Public Storage Depositary Shares, Each Representing 1/1,000 of a 5.05% Cumulative Preferred Share of Beneficial Interest, Series GPublic Storage Depositary Shares, Each Representing 1/1,000 of a 5.05% Cumulative Preferred Share of Beneficial Interest, Series GPublic Storage Depositary Shares, Each Representing 1/1,000 of a 5.05% Cumulative Preferred Share of Beneficial Interest, Series G

Public Storage Depositary Shares, Each Representing 1/1,000 of a 5.05% Cumulative Preferred Share of Beneficial Interest, Series G

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Public Storage Depositary Shares, Each Representing 1/1,000 of a 5.05% Cumulative Preferred Share of Beneficial Interest, Series G statistik dan nisbah kewangan utama

Nisbah harga-kepada-jualan PSA/PG adalah 0.90. Syarikat mempunyai nisbah Nilai Perusahan kepada EBITDA 19.33. Pada masa 2023 mereka telah menggajikan 6.20 k pekerja.

Q3 '22
Q4 '22
Q1 '23
Q2 '23
Q3 '23
Q4 '23
Q1 '24
Nisbah harga kepada keuntungan
Nisbah harga kepada aliran tunai
Mata wang: USD
Q3 '22
Q4 '22
Q1 '23
Q2 '23
Q3 '23
Q4 '23
Q1 '24
Statistik utama
Nisbah penilaian
Nisbah keuntungan
Nisbah kecairan
Nisbah kesolvenan