Liquidity Trading Algorithm (LTA)
The Liquidity Trading Algorithm is an algorithm designed to provide trade signals based on
liquidity conditions in the market. The underlying algorithm is based on the Liquidity
Dependent Price Movement (LDPM) metric and the Liquidity Dependent Price Stability (LDPS)
Together, LDPM and LDPS demonstrate statistically significant forecasting capabilities for price-
action on equities, cryptocurrencies, and futures. LTA takes these liquidity measurements and
translates them into actionable insights by way of entering or exiting a position based
on the future outlooks, as measured by the current liquidity status.
The benefit of LTA is that it can incorporate these powerful liquidity measurements into
actionable insights with several features designed to help you tailor LTA's behavior and
measurements to your desired vantage point. These customizable features come by the way of determining LTA's assessment style, and additional monitoring systems for avoiding bear and bull traps, along with various other quality of life features, discussed in more detail below.
First, a few quick facts:
- LTA is compatible on a wide array of instruments, including Equities, Futures, Cryptocurrencies, and Forex.
- LTA is compatible on most intervals in so long as the data can be calculated appropriately,
(be sure to do a backtest on timescales less than 1-minue to ensure the data can be computed).
- LTA only measures liquidity at the end of the interval of the chart chosen, and does not respond to conditions during the candle interval, unless specified (such as with `Stops`).
- LTA is interval-dependent, this means it will measure and behave differently on different
intervals as the underlying algorithms are dependent on the interval chosen.
- LTA can utilize fractional share sizing for cryptocurrencies.
- LTA can be restricted to either bullish or bearish indications.
- Additional Monitoring Systems are available for additional risk mitigation.
In short, LTA is a widely applicable, unique algorithm designed to translate liquidity measurements into liquidity insights.
Before getting more into the details, here is a quick list of the main features and settings
available for customization:
- Backtesting Start Date: Manual selection of the start date for the algorithm during backtesting.
- Assessment Style: adjust how LDPM and LDPS measure and respond to changes in liquidity.
- Impose Wait: force LTA to wait before entering or exiting a position to ensure conditions have remained conducive.
- Trade Direction Allowance: Restrict LTA to only long or only short, if desired.
- Position Sizing Method: determine how LTA calculates position sizing.
- Fractional Share Sizing: allow LTA to calculate fractional share sizes for cryptocurrencies
- Max Size Limit: Impose a maximum size on LTA's positions.
- Initial Capital: Indicate how much capital LTA should stat with.
- Portfolio Allotment: Indicate to LTA how much (in percentages) of the available balance should be considered when calculating position size.
- Enact Additional Monitoring Systems: Indicate if LTA should impose additional safety criteria when monitoring liquidity.
- Configure Take Profit, Stop-Loss, Trailing Stop Loss
- Display Information tables on the current position, overall strategy performance, along
with a text output showing LTA's processes.
- Real-time text output and updates on LTA's inner workings.
Let's get into some more of the details.
LTA's Assessment Style
LTA's assessment style determines how LTA collects and responds to changing data. In traditional terms, this is akin to (but not quite exactly the same as) the sensitivity versus specificity spectrum, whereby on one end (the sensitive end), an algorithm responds to changes in data in a reactive manner (which tends to lower its specificity, or how often it is correct in its indications), and on the other end, the opposite one, the algorithm foresakes quick changes for longevity of outlook.
While this is in part true, it is not a full view of the underlying mechanisms that changing the assessment style augments. A better analogy would be that the sensitive end of the spectrum (`Aggressive`) is in a state such that the algorithm wants to changing its outlooks, and as such, with changes in data, the algorithm has to be convinced as to why that is not a good idea to change outlooks, whereas the the more specific states (`Conservative`, `Diamond`) must be convinced that their view is no longer valid and that it needs to be changed.
This means the `Aggressive` and the `Diamond` settings fundamentally differ not just in their
data collection, but also in the data processing such that the `Aggressive` decision tree has to
be convinced that the data is the same (as its defualt is that it has changed),
and the `Diamond` decision tree has to be convinced that the data is not the same, and as such, the outlook need changed.
From there, the algorithm cooks through the data and determines to what the outlook should be changed to, given the current state of liquidity.
`Balanced` lies in the middle of this balance, attempting to balance being open to new ideas while not removing the wisdom of the past, as it were.
On a scale of most `sensitive` to most `specific`, it is as follows: `Aggressive`, `Balanced`,
`Conservative`, `Diamond`.
Functionally, these different modes can help in different liquidity environments, as certain
environments are more conducive to an eager approach (such as found near `Aggressive`) or are more conducive to a more conservative approach, where sudden changes in liquidity are known to be short-lived and unremarkable (such as many previously identified bull or bear traps).
For instance, on low interval views, it can often-times be beneficial to keep the algorithm towards the `Sensitive` end, since on the lower-timeframes, the crosswinds can change quite dramatically; whereas on the longer intervals, it may be useful to maintain a more `Specific` algorithm (such as found near `Diamond` mode) setting since longer intervals typically lend themselves to longer time-horizons, which themselves typically lend themselves to "weathering the storm", as it were.
LTA's Assessment Style is also supported by the Additional Monitoring Systems which works
to add sensitivity without sacrificing specificity by enacting a separate monitoring system, as described below.
Additional Monitoring Systems
The Additional Monitoring System (AMS) attempts to add more context to any changes in liquidity conditions as measured, such that LTA as a whole will have an expanded view into any rapidly changing liquidity conditions before these changes manifest in the traditional data streams. The ideal is that this allows for early exits or early entrances to positions "a head of time".
The traditional use of this system is to indicate when liquidity is suggestive of the end of a particular run (be it a bear run or a bull run), so an early exit can be initiated (and thus,
downside averted) even before the data officially showcase such changes. In such cases (when AMS becomes activated), the algorithm will signal to exit any open positions, and will restrict the opening of any new positions.
When a position is exited because of AMS, it is denoted as an `Early Exit` and if a position is prevented from being entered, the text output will display `AM prevented entry...` to indicate that conditions are not meeting AMS' additional standards.
The algorithm will wait to make any actions while `AMS` is `active` and will only enter into a new position once `AMS` has been `deactivated` and overall liquidity conditions are appropriate.
Functionally, the benefits of AMS translate to:
- Toggeling AMS on will typically see a net reduction in overall profitability, but
- AMS will typically (almost always) reduce max drawdown,
an increases in max runup, and increase return-over-maxdrawdown, and
- AMS can provide benefit for equities that experience a lot of "traps" by navigating early
entrance and early exits.
So in short, AMS is way of adding an additional level of liquidity monitoring that attempts to
exit positions if conditions look to be deteriorating, and to enter conditions if they look to be
improving. The cost of this additional monitoring, however, is a greater number of trades indicated, and a lower overall profitability.
Impose Wait
Note: `Impose Wait` will not force Take Profit, Stop Loss, or Trailing Stop Loss to
LTA can be indicated to `wait` before entering or exiting a position if desired. This means that if conditions change, whereas without a `wait` imposed, the algorithm would immediately indicate this change via a signal to alter the strategy's position, with a `wait` imposed, the algorithm will `wait` the indicated number of bars, and then re-check conditions before proceeding.
If, while waiting, conditions change to a state that is no longer compatible with the "order-in-
waiting", then the order-in-waiting is removed, and the counts reset (i.e.: conditions must remain favorable to the intended positional change throughout the wait period).
Since LTA works at the end-of-intervals, there is an inherently "built-in" wait of 1 bar when
switching directly from long to short (i.e.: if a full switch is indicated, then it is indicated as
conditions change -> exit new position -> wait until -> check conditions ->
enter new position as indicated). Thus, to impose a wait of `1 bar` would be to effectively have a total of two candles' ends prior to the entrance of the new position).
There are two main styles of `Impose Wait` that you can utilize:
- `Wait` : this mode will cause LTA to `wait` when both entering and exiting a position (in so long as it is not an exit signaled via a Take Profit, Stop Loss or Trailing Stop Loss).
- `Exit-Wait` : This mode will >not< cause LTA to `wait` if conditions require the closing of a position, but will force LTA to wait before entering into a position.
In addition to the availability to restrict LTA to either a long-only or short-only strategy, LTA
also comprises additional flexibility when deciding on how it should navigate the markets with
regards to sizing. Notably, this flexibility benefits several aspects of LTA's existence, namely the ability to determine the `Sizing Method`, or if `Fractional Share Sizing` should be employed, and more, as discussed below.
Position Sizing Method
There are two main ways LTA can determine the size of a position. Either via the `Fixed-Share` choice, or the `Fixed-Percentage` choice.
- `Fixed-Share` will use the amount indicated in the `Max Sizing Limit` field as the position size, always.
Note: With `Fixed-Share` sizing, LTA will >not< check if the balance is sufficient
prior to signaling an entrance.
- `Fixed-Percentage` will use the percentage amount indicated in the `Portfolio Allotment` field as the percentage of available funds to use when calculating the position size. Additionally, with the `Fixed-Percentage` choice, you can set the `Max Sizing Limit` if desired, which will ensure that no position will be entered greater than the amount indicated in the field.
Fractional Share Sizing
If the underlying instrument supports it (typically only cryptocurrencies), share sizing can be
fractionalized. If this is done, the resulting positin size is rounded to `4 digits`. This means any
position with a size less than `0.00005` will be rounded to `0.0000`
Note: Ensure that the underlying instrument supports fractional share sizing prior
to initiating.
Max Sizing Limit
As discussed above, the `Max Sizing Limit` will determine:
- The position size for every position, if `Sizing Method : Fixed-Share` is utilized, or
- The maximum allowed size, regardless of available capital, if `Sizing Method : Fixed-Percentage` is utilized.
Note: There is an internal maximum of 100,000 units.
Initial Capital
Note: There are 2 `Initial Capital` settings; one in LTA's settings and one in the
`Properties` tab. Ensure these two are the same when doing backtesting.
The initial capital field will be used to determine the starting balanace of the strategy, and
is used to calculate the internal data reporting (the data tables).
Portfolio Allotment
You can specify how much of the total available balance should be used when calculating the share size. The default is 100%.
Note: Stops over-ride `AMS` and `Impose Wait`, and are not restricted to only the
end-of-candle and will occur instantaneously upon their activation. Neither `AMS` nor `Impose Wait` can over-ride a signal from a `Take-Profit`, `Stop-Loss`, or a `Trailing-Stop Loss`.
LTA enhouses three stops that can be configured, a `Take-Profit`, a `Stop-Loss` and a `Trailing-Stop Loss`. The configurations can be set in the settings in percent terms. These exit signals will always over-ride AMS or any other restrictions on position exit.
Their configuration is rather standard; set the percentages you want the signal to be sent at and so it will be done.
Some quick notes on the `Trailing-Stop Loss`:
- The activation percentage must be reached (in profits) prior to the `Traililng-Stop Loss`
from activating the downside protection. For example, if the `Activation Percentage` is 10%, then unless the position reaches (at any point) a 10% profit, then it will not signal any exits on the downside, should it occur.
- The downside price-point is continuously updated and is calculated from the maximum profit reached in the given position and the loss percentage placed in the appropriate field.
Data Tables and Data Output
LTA provides real-time data output through a variety of mechanisms:
- `Position Table`
The `Position Table` displays information about the current position, including:
> Position Duration : how long the position has been open for.
> Indicates if the side is Long or Short, depending on if it is long or short.
> Entry Price: the price the position was entered at.
> Current Price (% Dif): the current price of the underlying and the %-difference between the entry price and the current price.
> Max Profit ($/%): the maximum profit reached in $ and % terms.
> Current PnL ($/%) : the current PnL for the open position.
- `Performance Table`
The `Performance Table` displays information regarding the overall performance of the algorithm since its `Start Date`. These data include:
> Initial Equity ($): The initial equity the algorithm started with.
> Current Equity ($): The current total equity of the account (including open positions)
> Net Profits ($|%) : The overall net profit in $ and % terms.
> Long / Short Trade Counts: The respective trade counts for the positions entered.
> Total Closed Trades: The running sum of the number of trades closed.
> Profitability: The calculation of the number of profitable trades over the total number of
> Avg. Profit / Trade: The calculation of the average profit per trade in both $ and % terms.
> Avg. Loss / Trade: The calculation of the average loss per trade in both $ and % terms.
> Max Run-Up: The maximum run-up the algorithm has seen in both $ and % terms.
> Max Drawdown: The maximum draw-down the algorithm has seen in both $ and % terms.
> Return-Over-Max-Drawdown: the ratio of the maximum drawdown against the current net profits.
- `Text Output`
LTA will output, if desired, signals to the text output field every time it analysis or performs and action. These messages can include information such as:
08:00:00 >> AM Protocol activated ... exiting position ...
08:00:00 >> Exit Order Created for qty: 2, profit: 380 (4.34%)
09:30:00 >> Checking conditions ...
09:30:00 >> AM protocol prevented entry ... waiting ...
This way, you can keep an eye out on what is happening "under the hood", as it were.
LTA will produce a message at the end of its assessment at the end of each candle interval, as well as when a position is exited due to a `Stop` or due to `AMS` being activated.
Additionally, the `Text Output` includes a initial message, but for space-constraints, this
can be toggled off with the `Blank Text Output` option within LTA's configurations.
For additional information, please refer to the Author's Instructions below.
MMM Candle Bias Volume Trend % Matrix Pro @MaxMaserati 📊 MMM Candle Bias Volume Trend % Matrix Pro 📊
🔍 Overview
A sophisticated yet intuitive market analysis tool that combines volume analysis, trend detection, and momentum scoring to provide clear trading signals. This indicator helps traders identify market control between buyers and sellers using a unique scoring system based on volume, price action, and multi-timeframe alignment.
This professional-grade tool is designed to enhance your trading decisions through clear visual signals and comprehensive market analysis.
🧩 Core Components
📈 Volume Analysis System
- Compares current volume to 20-period average
- Identifies high-volume periods (1.5x above average)
- Uses volume confirmation for signal strength
- Integrates volume trends across multiple timeframes (240min, 60min, current)
🔧 Advanced Features
- Multiple timeframe analysis (240, 60, current)
- Perfect alignment detection (+)
- Early warning system for trend changes
- Momentum scoring across timeframes
- Volume-trend correlation analysis
- Trend alignment confirmation
🎯 Market Control Measurement
- Analyzes candlestick patterns and body ratios
- Calculates buyer/seller control percentages
- Monitors trend strength across timeframes
- Tracks consecutive directional movements
- Identifies perfect alignments (+) across timeframes
🏷️ Label Understanding
Direction Arrows:
- ↗️ = Uptrend in progress
- ↘️ = Downtrend in progress
- → = Sideways/Neutral trend
Volume Indicator:
- 🔊 = High volume (1.5x above average volume)
Exit Warnings:
- XXX = Strongest exit signal (high volume reversal)
- XX = Strong exit warning
🚦 Visual Signals
- Green bars: Bull Control %
- Red bars: Bear Control %
- Direction Arrows: ↗️ (Up), ↘️ (Down), → (Sideways)
- Volume Alert: 🔊 (High Volume)
- Perfect Alignment: + (All timeframes aligned)
- Exit Warnings: XXX, XX (Risk Levels)
⚠️ Exit Signals
- XXX: Immediate exit (strong reversal with volume)
- XX: Strong warning (deteriorating conditions)
- X: Initial caution signal
- More urgent when losing perfect alignment (+)
📝 Labels Combination significance
- ↗️🔊+ = Perfect uptrend with volume confirmation
- ↘️🔊+ = Perfect downtrend with volume confirmation
- ↗️+ = Perfect uptrend alignment
- ↘️🔊XX = Downtrend with volume and exit warning
⭐ Perfect Alignment (+)
- All timeframes in agreement (240min, 60min, current)
- Strong momentum (above 60%)
- Clear trend direction
- Highest probability setups
- Best for position entries
🌟 Special Signals
🔄 Trend Shifts
- "Strong ⬆️" or "Strong ⬇️": Major momentum moves
- "Early": Potential trend formation
- "⬆️ Trend Shift" or "⬇️ Trend Shift": Potential Major trend change alerts
- Requirements: 60%+ control, 3+ consecutive bars
- Enhanced reliability with + alignment
📍 Signal Zones & Interpretation
💪 Strong Zone (70%+ Control)
- Highest probability trading opportunities
- Perfect for full position sizing
- Requires volume confirmation (🔊)
- Enhanced reliability with perfect alignment (+)
- Best for confident directional trades
✅ Confirmed Zone (60-70% Control)
- Solid trading opportunities
- Recommended for reduced position sizes
- Look for consecutive confirmations
- Must have volume support (🔊)
- More valuable with perfect alignment (+)
📋 Trading Strategy Guide
💯 For Strong Signals (>70%)
1. Wait for bar confirmation above 70%
2. Confirm high volume presence (🔊)
3. Check for perfect alignment (+)
4. Monitor for XXX exit signals
5. Set wider stops based on volatility
✔️ For Confirmed Signals (60-70%)
1. Require volume confirmation (🔊)
2. Look for perfect alignment (+)
3. Look for multiple confirmations
4. Set tighter stops
5. Exit quickly on XX or XXX signals
General Uses
📥 Best Entry
1. Wait for + symbol with volume (🔊)
2. Confirm trend direction (↗️ or ↘️)
3. Check control percentage (preferably 70%+)
4. Look for consecutive aligned bars
5. Enter with appropriate position size
⚖️ Risk Management
- Quick exits: Honor XXX warnings
- Tight stops: Required for 60-70% zone trades
- Volume confirmation: Essential for all entries
- Perfect alignment (+): Allows for larger position sizes
Remember: This indicator serves as a market strength meter. Perfect alignments (+) with higher percentages and multiple confirmations indicate the strongest signals. Always combine with proper risk management and additional technical analysis for optimal results.
Note: Past performance doesn't guarantee future results. This is a tool to help your trading decisions. Always combine it with other technical analysis and proper risk management for best results.
Trendilo ARTrendilo AR is a custom trading indicator designed to identify market trends using advanced techniques such as the Arnaud Legoux Moving Average (ALMA), volume confirmations, and dynamic volatility bands. This indicator provides a clear visualization of trends, including significant changes and custom alerts.
Review of Indicators Used
ALMA is a moving average that applies an advanced filter to smooth price data, reducing noise and focusing on actual trends.
Usage in the Indicator:
Used to calculate the smoothed percentage price change and determine trend direction. Customizable parameters include:
- Length: Defines the number of bars to consider.
- Offset: Adjusts sensitivity toward recent prices.
- Sigma: Controls the degree of smoothing.
- Reduced lag in trend detection.
- Resistance to market noise.
2. ATR
ATR measures the market’s average volatility by considering the range between high and low prices over a given period.
Usage in the Indicator:
ATR is used to calculate "dynamic smoothing", adjusting the indicator’s sensitivity based on current market volatility.
- Adapts to high or low volatility conditions.
- Helps define dynamic support and resistance levels.
3. SMA
SMA calculates the average of prices or volume over a specific time period.
Usage in the Indicator:
Used to calculate the volume moving average (Volume SMA) to confirm whether the current volume supports the detected trend.
- Easy to understand and calculate.
- Provides volume-based trend confirmation.
4. RMS Bands
RMS Bands calculate the standard deviation of percentage price changes, creating upper and lower levels that act as overbought and oversold indicators.
Usage in the Indicator:
- Define the range within which the market is considered neutral.
- Crosses above or below the bands indicate trend changes.
- Visual identification of strong trends.
- Helps filter false signals.
Colors and Visuals Used in the Indicator
1. ALMA Line
- Green: Indicates a confirmed uptrend (with sufficient volume).
- Red: Indicates a confirmed downtrend (with sufficient volume).
- Gray: Indicates a neutral phase or insufficient volume to confirm a trend.
2. RMS Bands
- Upper and Lower Lines:
- Purple (with transparency): These lines represent the RMS bands (upper and lower) and
adjust opacity based on trend strength.
- Stronger trends result in less transparency (more solid colors).
3. Highlighted Background (Strong Trends)
- Color:
- Light Green (transparent): Highlights a strong trend when the smoothed percentage change (ALMA) exceeds 1.5 times the RMS.
4. Horizontal Lines
- Baseline (0):
- Dark Gray: Serves as a central reference to identify the directionality of percentage changes.
- Additional Line (0.1):
- Blue: A customizable line to mark user-defined key levels.
5. Bar Colors
- Bar Colors:
- Green: When the price is in a confirmed uptrend.
- Red: When the price is in a confirmed downtrend.
- No color: When there is insufficient volume or no clear trend.
How to Use the Indicator
1. Initial Setup
1. Add the Indicator to Your Chart: Copy the code into the Pine Editor on TradingView and apply it to your chart.
2. Customize Parameters: Adjust values based on your trading strategy:
- Smoothing: Controls the level of smoothing for percentage changes.
- Lookback Length: Defines the observation period for calculations.
- Band Multiplier: Adjusts the width of RMS bands.
2. Signal Interpretation
1. Indicator Colors:
- Green: Confirmed uptrend.
- Red: Confirmed downtrend.
- Gray: No clear trend or insufficient volume.
2. RMS Bands:
- If the ALMA line (smoothed percentage change) crosses above the upper RMS band, it signals a potential uptrend.
- If it crosses below the lower RMS band, it signals a potential downtrend.
3. Volume Confirmation:
- The indicator's color activates only if the current volume exceeds the Volume SMA.
3. Alerts and Decisions
1. Trend Change Alerts:
- The indicator automatically triggers alerts when an uptrend or downtrend is detected.
- Configure these alerts to receive real-time notifications.
2. Strong Trend Signals:
- When the magnitude of the percentage change exceeds 1.5 times the RMS, the chart background highlights the strong trend.
4. Trading Strategies
1. Buy:
- Enter long positions when:
- The indicator turns green.
- Volume confirms the trend.
- Consider placing a stop-loss just below the lower RMS band.
2. Sell:
- Enter short positions when:
- The indicator turns red.
- Volume confirms the trend.
- Consider placing a stop-loss just above the upper RMS band.
3. Neutral:
- Avoid trading when the indicator is gray, as no clear trend or insufficient volume is present.
Disclaimer: As this is my first published indicator, please use it with caution. Feedback is highly appreciated to improve its performance.
Happy Trading!
Advanced Options Trading Indicator: Buy & Sell Signal Generator This powerful custom indicator combines the Relative Strength Index (RSI) and Moving Average (MA) to help traders identify optimal entry and exit points in the options market. The indicator generates real-time buy and sell signals based on RSI crossovers and price positioning relative to the moving average, providing actionable insights for traders seeking to make informed decisions. Additionally, it calculates potential call and put option strike prices with a buffer for added flexibility and precision, ensuring a well-rounded approach to options trading.
Candle Pressure VisualizationCandle Pressure Visualization:
This TradingView indicator visualizes buying and selling pressure, highlighting extreme market sentiment through custom thresholds, color-coded candles, and histograms.
Features Overview
Custom Thresholds:
Allows you to set thresholds for buying and selling pressure (default: 70 and 90).
Buying & Selling Pressure:
Calculates pressure based on the relative position of the close price to the high and low prices of the candle.
Color-Coded Candles:
Enhances candle colors to highlight extreme pressures.
Displays buying and selling pressure as columns.
Extreme Pressure Markers:
Adds visual markers for areas of strong buying or selling.
his script visualizes buying and selling pressure on a TradingView chart, giving a unique perspective on market sentiment. Here's a breakdown of its functionality:
Inputs for Customization
Users can set thresholds for buying and selling pressure (default: 70 and 90, respectively).
Buying and Selling Pressure Calculation
Buying pressure is calculated as the relative distance of the close price from the low.
Selling pressure is the relative distance of the close price from the high.
Handles edge cases like doji candles (where high equals low) by assigning a neutral value of 50%.
Color-Coded Candles
Bullish candles: Enhanced with a bright green (lime) if buying pressure exceeds the threshold.
Bearish candles: Enhanced with a dark red (maroon) if selling pressure exceeds the threshold.
Neutral candles: Gray for doji or balanced sentiment.
Pressure Histograms
Displays buying and selling pressure as column-style histograms with semi-transparent green and red colors.
Markers for Extreme Pressure
Labels highlight areas of extreme buying or selling pressure using small markers at the top or bottom of the chart.
Alerts are triggered when buying or selling pressure crosses user-defined thresholds, providing actionable notifications.
Optional Total Pressure Plot
A combined plot of total pressure (buying + selling) is hidden by default for simplicity but can be enabled if needed.
Disclaimer: The information contained in my Scripts/Indicators/Ideas/Systems does not constitute financial advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any securities of any type. I will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from the use of or reliance on such information.
All investments involve risk, and the past performance of a security, industry, sector, market, financial product, trading strategy, back test, or individual's trading does not guarantee future results or returns. Investors are fully responsible for any investment decisions they make. Such decisions should be based solely on an evaluation of their financial circumstances, investment objectives, risk tolerance, and liquidity needs.
My Scripts/Indicators/Ideas/Systems are only for educational purposes!
Project R
Project R : Advanced Trading Strategy with Dynamic Entry Signals
Project R is a comprehensive trading script tailored for traders seeking accuracy in market entries and exits. It merges multiple technical indicators—CCI, Momentum, RSI, and Mean Reversion Bands—with advanced trading tools like supply and demand zone detection, ATR-based stop-loss levels, and tiered take-profit targets. The script is designed to cater to both trend-following and mean-reversion strategies, offering dynamic adaptability to various market conditions. Its robust functionality and user-focused customization make it an invaluable tool for traders aiming to optimize their performance in live markets.
🔶 Key Features
1. Customizable Entry Signal Source
- Traders can select between CCI (Commodity Channel Index) and Momentum as the primary entry signal generator, depending on their preferred strategy.
- Additional confirmation through detection of regular bullish or bearish divergences within overbought and oversold zones of the RSI enhances signal reliability. This ensures the trader has an added layer of confidence in their decision-making.
2. Supply and Demand Area Tracking
- The script scans historical price action to detect critical supply and demand zones , areas where significant buying or selling interest has previously occurred.
- These zones are plotted on the chart to help traders anticipate reversals or breakouts, making it easier to identify high-probability entry and exit points.
3. Mean Reversion Bands
- EMA-based mean reversion bands provide clear visual guidance for traders employing mean-reversion strategies.
- The bands are calculated with adjustable multipliers, allowing traders to customize their sensitivity and identify optimal buy and sell zones within ranging markets.
4. ATR-Based Stop Loss and Take Profit Levels
- Dynamic risk management is achieved by calculating stop-loss levels and up to four take-profit targets using Average True Range (ATR) multipliers.
- This ensures that stop-loss and take-profit levels adjust automatically to market volatility, providing consistent risk-reward ratios tailored to prevailing conditions.
5. Higher Time Frame Confirmation
- The integration of a higher time frame EMA (Exponential Moving Average) filter ensures that trades are executed in alignment with broader market trends, increasing the probability of success.
- This feature is especially useful for traders who prioritize trend-following strategies and seek confirmation from larger time frames.
6. Status Tracking
- A dynamic status system displays the current state of the trade (e.g., "Waiting for Confirmation," "Enter Buy," or "Enter Sell") directly on the chart.
- The script also monitors and logs whether the stop loss or individual take-profit targets have been achieved, providing real-time updates for active trades.
🔹 Usage
How It Works
- Buy Signals : A buy signal is generated when the following conditions are met:
1. The chosen entry signal (CCI/Momentum) crosses upward, indicating bullish momentum.
2. RSI is in the oversold range or exhibits bullish divergence, signaling potential upward reversal.
3. Price is positioned above the higher time frame EMA and approaches identified demand zones, reinforcing a high-probability entry.
- Sell Signals: A sell signal is triggered when:
1. The chosen entry signal crosses downward, indicating bearish momentum.
2. RSI is in the overbought range or exhibits bearish divergence, suggesting potential downward reversal.
3. Price is positioned below the higher time frame EMA and approaches supply zones, aligning with bearish market sentiment.
- Stop Loss and Take Profit:
- Stop-loss levels are calculated dynamically based on ATR values, ensuring they adapt to market volatility.
- Multiple take-profit levels are provided to enable traders to scale out of positions incrementally, optimizing profit-taking strategies.
🔹 Practical Examples
- Mean Reversion Strategy: In ranging markets, traders can use the lower band as a buy zone and the upper band as a sell zone. For instance, when the price approaches the lower mean reversion band near a demand area, a buy signal is generated if other criteria are met.
- Trend Following Strategy: By aligning entries with the direction of the higher time frame EMA, traders can participate in long-term trends with greater confidence. For example, entering a buy trade when price crosses above the 50 EMA on a 1-hour chart ensures alignment with the dominant trend.
🔹 Visual Options
- Users can fully customize the color schemes, line styles, and visibility of key features, including:
- Mean reversion bands.
- Supply and demand zones.
- Take-profit and stop-loss levels.
- Entry points and trade progression are visually marked, ensuring traders can track real-time performance effortlessly.
🔶 Why Invite-Only?
Innovative Design
- Project R integrates advanced techniques, such as combining multiple indicators with supply and demand zone detection, to create a holistic and adaptable strategy.
- The use of ATR-based dynamic risk management and higher time frame confirmation offers traders a competitive edge in volatile markets.
Comprehensive Features
- The script provides a seamless trading experience by combining analysis, execution, and risk management in one tool.
- Its ability to cater to different trading styles (trend-following, mean-reversion, and divergence-based trading) ensures versatility and wide appeal.
Performance and Utility
- Real-time tracking, dynamic risk management, and precision in signal generation position Project R as a professional-grade tool that is suitable for traders of all levels.
- These features merit invite-only access to ensure the integrity of its use and provide exclusivity to dedicated traders who seek advanced functionality.
🔹 Settings
- Entry Signal Source: Choose between CCI and Momentum as the primary signal generator.
- RSI Levels: Adjust overbought and oversold thresholds to fine-tune divergence detection.
- ATR Multipliers: Customize stop-loss and take-profit levels based on your risk tolerance.
- Higher Time Frame EMA: Configure the higher time frame and EMA period to align with your preferred strategy.
- Supply/Demand Lookback Period: Modify the range for identifying supply and demand zones to suit market conditions.
- Mean Reversion Bands: Toggle the bands on or off and adjust their multipliers for a tailored mean-reversion strategy.
This script is a comprehensive and specialized tool designed for tracking trends and money flow within meme coins and DEX tokens. By combining various features such as trend lines, Fibonacci levels, and category-based indices, it helps traders make informed decisions in highly volatile markets.
Key Features:
1. Category-Based Indices:
• Tracks the performance of token categories like:
• AI Agent Tokens
• AI Tokens
• Animal Tokens
• Murad Picks
• Each category consists of leader tokens, which are selected based on their higher market cap and trading volume. These tokens act as benchmarks for their respective categories.
• Visualizes category indices in a line chart to identify trends and compare money flow between categories.
2. Fibonacci Correction Zones:
• Highlights key retracement levels (e.g., 60%, 70%, 80%).
• These levels are crucial for identifying potential reversal zones, commonly observed in meme coin trading patterns.
• Fully customizable to match individual trading strategies.
3. Trend Lines:
• Automatically detects major support and resistance levels.
• Separates long-term and short-term trend lines, allowing traders to focus on significant price movements.
4. Enhanced Info Table:
• Provides real-time insights, including:
• % Distance from All-Time High (ATH)
• Current Trading Volume
• 50-bar Average Volume
• Volume Change Percentage
• Displays information in an easy-to-read table on the chart.
5. Customizable Settings:
• Users can adjust transparency, colors, and ranges for Fibonacci zones, trend lines, and the table.
• Enables or disables individual features (e.g., Fibonacci, trend lines, table) based on preferences.
How It Works:
1. Tracking Money Flow Across Categories:
• The script calculates the market cap to volume ratio for each category of tokens to help identify the dominant trend.
• A higher ratio indicates greater liquidity and stability, while a lower ratio suggests higher volatility or price manipulation.
2. Identifying Retracement Patterns:
• Leverages common retracement behaviors (e.g., 70% correction levels) observed in meme coins to detect potential reversal zones.
• Combines this with trend line analysis for additional confirmation.
3. Leader Tokens as Indicators:
• Each category is represented by its leader tokens, which have historically higher liquidity and market cap. This allows the script to accurately reflect the overall trend in each category.
When to Use:
• Trend Analysis: To identify which category (e.g., AI Tokens or Animal Tokens) is leading the market.
• Reversal Zones: To spot potential support or resistance levels using Fibonacci zones.
• Money Flow: To understand how capital is moving across different token categories in real time.
Who Is This For?
This script is tailored for:
• Traders specializing in meme coins and DEX tokens.
• Those looking for an edge in trend-based trading by analyzing market cap, volume, and retracement levels.
• Anyone aiming to track money flow dynamics between different token categories.
Future Updates:
This is the initial version of the script. Future updates may include:
• Support for additional token categories and DEX data.
• More advanced pattern recognition and alerts for volume and price anomalies.
• Enhanced visualization for historical data trends.
With this tool, traders can combine money flow analysis with the 60-70% retracement strategy, turning it into a powerful assistant for navigating the fast-paced world of meme coins and DEX tokens.
This script is designed to provide meaningful insights and practical utility for traders, adhering to TradingView’s standards for originality, clarity, and user value.
ICT Dealing RangeICT Dealing Range
This indicator identifies and plots ICT (Inner Circle Trader) Dealing Ranges - key institutional areas where smart money accumulates or distributes positions before significant moves.
What is a Dealing Range?
A Dealing Range is a significant price area where institutional traders accumulate or distribute their positions. These ranges form through a specific sequence of price movements that indicate institutional order flow:
Bullish Dealing Range Sequence:
1. Initial High (H)
2. Initial Low (L)
3. Higher High (HH)
4. Lower Low (LL)
5. Break above HH (confirmation)
Bearish Dealing Range Sequence:
1. Initial Low (L)
2. Initial High (H)
3. Lower Low (LL)
4. Higher High (HH)
5. Break below LL (confirmation)
My Trading Strategy
Entry Methods:
1. Range Extreme Retests:
- After range formation, wait for price to return to either extreme
- Long entries at range bottom with stops below
- Short entries at range top with stops above
2. Mid-Line Strategy:
- Use the mid-line as a pivot point for reversals
- Long entries on mid-line bounce with stops below
- Short entries on mid-line rejection with stops above
Stop Loss Placement:
- When entering at extremes: Place stops beyond the mid
- When entering at mid-line: Place stops beyond the opposing extreme
- Always respect the structure's boundaries
Take Profit Targets:
- Minimum 2:1 Risk-Reward ratio
- For extreme entries: Target the opposite extreme
- For mid-line entries: Target the nearest extreme
Risk Management
- Never enter without a clear invalidation point
- Maintain minimum 2:1 RR ratio
- Consider market structure and higher timeframe context
Indicator Features
- Auto-detection of dealing range patterns
- Color-coded boxes (green for bullish, red for bearish)
- Optional mid-line display
- Customizable colors and styles
- Adjustable pivot lookback periods
This tool is based on ICT concepts but should be used in conjunction with other forms of analysis. The dealing range provides a framework for understanding institutional order flow, but proper risk management and market context are essential for successful trading.
Remember: The best trades often come from clean retests of these ranges after their initial formation. Patience in waiting for proper setups is key to successful implementation.
Multi-Timeframe Technical IndicatorThis Multi-Timeframe Technical Indicator is designed for use in financial markets to assist traders in evaluating various key technical indicators across multiple timeframes. The indicator displays a table that includes the values of Moving Averages (MA), Relative Strength Index (RSI), Momentum, and VWAP for a range of timeframes, allowing for the evaluation of trends in real-time.
Key Features:
Multiple Timeframes: The indicator supports timeframes ranging from as low as 1 minute up to 1 month. By tracking indicators on multiple timeframes, traders can make better-informed decisions based on trends across different periods (e.g., short-term vs. long-term trends).
Technical Indicators:
Moving Average (MA): The MA provides insight into the trend direction of the asset's price. It can be configured as Simple Moving Average (SMA), Exponential Moving Average (EMA), or Weighted Moving Average (WMA).
Relative Strength Index (RSI): A momentum oscillator that measures the speed and change of price movements. RSI values below 50 suggest an upward trend, while values above 50 indicate a downward trend.
Momentum: Measures the rate of change of an asset's price, highlighting whether the price is increasing or decreasing.
VWAP (Volume Weighted Average Price): Reflects the average price of the asset weighted by its trading volume. Traders use this value to gauge the fair value of an asset.
Trend Indicators: The table dynamically displays trend arrows (↑ or ↓) based on the comparison of each indicator's value to the previous timeframe’s value. This allows users to identify the prevailing market sentiment or trend at a glance.
Visualization: The data is presented in an easy-to-read table format, where each value is accompanied by color-coded indicators (e.g., green for bullish trends, red for bearish trends). This provides a clear and visually accessible way to interpret complex market conditions.
Use Cases:
Day Trading: Helps day traders assess the momentum and strength of a price move on short-term timeframes like 1-minute, 5-minute, and 15-minute intervals.
Swing Trading: Provides insights into medium-term trends using 1-hour, 4-hour, and daily data points.
Long-Term Analysis: Useful for traders and investors looking to gauge the overall health of an asset over weeks or months, analyzing the 1-week and 1-month indicators.
Limitations and Risks:
As with all technical indicators, it is important to remember that the Multi-Timeframe Technical Indicator is not foolproof. While technical analysis offers valuable insights, it does not guarantee success and can lead to losses. Traders should always use a combination of different methods (technical and fundamental) and consult with financial advisors before making trading decisions.
The indicator operates as a tool for analysis but should not be the sole basis for trading decisions. According to Elder (1993), no indicator is perfect, and it is crucial to combine multiple factors when assessing market conditions. Additionally, Murphy (1999) emphasized the importance of understanding the limitations of indicators, as they are based on historical price movements and may not always predict future trends accurately.
Elder, A. (1993). Trading for a Living. Wiley.
Murphy, J. J. (1999). Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets. New York Institute of Finance.
This Multi-Timeframe Technical Indicator is built to provide real-time, comprehensive data for informed decision-making, and is best used in conjunction with other analysis methods to manage risk effectively.
Price and Volume Divergence Analyzer
How to Use the Indicator
Main Purpose:
Identify divergences between price movement, the volume line, and the weighted volume line to predict potential reversals.
Volume Line Explanation:
At zero: Equal buying and selling volume.
At 1: Double the buying volume vs. selling.
At -1: Double the selling volume vs. buying.
Price rising, volume line falling: Sellers offloading to buyers—likely reversal downward.
Price falling, volume line rising: Buyers stepping in—likely reversal upward.
Higher/Lower Volume Movement Line:
At zero: Equal volume required for price movement.
At 1: High efficiency—half the volume needed to move price.
At -1: Low efficiency—double the volume needed to move price.
Above volume line: Movement aligns with efficient volume.
Below volume line: Inefficient price movement.
Candle Fill Colors:
Shaded based on whether the current close is higher or lower than the previous close.
Settings Overview
EMA Settings:
Timeframe Selection:
Use a lower timeframe than your chart for accuracy. Avoid selecting a timeframe higher than your chart.
EMA Length Option:
Default: Sets lengths automatically (EMA = 14, EMA of EMA = 3).
User Input: Allows custom EMA length.
Calculation Type:
EMA: Standard exponential moving average.
EMA of EMA: Applies EMA three times for smoother values.
Volume Line Settings:
Line Width: Adjust thickness.
More Buying: Green (default).
More Selling: Red (default).
Higher/Lower Volume Movement Line:
Line Width: Adjust thickness.
Higher Volume Movement: Indicates higher volume required.
Lower Volume Movement: Indicates lower volume required.
Up/Down Candle Fill:
Up Candle: Green (default).
Down Candle: Red (default).
Transparency: Adjust percentage for visibility.
Balance Line Settings:
Line Width and Color: Equilibrium line showing equal buying/selling volume at zero.
VWMACD-MFI-OBV Composite# MACD-MFI-OBV Composite
A dynamic volume-based technical indicator combining Volume-Weighted MACD, Money Flow Index (MFI), and normalized On Balance Volume (OBV). This composite indicator excels at identifying breakouts and strong trend movements through multiple volume confirmations, making it particularly effective for momentum and high-volatility trading environments.
## Overview
The indicator integrates trend, momentum, and cumulative volume analysis into a unified visualization system. Each component is carefully normalized to enable direct comparison, while the background color system provides instant trend recognition. This version is specifically optimized for breakout detection and strong trend confirmation.
## Core Components
### Volume-Weighted MACD
Visualized through the background color system, this enhanced MACD implementation uses Volume-Weighted Moving Averages (VWMA) instead of traditional EMAs. This modification ensures greater sensitivity to volume-supported price movements while filtering out less significant low-volume price changes. The background alternates between green (bullish) and red (bearish) to provide immediate trend feedback.
### Money Flow Index (MFI)
Displayed as the purple line, the MFI functions as a volume-weighted momentum oscillator. Operating within a natural 0-100 range, it helps identify potential overbought and oversold conditions while confirming volume support for price movements. The MFI is particularly effective at validating breakout momentum.
### Normalized On Balance Volume (OBV)
The white line represents normalized OBV, providing insight into cumulative buying and selling pressure. The normalization process scales OBV to match other components while maintaining its ability to confirm price trends through volume analysis. This component excels at identifying strong breakout movements and volume surges.
## Signal Integration
The indicator generates its most powerful signals when all three components align, particularly during breakout conditions:
Strong Bullish Signals develop when:
- Background shifts to green (VWMACD bullish)
- MFI shows strong upward momentum
- OBV demonstrates sharp volume accumulation
Strong Bearish Signals emerge when:
- Background turns red (VWMACD bearish)
- MFI exhibits downward momentum
- OBV shows significant volume distribution
## Market Application
This indicator variant is specifically designed for:
Breakout Trading:
The OBV component provides excellent sensitivity to volume surges, making it ideal for breakout confirmation and momentum validation.
Trend Following:
Sharp OBV movements combined with MFI momentum help identify and confirm strong trending conditions.
High Volatility Markets:
The indicator's design excels in active, volatile markets where clear signal generation is crucial for decision-making.
## Technical Implementation
Default Parameters:
Volume-Weighted MACD maintains traditional periods (12/26/9) while leveraging volume weighting. MFI uses standard 14-period calculation with 80/20 overbought/oversold thresholds. All components undergo normalization over a 100-period lookback for stable comparison.
Visual Elements:
- Background: VWMACD trend indication (green/red)
- Purple Line: Money Flow Index
- White Line: Normalized OBV
- Yellow Line: Combined signal (arithmetic mean of normalized components)
- Reference Lines: Key levels at 20, 50, and 80
## Trading Methodology
The indicator supports a systematic approach to breakout and momentum trading:
1. Breakout Identification
Monitor for background color changes accompanied by significant OBV movement, indicating potential breakout conditions.
2. Volume Surge Confirmation
Examine OBV slope and magnitude to confirm genuine breakout scenarios versus false moves.
3. Momentum Validation
Use MFI to confirm breakout strength and identify potential exhaustion points.
4. Combined Signal Analysis
The yellow line provides a unified view of all components, helping identify high-probability breakout opportunities.
## Interpretation Guidelines
Breakout Confirmation:
Strong breakouts typically show alignment of all three components with notable OBV surge. This configuration often precedes significant price movements.
Trend Strength:
Continuous OBV expansion during trends, supported by steady MFI readings, suggests sustained momentum.
## Market Selection
Optimal Markets Include:
- High-beta growth stocks
- Momentum-driven securities
- Stocks with significant volatility
- Active trading instruments
- Examples: TSLA, NVDA, growth stocks
## Version Information
Current Version: 2.0.0
This indicator represents a specialized adaptation of volume-based analysis, optimized for breakout trading and momentum strategies in high-volatility environments.
Red Pill VWAP/RSI DivergenceI created this indicator to identify moments in time VWAP and RSI are diverging.
Ideally useful in strong trend, bullish or bearish, as a potential entry point on a pull back for continuation. Not to be used as a stand alone signal, but rather in conjunction with any possible trend/momentum strategy.
VWAP is identified as the blue line. Green label(blue pill) is your potential entry on a pull back when price is above, stacked EMAS & VWAP for a long position. Red label(red pill) is your potential entry on a pull back when price is below inversely stacked EMAS & VWAP for a short position. These are the 2 ideal scenarios I have found. Please back test for yourself
I have had great results but must emphasis this is not a stand alone buy/sell. I use it in confluence to add conviction to my current A+ setups.
***Pivot ribbon in chart created by Saty Mahajan set to 3/10 time warp works ideal in conjunction.
***please note false positive and false negative signals can occur, particularly in chop
I hope you find this helpful . TRADE SAFE!
3 Candle AlertThis is a test for integration using a webhook. I am publishing it so I can share it. Ultimately, this is what we want to do:
1. Trade Entry Rules:
Wait until at least the 3rd bar of the day (15 minutes after market open) before entering the first trade.
Order of Priority for Entry:
Look for two consecutive volume bars of the same color (the second bar must have higher volume than the first).
Look for a “price push” beyond the high or low of the day (as determined in the first 15 minutes).
2. Trading Direction:
If the volume bars are RED, I take a Long Position.
If the volume bars are GREEN, I take a Short Position.
Rolling Angled Volume Profile [Trendoscope®]🎲 Volume Profile Indicators
🎯Traditional Volume Profile
Volume profile indicators visually represent the distribution of volume across price levels. These indicators typically operate on horizontal price levels, making them effective in identifying supply and demand zones in ranging markets. However, they are less useful in trending markets where price movements follow a slope.
🎯The Need for Angled Volume Profiles
Just as support and resistance levels differ from trendlines, volume profile indicators require an equivalent method to account for volume distribution along a sloped trajectory. This would enable more accurate volume analysis in trending markets.
We identified the need of Angled Volume profile and have already published few indicators that implements the concept.
Angled Volume Profile calculates volume distribution along a slope. Users interact with the indicator by selecting the starting point, after which the volume profile is calculated for the selected trajectory.
Volume Forks is another tool that extends angled volume profile analysis, aligning volume profiles along the trajectory of pitchforks.
🎲 Rolling Volume Profile Indicator
The Rolling Volume Profile offers a new approach to angled volume profile calculations, addressing some limitations of earlier implementations:
🎯 Rolling Calculation
The volume profile is calculated for the last N bars of the instrument
The slope of the profile lines is determined by the closing prices of the starting and ending bars
Profiles are drawn in the direction of price movement between the start and end bars.
🎯 Dynamic Updates
As new bars are added, the calculations are updated, and the profile is redrawn based on the latest data.
This dynamic behavior earns it the name "Rolling Volume Profile."
🎯 Advantages Over Earlier Versions
Unlimited Profile Lines : Unlike previous implementations limited to 500 profile lines, this indicator uses polyline objects, overcoming the restriction.
Live Updates : Previous angled volume profile tools lacked real-time updates when new bars appeared. This limitation is resolved in the Rolling Volume Profile Indicator.
The Rolling Volume Profile provides an efficient and scalable solution for analyzing volume in trending markets.
🎯 Indicator Settings
Simple settings include few customisable options
WACD -ActivTrades-IonJauregui-Weighted Average Cumulative Delta******************ENGLISH***************
The WACD -ActivTrades- IonJauregui - Weighted Average Cumulative Delta indicator shows market sentiment by tracking the difference between buying and selling volumes, weighted by the closing price. It calculates the cumulative delta (net buy vs. sell volume) and applies a moving average to smooth the results.
Cumulative Delta shows overall buying or selling pressure.
WACD smooths the weighted cumulative delta to identify trends and reversals.
Positive values indicate buying pressure, while negative values suggest selling pressure.
It’s useful for detecting trend strength, reversals, and confirming other indicators.
El indicador WACD -ActivTrades- IonJauregui - Weighted Average Cumulative Delta muestra el sentimiento del mercado mediante el seguimiento de la diferencia entre los volúmenes de compra y venta, ponderados por el precio de cierre. Calcula el delta acumulativo (volumen neto de compra frente al de venta) y aplica una media móvil para suavizar los resultados.
La delta acumulada muestra la presión global de compra o venta.
El WACD suaviza la delta acumulada ponderada para identificar tendencias y retrocesos.
Los valores positivos indican presión compradora, mientras que los negativos sugieren presión vendedora.
Es útil para detectar la fuerza de la tendencia, los retrocesos y confirmar otros indicadores.
Volume Weighted Moving Average (TechnoBlooms)The Volume Weighted Moving Average Oscillator (VWMO) is a custom technical indicator designed to measure market momentum while accounting for volume. It helps traders assess whether price movements are supported by strong or weak trading volumes. The VWMO provides insights into potential trends by comparing current momentum with historical averages.
Indicator Overview:
The VWMO is based on a combination of price and volume data, highlighting the relationship between these two components to generate a clear oscillation value. The oscillator displays dynamic insights into market strength, capturing price directionality and volume alignment.
Key Features:
1. Dynamic Visualization of Momentum:
o The oscillator displays positive and negative momentum by analyzing the relationship between price movements and trading volume over a specified period.
o Positive momentum typically represents a bullish market, while negative momentum reflects bearish conditions.
2. Volume-Weighted Analysis:
o Volume is incorporated to give an adjusted price perspective, where price movements on high-volume days have more influence on the resulting oscillator values.
3. Trend Confirmation via EMA:
o An Exponential Moving Average (EMA) of the oscillator is plotted to smooth the raw oscillator values and provide trend confirmation.
o The EMA is essential for identifying whether the oscillator is in an upward or downward trend. It also serves as a support for evaluating when momentum might reverse.
4. Visual Indicators and Color Coding:
o The indicator uses varying color intensities to differentiate between strong and weak momentum.
o Bullish and bearish momentum is visually reflected by colors, offering at-a-glance guidance on potential trade opportunities.
5. Overbought and Oversold Thresholds:
o Horizontal lines at predefined levels (e.g., +100 and -100) help to define overbought and oversold areas, which assist in identifying overextended price movements that may signal reversals.
6. Scalability & Adaptability:
o The indicator allows for adjustment of the period, EMA length, and other key parameters to tailor its usage according to different asset classes or timeframe preferences.
Enhanced Retail vs Institutional ActivityThis script highlights market activity in real-time, making it easier to infer the type of market participants driving price and volume changes.
Here’s a list of what the script analyzes:
Current volume of the candle.
Moving average of volume over a specified number of periods.
Volume spikes: Current volume compared to a threshold multiple of the moving average.
Price Movement:
Percentage change in price between the current and previous candle.
Identifies significant price changes based on a user-defined threshold.
Institutional Activity:
High volume spikes combined with significant price movements.
Retail Activity:
Periods without volume spikes or significant price changes.
VWAP (Volume-Weighted Average Price):
The average traded price over a specified lookback period, weighted by volume, used as a benchmark.
Market Context Visualization:
Background colors to differentiate institutional (red) and retail (green) activity.
Overlays for:
-Volume bars.
-Average volume line.
-VWAP line.
In summary:
Red = Institutional activity: High volume + significant price change.
Green = Retail activity: Low volume or insignificant price change.
Analysis Explanation:
I’m forecasting that Bitcoin will retest its November 12th low (~$85,098.75) around January 20th, 2025, where the horizontal support line intersects with the downtrend line. This conclusion is based on the following:
Trend Analysis:
The chart shows a clear downtrend with price respecting the descending trendline.
The intersection of the horizontal support and the downtrend line on January 20th indicates a confluence point where price action may gravitate.
Volume and Activity Insights:
Using the Retail vs Institutional Activity indicator, the chart highlights periods dominated by institutional (red background) or retail (green background) activity.
Current price action is in a green zone, suggesting predominantly retail participation with lower volume and insignificant price movements.
Retail vs Institutional Dynamics:
Institutional activity (red zones) aligns with significant price movements and volume spikes, often marking key turning points or trends.
The recent green retail-dominated periods suggest a lack of strong momentum, which may lead to continued price decline until institutions re-enter around the confluence area.
Volume Observations:
Volume remains relatively low during the current retail phase, indicating weak buying pressure.
A potential surge in institutional activity (red zones) near the support level could trigger a rebound or breakdown.
I expect Bitcoin’s price to drop further and test the November 12th low near $85,098.75 on January 20th, 2025. This projection is supported by the convergence of the downtrend line and horizontal support, low retail-driven volume, and historical institutional activity patterns observed using the "Retail vs Institutional Activity" indicator.
Choppiness Index (levels)This Pine Script is a Choppiness Index Indicator with gradient visual enhancements. The Choppiness Index is a technical analysis tool that measures the "choppiness" or sideways movement of the market. It ranges from 0 to 100, where higher values indicate a more consolidated or sideways market, and lower values suggest a trending market.
Key Features:
Choppiness Index Calculation:
The script calculates the Choppiness Index based on the Average True Range (ATR) and the highest and lowest prices over a user-defined period (length).
Visual Bands:
Horizontal dashed lines are drawn at levels 55 (Upper Band), 50 (Middle Band), and 45 (Lower Band) to define key levels for interpreting the indicator.
Gradient Fills:
A blue fill is applied between the upper and lower bands (45–55) for visual clarity.
Dynamic gradients are applied to the areas:
Above the Upper Band (55–100): A green gradient fill where the color intensity increases with higher values.
Below the Lower Band (0–45): A red gradient fill where the color intensity increases with lower values.
Offset Option:
The offset input allows users to shift the Choppiness Index plot horizontally for visualization or alignment purposes.
This indicator helps traders quickly assess market conditions:
Values above 55 indicate a choppy, non-trending market.
Values below 45 indicate a trending market.
The gradient fills make it easier to spot extreme conditions visually.
Users can adjust:
length: The calculation period for the Choppiness Index.
offset: Horizontal shift of the Choppiness Index plot.
The gradient colors (green and red) and transparency levels are customizable in the script.
This enhanced visualization is ideal for traders who want a clear and intuitive representation of market choppiness, combined with visually striking gradient fills for quick analysis of market conditions.
[GrandAlgo] Liquidity HeatmapThe Liquidity Heatmap is a unique indicator designed to identify and highlight zones where price is likely to react based on liquidity dynamics. Unlike tools that analyze volume across all price levels, this indicator focuses specifically on liquidity concentrated around potential reversal zones. By evaluating price action and volume at these critical levels, it identifies areas of heightened interest for traders.
Key Features:
Dynamic Liquidity Zones:
Automatically calculates liquidity zones based on historical price activity, ensuring real-time relevance.
Volume-Based or Candle Interaction Analysis:
Choose between volume-based evaluation to focus on order flow or candle-based interaction for a broader perspective.
Customizable Percentile Threshold:
Filter zones based on their significance by setting a threshold to display only the top liquidity areas.
Lookback Period Control:
Define how many candles the indicator should analyze, allowing you to focus on short-term or long-term liquidity levels.
Color-Coded Visuals:
Liquidity zones are displayed using gradients, with green representing potential bullish zones (below price) and red representing potential bearish zones (above price). Stronger zones are indicated with darker colors.
How It Works:
The Liquidity Heatmap divides the price range into multiple levels, evaluating each level for interaction with historical price data. Liquidity zones are calculated based on:
Volume Concentration: When enabled, the indicator evaluates zones using historical volume, highlighting areas with significant order flow.
Candle Interactions: When volume-based analysis is disabled, the indicator calculates the number of candles interacting with each zone to determine its importance.
Zones that meet the user-defined percentile threshold are highlighted on the chart. Color gradients indicate the strength of each zone, allowing traders to prioritize the most significant areas. Real-time alerts notify users when the price touches these zones, providing actionable insights.
The image illustrates the volume-based analysis feature of the Liquidity Heatmap indicator. Liquidity zones are dynamically highlighted with intuitive color gradients—green for bullish volume and red for bearish volume—providing a clear visual representation of areas with concentrated liquidity at potential reversal points. This feature helps traders focus on zones with significant market activity, enhancing their decision-making process.
This indicator is a technical analysis tool designed to assist traders by providing insights into market conditions. It does not guarantee future price movements or trading outcomes and should not be relied upon as a sole decision-making tool. The effectiveness of this indicator depends on its application, which requires your trading knowledge, experience, and judgment.
Trading involves significant financial risk, including the potential loss of capital. Past performance of any tool or indicator does not guarantee future results. This script is intended for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute financial or investment advice. Users are strongly encouraged to perform their own analysis and consult with a qualified financial professional before making trading decisions.
Volume Equilibrium Overlay(2 of 2)This is an overlay for a prior script I've created: Volume Equilibrium.
To sum it up in a brief manner, this script plots when there is "volume-equilibrium" aka prices that the market may see as "fair-value" relative to the specified timeframe. This script provides what my last code lacked and that is a visual representation of critical prices.
The arrows beside the indications indicate the direction that the buying/selling volume was heading towards.
UP ARROW - indicates that equilibrium was had via increasing buy volume
DOWN ARROW - indicates that equilibrium was had via decreasing buy volume
Remember, this doesn't inherently mean that a stock is supposed to go up or down. Its just a representation of 'fair-value' points using volume. Also remember... both indicators provide what the other lacks. It isn't necessary to use both but for a broad overview of volume it definitely helps to at least be aware of how this information can be represented. Perhaps... consider switching between the two to see what you may be missing.
I believe finding 'fair-value' points via volume and price action provides a more objective way to measure what prices one should look at rather then arbitrary lines plotted on a chart. For more information feel welcome to look at the script that this code is based off of.
Custom Volume Ratio Indicator
The Custom Volume Ratio Indicator is a unique tool designed for traders to analyze price movements in relation to trading volume. This indicator calculates the ratio of the price range (the difference between the highest and lowest prices of a candle) to the volume of that candle. By visualizing this ratio, traders can gain insights into market dynamics and potential price movements.
Key Features:
1. Price Range Calculation: The indicator computes the price range for each candle by subtracting the lowest price from the highest price. This gives traders an understanding of how much price fluctuated during that specific time frame.
2. Volume Measurement: It utilizes the trading volume of each candle, which reflects the number of shares or contracts traded during that period. Volume is a critical factor in confirming trends and reversals in the market.
3. Ratio Visualization: The primary output of the indicator is the ratio of price range to volume. A higher ratio may indicate increased volatility relative to volume, suggesting potential trading opportunities. Conversely, a lower ratio could imply a more stable market environment.
4. Color-Coded Bars: The bars representing the ratio are color-coded based on the candle's closing price relative to its opening price. Green bars indicate bullish candles (where the close is higher than the open), while red bars indicate bearish candles (where the close is lower than the open). This visual cue helps traders quickly assess market sentiment.
5. Background Highlighting: The indicator also features a subtle background color to enhance visibility, making it easier for traders to focus on key areas of interest on the chart.
Use Cases:
• Trend Confirmation: Traders can use the volume ratio to confirm existing trends. A rising ratio alongside increasing volume may suggest a strong bullish trend, while a declining ratio could indicate weakening momentum.
• Volatility Assessment: By analyzing the price range relative to volume, traders can identify periods of high volatility. This information can be crucial for setting stop-loss orders or determining entry points.
• Market Sentiment Analysis: The color-coded bars provide immediate insight into market sentiment, allowing traders to make informed decisions based on recent price action.
Overall, the Custom Volume Ratio Indicator serves as a valuable addition to any trader's toolkit, providing essential insights into market behavior and helping to inform trading strategies.
Williams POIV By King OsamaWilliams POIV Indicator
By King Osama
The Williams POIV (Price and Open Interest From COT Data) is a technical indicator designed to combine price movement with open interest data to provide valuable insights into market strength and sentiment. By integrating price changes and open interest (a measure of market participation), the indicator aims to detect shifts in market dynamics and highlight potential turning points.
The Williams POIV works by calculating the relationship between price changes and the true range, combined with open interest data, to generate a composite value that reflects the accumulation or distribution of market positions. This gives traders a deeper understanding of market trends and potential reversals.
Key Features:
Price and Open Interest Integration: Merges price movements with open interest data to assess market strength.
Market Sentiment Insights: Helps identify periods of accumulation or distribution, offering a clearer picture of market conditions.
Trend Analysis: Can be used to spot divergences and potential trend reversals.
This indicator is ideal for traders looking to analyze the interplay between price movements and open interest, offering enhanced insight into market trends and price action.
X.Y Format Candle Volume & CompressionThe Volume & Compression Indicator is designed to help traders identify significant market moves by displaying two key metrics above each candle. The top number represents the Volume Ratio, which compares the current candle's volume to the average volume of recent candles. For example, a reading of 2.5 means the current volume is 2.5 times higher than average. When volume exceeds 9.9 times the average, the indicator displays an up or down arrow instead of a number, indicating extremely high volume in that direction.
The bottom number shows the Compression Ratio, which measures the relationship between volume and price movement. This helps identify when large amounts of volume are moving price significantly (low compression) versus when high volume isn't resulting in much price movement (high compression). High compression often indicates accumulation or distribution phases, while low compression with high volume typically suggests strong directional moves.
The indicator includes visual cues to help spot patterns. Dots appear above candles when both high volume and high compression persist over several candles, potentially indicating accumulation phases. Arrows mark possible pivot points after these accumulation periods. Additionally, the candles themselves can display a gradient color that intensifies with increased compression, making it easier to spot areas of interest.
For trading purposes, watch for volume spikes (top number above 2.0) as they can signal potential reversal points or confirm breakouts. High compression readings might precede breakouts, while low compression with high volume often confirms strong trend moves. The most significant signals often come when both metrics show high readings over multiple candles, suggesting sustained institutional interest.