.42 M USD1,000.00 USD1,000.00 USDAir Products & Chemicals, Inc.
US9158BC9AIR PR.&CHEM 20/30
4.83%088.52%2.05%2030-05-15900 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDAir Products & Chemicals, Inc.
US9158BB1AIR PR.&CHEM 20/25
4.60%098.28%1.50%2025-10-15550 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDAir Products & Chemicals, Inc.
APD5748962Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. 4.75% 08-FEB-2031
4.58%5.63 M100.79%4.75%2031-02-08600 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDAir Products & Chemicals, Inc.
US9158AY2AIR PR.&CHEM 20/27
4.38%095.03%1.85%2027-05-15650 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDAir Products & Chemicals, Inc.
APD5748972Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. 4.6% 08-FEB-2029
4.38%462 K100.75%4.60%2029-02-08750 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDAir Products & Chemicals, Inc.
XS300419488AIR PR.&CHEM 25/37
4.09%094.88%3.45%2037-02-14500 M EUR1,000.00 EUR100,000.00 EURAir Products & Chemicals, Inc.
APD.GKAir Products and Chemicals, Inc. 7.56% 29-MAY-2026
4.00%0117.22%7.56%2026-05-291.59 M USD1,000.00 USD100,000.00 USDAir Products & Chemicals, Inc.
XS259503655AIR PR.&CHEM 23/35
3.75%0101.79%4.00%2035-03-03700 M EUR1,000.00 EUR100,000.00 EURAir Products & Chemicals, Inc.
XS216612248AIR PR.&CHEM 20/32
3.60%084.12%0.80%2032-05-05500 M EUR1,000.00 EUR100,000.00 EURAir Products & Chemicals, Inc.
XS300419500AIR PR.&CHEM 25/31
3.47%097.35%2.95%2031-05-14500 M EUR1,000.00 EUR100,000.00 EURAir Products & Chemicals, Inc.
XS216612230AIR PR.&CHEM 20/28
2.86%093.23%0.50%2028-05-05500 M EUR1,000.00 EUR100,000.00 EURAir Products & Chemicals, Inc.